COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for wc [Count words, lines, and characters in text files].

List of available manpages

wc -- Command

Count words, lines, and characters in text files
wc [-clw] [file...]

wc counts words,  lines, and characters in each file.  If no file is given,
wc uses the standard input.  If more than one file is given, wc also prints
a total for all of the files.

wc defines  a word to be  a string of characters  surrounded by white space
(blanks, tabs,  or newlines).   It defines  the number of  lines to  be the
number of newline characters in the file, plus one.

wc recognizes the following options:

-c Count only characters.

-l Count only lines.

-w Count only words.

The default action is to print all counts.

See Also
