COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for prep [Produce a word list].

List of available manpages

prep -- Command

Produce a word list
prep [ -dfp ] [ -i ifile ] [ -o ofile ] [ file ... ]

The  command prep  prepares  a word  list  that is  useful for  statistical
processing from  the textual data found  in each input file.  If no file is
given, prep reads the standard input for text.

For the purposes of prep, a word consists of a string of alphabetic letters
and apostrophes.  Words are written,  one per line, to the standard output.
Hyphenated words  are treated as  two words.  However,  any word hyphenated
between two lines is rejoined as one word.

prep recognizes the following options:

-d   Print  a sequence  number (of  words  in the  input text)  before each
     output word.

-f   Fold upper-case letters into lower case.  This is sometimes useful for
     producing unique lists of words.

-i ifile
     Ignore words  found in ifile.  ifile has words  one per line  that are
     matched against each input word, independent of case.

-o ofile
     Print  only  words  found in  ofile.  Only  one of  -i  or  -o may  be

-p   In addition  to printing words, also  print each punctuation character
     (printable, non-numeric characters that separate words), one per line.
     These lines are not counted for -d.

See Also



What constitutes a word is different in deroff, prep, and wc.