COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for deroff [Remove text formatting control information].

List of available manpages

deroff -- Command

Remove text formatting control information
deroff [-w] [-x] [file ...]

deroff  removes text  formatting control information  from each  input text
file, or from  the standard input if no file  is specified.  It regards all
lines  that begin  with `.'  or `''  as being nroff  or troff  commands and
deletes them.   deroff also recognizes  some additional control  lines.  It
deletes  eqn  information  (between .EQ  and  .EN  lines), tbl  information
(between  .TS  and .TE  lines),  and macro  definitions.   It also  deletes
embedded .eqn requests.  It expands  source file inclusion with .so and .nx
requests,  with the  proviso that  no input  file is  read twice.   It also
deletes  some troff  escape  sequences, such  as  those for  font and  size

When the  -x flag is  present, deroff uses some  additional knowledge about
the nroff -ms macro package.

When the -w  flag is present, deroff divides the  remaining text into words
and prints them  to the standard output, one per  line.  A word comprises a
sequence of letters, digits,  and apostrophes that commences with a letter.
deroff strips  apostrophes from the  output.  All other  characters between
words are  not printed.  The spelling checking programs  spell and typo use
this option.

See Also
