COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for sh [The Bourne shell].

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sh -- Command

The Bourne shell
sh [-ceiknstuvx] token ...

The COHERENT  system offers two command interpreters:  ksh, the Korn shell;
and sh, the Bourne shell.   sh is the default COHERENT command interpreter.
The tutorial included in this manual describes the Bourne shell in detail.

As you will  see from the following description, a  shell is both a command
interpreter and a programming language in its own right.  It would be worth
your while  to spend some  time in learning  the rudiment's of  the shell's
programming language; doing so will help you to use your COHERENT system to
best advantage.


A command  consists of  one or more  tokens.  A token  is a string  of text
characters (i.e., one or more alphabetic characters, punctuation marks, and
numerals) delineated by spaces, tabs, or newlines.

A simple command  consists of the command's name, followed  by zero or more
tokens that  represent arguments to  the command, names of  files, or shell
operators.  A complex command uses  shell constructs to execute one or more
commands  conditionally.  In  effect, a complex  command is  a mini-program
that you write in the shell's programming language and that sh interprets.

Shell Operators

sh recognizes  a number of  operators that form pipes,  that redirect input
and output to commands, and that  let you define the conditions under which
a given command are executed.

command | command
     The pipe operator: let the output of one command serve as the input to
     a  second.  You  can combine  commands with `|'  to form  pipelines. A
     pipeline passes the standard output of the first (leftmost) command to
     the  standard  input  of the  second  command.   For  example, in  the

         sort customers | uniq | more

     sh invokes sort to sort the  contents of file customers. It then pipes
     the output  of sort  into the command  uniq, which outputs  one unique
     copy of the  text that is input into it.   sh then pipes the output of
     uniq  to the  command more,  which  displays it  on your  terminal one
     screenful at  a time.  Note that under  COHERENT, unlike MS-DOS, pipes
     are executed  concurrently: that is, sort does not  have to finish its
     work before uniq and more can begin to receive input and go to work.

command ; command
     Execute commands  on a command line sequentially.   The command to the
     left of the `;' executes to  completion; then the command to the right
     of it executes.  For example, in the command line

         a | b ; c | d

     first executes  the pipeline a  | b then,  when a and  b are finished,
     executes the pipeline c | d.

command &
     Execute a  command in the  background.  This operator  must follow the
     command,  not precede  it.  It  prints the  process identifier  of the
     command on  the standard output,  so you can  use the kill  command to
     kill that  process should something go wrong.   This operator lets you
     execute  more  than  one  command  simultaneously.  For  example,  the

         fdformat -v /dev/fha0 &

     formats a  high-density, 5.25-inch  floppy disk  in drive 0  (that is,
     drive  A); but  while  the disk  is  being formatted,  sh returns  the
     command line  prompt so you can immediately  enter another command and
     begin to  work.  If you did  not use the `&'  in this command, you
     would  have to  wait until  formatting was  finished before  you could
     enter another command.

command && command
     Execute a command upon  success.  sh executes the command that follows
     the token `&&' only if  the command that precedes it returns a
     zero exit status, which signifies success.  For example, the command

         cd /etc
         fdformat -v /dev/fha0 && badscan -o proto /dev/fha0 2400

     formats  a  floppy  disk,  as  described  above.  If  the  format  was
     successful, it  then invokes the command badscan to  scan the disk for
     bad blocks; if it was not successful, however, it does nothing.

command || command
     Execute  a  command  upon  failure.   This  is identical  to  operator
     `&&', except that the  second command is executed if the first
     returns a non-zero  status, which signifies failure.  For example, the

         /etc/fdformat -v /dev/fha0 || echo "Format failed!"

     formats a  floppy disk.  If  formatting failed, it  echoes the message
     Format failed!  on your terminal; however,  if formatting succeeds, it
     does nothing.

     Note that  the tokens newline, `;' and `&'  bind less tightly than
     `&&' and `||'.  sh parses  command lines from left to right if
     separators bind equally.

     Redirect  into file  all text  written to  the standard  output, which
     normally is written onto your screen.  For example, the command

         sort customers >customers.sort

     sorts  file   customers  and  writes  the   sorted  output  into  file
     customers.sort. sh  creates customers.sort if  it does not  exist, and
     destroys its previous contents if it does exist.

     Append  onto  file all  text  written to  the  standard output,  which
     normally  is written  onto your  screen.  If file  does not  exist, sh
     creates it; however, if the file already exists, sh appends the output
     onto  its contents  rather  than destroying  them.   For example,  the

         sort | uniq >>customers.all

     sorts  file,  pipes its  output  to command  uniq, which
     throws away  duplicate lines  of input,  and appends the  results onto
     file customers.all.

     Redirect input.   Here, sh reads the contents of  a file and processes
     them as  if you had typed  them from your keyboard.   For example, the

         ed textfile <edit.script

     invokes  the line  editor  ed to  edit textfile;  however, instead  of
     reading  editing commands  from  your keyboard,  sh passes  to ed  the
     contents of  file edit.script. This  command would let  you prepare an
     editing  script that  you could execute  repeatedly upon  files rather
     than having to type the same commands over and over.

<< token
     Prepare  a  ``here  document''.   This  operator  tells sh  to  accept
     standard input from the shell input  until it reads the next line that
     contains only token. For example, the command

         cat >FOO <<\!
             Here is some text.

     redirects all  text between `<<\!'  and `!' to  the cat command.
     The operator `>' in turn redirects the output of cat into file FOO.
     sh  performs parameter  substitution on the  here document  unless the
     leading  token  is  quoted;  parameter  substitution and  quoting  are
     described below.

command 2> file
     Redirect  into file  all  text written  to the  standard error,  which
     normally is written onto your screen.  For example, the command

         nroff -ms textfile >textfile.p 2>textfile.err

     invokes  the command  nroff  to format  the contents  of textfile.  It
     redirects  the  output  of  nroff  (i.e.,  the standard  output)  into
     textfile.p;  it  also  redirects any  error  messages  that nroff  may
     generate into file textfile.err.

     Please note  that a  command may  use up to  20 streams.   By default,
     stream 0 is  the standard input; stream 1 is  the standard output; and
     stream 2  is the standard  error.  sh lets  you redirect any  of these
     streams individually into a file, or combine streams into each other.

     sh can redirect the standard  input and output to duplicate other file
     descriptors.  (See the  Lexicon article file descriptor for details on
     what these are.) This operator duplicates the standard input from file
     descriptor n.

     Merge one output stream with another.  For example,


     merges the output of file  descriptor 2 (the standard error) with that
     file descriptor 1 (the standard output).

     Close the standard input.

     Close the standard output.

When you  execute a  command in the  foreground, that command  inherits the
file descriptors and signal  traps (described below) of the invoking shell,
modified by  any specified redirection.  When you execute  a command in the
background, it  receives its input  from the null  device /dev/null (unless
you  redirect its  input and  output), and ignores  all interrupt  and quit

File-Name Patterns

If a token  contains any of the characters `?',  `*', or `[', sh interprets
it as being a file-name pattern. sh ``expands'' a pattern into the names of
zero  or  more  files  in  the  current directory.   These  characters  are
sometimes called  ``wildcards,'' because each can  represent any of several
values, depending upon how you use them:

?  Match any single character except newline.  For example, the command

       ls name?

   prints the  name of any file  that consists of the  string name plus any
   one character.  If  B name is followed by no  characters, or is followed
   by two or more characters, it will not be printed.

*  Match  a string  of zero  or more characters,  other than  newline.  For
   example, the command

       ls name*

   prints the name  of any file that begins with  the string name, followed
   by zero or more other characters.  Likewise, the command

       ls name?*

   prints the name of any file that consists of the string name followed by
   at least one character.  Unlike  name*, the token name?* insists that be
   followed by at least one character before it will be printed.

   Exclude characters xyz from the string search.  For example, the command

       ls [!abc]*

   prints all  files in the current directory except  those that begin with
   a, b, or c.

   Enclose  alternatives  to  match  a  single  character.   A  hyphen  `-'
   indicates a range of characters.  For example, the command

       ls name[ABC]

   prints the names of files  nameA, nameB, and nameC (assuming, of course,
   that those files exist in the current directory).  The command

       ls name[A-K]

   prints the names of files nameA through nameK (again, assuming that they
   exist in the current directory).

When  sh reads  a  token that  contains  one of  the  above characters,  it
replaces the  token in the command  line with an alphabetized  list of file
names that match the pattern.  If  it finds no matches, it passes the token
unchanged to the command.  For example, when you enter the command

    ls name[ABC]

sh replaces  the token  name[ABC] with nameA,  nameB, and nameC  (again, if
they exist in the current directory), so the command now reads:

    ls nameA nameB nameC

It then passes this second, transformed  version of the command line to the
command ls.

Note that the  slash `/' and leading period `.'  must be matched explicitly
in a pattern.  The slash, of course, separates the elements of a path name;
whereas  a period  at the  begin of  a file name  usually (but  not always)
indicates that that file has special significance.

Pattern Matching in Prefixes and Suffices

sh  recognizes  special  constructs that  let  you  match  patterns in  the
prefices and suffices of a string:

     This  operator  gives  the  number  of  characters in  parameter.  For
     example, the command

         foo=BAZZ ; echo ${#foo}

     prints  `4' on  your screen,  which is the  number of  characters that
     comprise variable foo.

     This returns  the longest  string for  which the beginning  of string1
     matches  string2. For  example, if  variable  xyzzy is  initialized to
     string usr/bin/cpio, then the command

         echo ${xyzzy%/*}

     echoes the string usr/bin.

     This returns  the shortest string  for which the  beginning of string1
     matches  string2. For  example, if  variable  xyzzy is  initialized to
     usr/bin/cpio, then the command

         echo ${xyzzy%/*}

     echoes the string usr.

     This returns  the longest string for which the  end of string1 matches
     string2. For  example, if variable plugh is  initialized to the string
     usr/bin/cpio , the command

         echo ${plugh#*/}

     echoes bin/cpio.

     This returns the shortest string  for which the end of string1 matches
     string2. For example, given that plugh=usr/bin/cpio, the command

         echo ${plugh##*/}

     echoes cpio.

The following  shows how to use these expressions  to implement the command

    basename () {
        set $(echo ${1##*/}) $2
        echo ${1%$2}

Quoting Text

From time  to time, you  will want to  ``turn off'' the  special meaning of
characters.  For  example, you  may wish  to pass a  token that  contains a
literal asterisk to  a command; to do so, you need  a way to tell sh not to
expand the token  into a list of file names.   Therefore, sh recognizes the
quotation operators  `\', `"', and `''.  These ``turn  off'' (or quote) the
special meaning of operators.

The backslash `\' quotes the following character.  For example, the command

    ls name\*

lists a file named name*, and no other.

The shell  ignores a backslash immediately followed by  a newline, called a
concealed newline. This lets you give more arguments to a command than will
fit on one line.  For example, the command

    cc -o output file1.c file2.c file3.c \
        file4.c file5.c file19.c

invokes the C compiler cc to  compile a set of C source files, the names of
which extend  over more than one  line of input.  You will  find this to be
extremely helpful, especially when you write scripts and makefiles, to help
you write neat, easily read commands.

A pair of apostrophes ' ' prevents  interpretation of any  enclosed special
characters.  For example, the command

    find . -name '*.c' -print

finds and prints the name of any C-source file in the current directory and
any  subdirectory.   The   command  find  interprets  the  `*'  internally;
therefore, you  want to  suppress the  shell's expansion of  that operator,
which is accomplished by enclosing that token between apostrophes.

A pair of quotation marks " "  has the  same  effect.  Unlike  apostrophes,
however, sh performs parameter substitution and command-output substitution
(described below) between quotation marks.

Environmental Variables

Environmental variables  are names that can be assigned  string values on a
command line, in the form


name must  begin with a  letter, and can  contain letters, digits,  and the
underscore character `_'.   In shell input, `$name' or `${name}' represents
the value of the variable.  Consider, for example, the commands:

    nroff -ms $TEXT >$TEXT.out

Here,  sh  expands  $TEXT before  it  executes  the  command fBnroff.  This
technique is very useful in large, complex scripts: by using variables, you
can change  the behavior  of the  script by editing  one line,  rather than
having to edit numerous variables throughout the script.

Note that if an assignment precedes a command on the same command line, the
effect of the assignment is local to that command; otherwise, the effect is
permanent.  For example,

    kp=one testproc

assigns variable  kp the  value one  only for the  execution of  the script

sh sets the following environmental variables by default:

#  The number of actual positional parameters given to the current command.

@  The list of positional parameters ``$1 $2 ...''.

*  The list  of positional parameters ``$1'' ``$2'' ...   (the same as `$@'
   unless quoted).

-  Options set in the invocation of the shell or by the set command.

?  The exit status returned by the last command.

!  The process number of the last command invoked with `&'.

$  The process number of the current shell.

sh also references the following variables:

CWD     Current working  directory: this  is the name  of the  directory in
        which you are now  working.  Note that this  variable is not common
        to other  implementations  of sh.  Code  that uses  it  may not  be
        portable to other operating systems.

HOME    Initial working directory;  usually specified in  the password file

IFS     Delimiters for tokens; usually space, tab and newline.

        Name of last command returning nonzero exit status.

MAIL    Checked at  the end  of each  command.  If  file specified  in this
        variable is  new since  last command, the  shell prints  ``You have
        mail.'' on the user's terminal.

PATH    Colon-separated list of directories searched for commands.

PS1     First prompt string.  By default, this is `$'.

PS2     Second prompt string.   By default, this  is `>'.  sh  prints it
        when it expects more input, such as when an open quotation-mark has
        been typed but a close quotation-mark has not been typed, or within
        a shell construct.

Beginning  with release  4.2, the  COHERENT  implementation of  sh performs
word-expansion on  the values  of the variables  PS1 and PS2.  For example,
setting the variables

    export SITE=$(uname -s)
    PS1="$SITE $USER $(pwd) > "

create a prompt that consists of your site name, your login identifier, and
your current working directory.

The special forms `${nameCtoken}' perform conditional parameter substition:
C is  one of the  characters `-', `=',  `+', or `?'.  sh  replaces the form
`${name-token}' by the value of name  if it is set, and by token otherwise.
It handles the `=' form in the same way, but also sets the value of name to
token if it  was not set previously.  sh replaces  the `+' form by token if
the given  name is set.  It  replaces the `?' form by the  value of name if
set, and otherwise prints token and exits from the shell.

To  unset an  environmental variable,  use the  command unset.  The command
unset -f undefines a shell function (described below).

Command Output Substitution

sh  can use  the  output of  a  command as  shell input  (e.g., as  command
arguments) by enclosing the command between grave characters ` `.       For
example, to  list the contents of  the directories named in  file dirs, use
the command

    ls -l `cat dirs`


sh lets  you control execution  of commands by the  constructs break, case,
continue, for, if, until, and  while. It recognizes each reserved word only
if it occurs unquoted as the first token of a command.  This implies that a
separator must precede each  reserved word in the following constructs; for
example, newline or `;' must precede do in the for construct.

The following describes each shell construct:

break [n]
     Exit from a  for, until, or while loop.  If  n is given, exit from the
     preceding n levels of looping.

case token in [ pattern [ | pattern ] ...) sequence;; ] ... esac
     Check token against each pattern, and execute sequence associated with
     the first matching pattern.

continue [n]
     Branch to the end of the nth enclosing for, until, or while construct.

for name [ in token ... ] do sequence done
     Execute sequence  once for each  token. On each  iteration, name takes
     the  value of  the next  token.  If the  in clause  is omitted,  $@ is
     assumed.  For example, to list all files ending with .c:

         for i in *.c
             cat $i

if seq1 then seq2 [ elif seq3 then seq4 ] ... [ else seq5 ] fi
     Execute  seq1. If  the  exit status  is  zero, execute  seq2; if  not,
     execute the  optional seq3 if  given.  If the  exit status of  seq3 is
     zero, then execute seq4, and so  on.  If the exit status of all tested
     sequences is nonzero, execute seq5.

until sequence1 [ do sequence2 ] done
     Execute sequence2 until the  execution of sequence1 results in an exit
     status of zero.

while sequence1 [ do sequence2 ] done
     Execute sequence2 as long as  the execution of sequence1 results in an
     exit status of zero.

     Execute sequence  within a subshell.   This allows sequence  to change
     the  current directory,  for  example, and  not  affect the  enclosing

$(( ))
     Perform arithmetic expansion, as described in the POSIX Standard.  The
     expression  syntax  is that  of  C,  but the  only  values are  signed
     integers,  and  there   are  no  side  effects  (i.e.,  no  increment,
     decrement, or assignment operators).  The expression given inside this
     form  is  first  processed  for  further  expansions,  then  evaluated
     according to the  C rules for arithmetic; the result  is placed on the
     output command  line.  This is  most useful when used  with return and
     exit to form return values from functions and scripts.

     To use  $(()) with the  shell's logical operators  and statements, you
     must use some indirection.  For example:

         val () {
             return $((! ($*)))


         val $(($# < 5)) && {
             echo Not enough arguments
             exit 1


         val $((${#foo} > 8)) {
             echo $foo is too long; use 8 characters, maximum.
             exit 2

}    Braces  simply enclose  a  sequence. Note  that the  closing `}'  must
     appear on the line that follows sequence.

Special Commands

sh  usually executes  commands  with the  fork system  call, which  creates
another process.  However, sh  executes the commands in this section either
directly or with  an exec system call.  See the  Lexicon articles on fork()
and exec for details on these calls.

. script
     Read and  execute commands from script.  Positional parameters are not
     allowed.   sh  searches the  directories  named  in the  environmental
     variable PATH to find the given script.

: [token ...]
     A colon `:' indicates  a ``partial comment''.  sh normally ignores all
     commands on  a line that  begins with a colon,  except for redirection
     and such symbols as $, {, ?, etc.

#    A complete comment: if # is  the first character on a line, sh ignores
     all text that follows on that line.

cd dir
     Change the  working directory to dir. If no  argument is given, change
     to the home directory.

command command [arguments]
     When you issue  a command, sh by default looks  for that command among
     its set  of built-in functions; if  it cannot find it  there, it looks
     for the  command in the directories set  in the environmental variable
     PATH. Thus,  if you have  given a shell  function the same  name as an
     executable command, sh will never find the executable.

     The command  command tells sh  to look for command  in the directories
     named in your PATH, and ignore any shell function with that name.

dirs sh  lets you  maintain a  ``directory  stack'', or  stack of  names of
     directories.  You can push, pop, and otherwise manipulate the contents
     of this stack, which you can use for any purpose for which you need to
     access a  number of directory names quickly.   The command dirs prints
     the contents of the directory stack.  The commands pushd and popd also
     manipulate the directory stack.

     Please  note   that  these  commands   are  unique  to   the  COHERENT
     implementation of  sh, and are  not portable to  other shells.  Caveat

eval [token ...]
     Evaluate each token and treat the result as shell input.

exec [command]
     Execute command directly  rather than performing fork. This terminates
     the current shell.

exit [status]
     Set  the exit  status  to status,  if given;  otherwise, the  previous
     status is unchanged.  If the shell is not interactive, terminate it.

export [name ...]
     sh executes each  command in an environment, which is  a set of shell-
     variable names and their corresponding values.  When you invoke sh, it
     inherits all  environmental variables that are  currently set; and it,
     in turn,  normally passes those variables to  each command it invokes.
     export specifies that the shell should pass the modified value of each
     given name to the environment of subsequent commands.  When no name is
     given,  sh prints  the  name and  value  of each  variable marked  for

getopts optstring name [arg ...]
     Parse  the args  to command.  See  the Lexicon  entry for  getopts for

popd [N ...]
     Pop the  directory stack.  When used without an  argument, it pops the
     stack once.   When used with one or more  numeric arguments, popd pops
     the specified  items from the stack;  item 0 is the  top of the stack.
     (For information on the directory stack, see the entry for the command
     dirs, above.)

pushd [dir0 ... dirN]
     Push  dir0  through dirN  onto  the directory  stack,  and change  the
     current directory  to the last directory pushed  onto the stack.  When
     called  without  an  argument,  pushd  exchanges  the  two  top  stack
     elements.  (For information on  the directory stack, see the entry for
     the command dirs, above.)

read name ...
     Read a line from the standard input and assign each token of the input
     to the corresponding shell  variable name. If the input contains fewer
     tokens than the name list,  assign the null string to extra variables.
     If the input contains more  tokens, assign the last name the remainder
     of the input.

readonly [name ...]
     Mark each  shell variable  name as  a read only  variable.  Subsequent
     assignments to  read only  variables will  not be permitted.   With no
     arguments, print the name and value of each read only variable.

set [-ceiknstuvx [name ...] ]
     Set listed  flag.  If name list is provided,  set shell variables name
     to values of positional parameters beginning with $1.

     Reset  positional  parameter  1  to  the  value $2,  reset  positional
     parameter  2 to  the  value $3,  and  so on.   The  original value  of
     positional parameter 1 is thrown away.

     Print the total user and system times for all executed processes.

trap [command] [n ...]
     Execute command if sh receives  signal n. If command is omitted, reset
     traps to  original values.   To ignore a  signal, pass null  string as
     command. With  n zero, execute command when the  shell exits.  With no
     arguments, print  a description  of the  traps that have  already been

umask [nnn]
     Set user file creation mask to nnn. If no argument is given, print the
     current file creation mask.

wait [pid]
     Delay execution of further commands until the process that has process
     identifier pid terminates.  If pid is omitted, delay until every child
     process has  finished executing.  If no child  process is active, this
     command finishes immediately.

Shell Functions

Beginning with COHERENT release 4.2, sh lets you declare and use functions.
In effect, a function is a script that you load permanently into memory.

A function takes the form

    function() {
        command $1 $2
        other_function $3 $4

A function begins with its name.  A pair of parentheses after the name tell
sh that this is a function.

The body  of the function is  enclosed within braces.  A  function can call
any  command,  plus any  other  function.  Arguments  are  passed into  the
function using the syntax $1, $2, etc., just as with a shell script.

sh keeps an internal list of the functions that you have declared.  When it
reads  an identifier,  it  first searches  its  list of  functions; if  the
identifier is not  a function, sh then assumes that  the identifier names a
command, and it  attempts to find that command in  the directories you have
named in your environmental variable PATH. Thus, if you give a function the
same name as  that of an existing command, sh  will always use the function
and never  find the  command.  To suppress  this behavior, use  the command
command, described above.

The following example function copies one file into another:

        if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
            cat $1
            cp $1 $2

Shell Library

The file /usr/lib/ holds a library of shell functions.  You can
import these library with the `.' command.

This library holds the following functions:

basename "pathname" [ "suffix" "prefix" ]
     This function  behaves the same  as the command  basename, except that
     you can include an option prefix to strip as well as a suffix.

file_exists "filename"
     Return true if file filename exists.

find_file "filename" "path" "path" ...
     Seek file in every directory named in a path.

has_prefix "string" "prefix"
     Return true if string is prefixed with the string prefix.

is_empty "arg"
     Return true if arg is null.

is_equal "arg1" "arg2"
     Return true if arg1 and arg2 are equal.

is_numeric "argument"
     Return true if argument is numeric, or false if it is not.

is_yes "arg"
     Return true if  arg matches `Y', `y', ``YES'', or  ``yes''; one if the
     argument  matches  `N', `n',  ``NO'',  or ``no'';  two  if it  matches
     anything else.

parent_of "file" [ "prefix" "suffix" ]
     By default,  write the path  name of file.  prefix and suffix  are the
     prefix and suffix of a command run with the output path name.

read_input "prompt" "variable" "default" "validate"
     Echo prompt onto the screen.  Write what the user types into variable.
     If the  user does not  respond, set variable to  default. The optional
     argument validate  names a function that  read_input calls to evaluate
     what  the  user  types;  often,  this  is the  shell-library  function

require_yes_or_no "arg"
     This is  the validation function for read_input.  Check whether arg is
     properly affirmative or negative.

source_path "script" [ "command " ]
     Echo the  name of the  directory that contains  script. Normally, this
     function is  called with the  $0 of script.  It pipes its  output into
     command  if this  argument is  set;  if it  is not,  it writes  to the
     standard output.

split_path "string" "prefix" "suffix"
     This function  dissects string, which must  consist of colon-separated
     elements,   such  as   a  PATH  string.    prefix  and   suffix  give,
     respectively, the  prefix and  suffix of the  command that is  run for
     every component of string.

val "expression"
     Return the  negated value of expression. You can  use this function to
     turn shell arithmetic expressions into test results.


Shell commands can be stored in a file, or script. The command

    sh script [ parameter ... ]

executes the commands in script with a new subshell sh. Each parameter is a
value for a positional parameter, as described below.  If you have used the
command chmod to make script executable, you may omit the sh command.

To ensure that a script is executed by sh, begin the script with the line:


Parameters  of the  form  `$n' represent  command-line  arguments within  a
script.  n  can range from zero  through nine; $0 always  gives the name of
the script.  These parameters are also called positional parameters.

If  no corresponding  parameter is  given  on the  command line,  the shell
substitutes the null string for that parameter.  For example, if the script
format contains the following line:

    nroff -ms $1 >$1.out

then invoking format with the command

    format mytext

invokes the command nroff to format  the contents of mytext, and writes the
output into file mytext.out. If,  however, you invoke this command with the
command line

    format mytext yourtext

the script formats mytext but ignores yourtext altogether.

Reference $*  represents all command-line  arguments.  If, for  example, we
change the contents of script format to read

    nroff -ms $* >$1.out

then the command

    format mytext yourtext

invoke nroff to  format the contents of mytext and  yourtext, and write the
output into file mytext.out.

Commands in  a script can  also be executed  with the .  (dot) command.  It
resembles  the  sh  command, but  the  current  shell  executes the  script
commands without  creating a new subshell or  a new environment; therefore,
you cannot use command-line arguments.

Command-line Options

-c string
    Read shell commands from string.

-e  Exit  on any  error  (command not  found or  command returning  nonzero
    status) if the shell is not interactive.

-i  The shell is  interactive, even if the terminal is  not attached to it;
    print prompt strings.  For a shell reading a script, ignore the signals

-k  Place all keyword  arguments into the environment.  Normally, sh places
    only  assignments   to  variables   preceding  the  command   into  the

-n  Read commands but do not execute them.

-s  Read commands  from the  standard input and  write shell output  to the
    standard error.

-t  Read and execute one command rather than the entire file.

-u  If  the actual  value of  a shell  variable is  blank, report  an error
    rather than substituting the null string.

-v  Print each line as it is read.

-x  Print each command and its arguments as it is executed.

-   Cancel the -x and -v options.

If the  first character  of argument  0 is `-',  sh reads and  executes the
scripts /etc/profile and  $HOME/.profile before reading the standard input.
/etc/profile is a  convenient place for initializing system-wide variables,
such as TIMEZONE.


/etc/profile -- System-wide initial commands
$HOME/.profile -- User-specific initial commands
/dev/null -- For background input
/tmp/sh* -- Temporary files
/usr/lib/ -- Library of shell functions

See Also

Introduction to sh, the Bourne Shell, tutorial

For  a list  of all  commands  associated with  sh, see  the section  Shell
Commands in the commands Lexicon article.


sh  notes on  the standard  error all  syntax errors  in commands,  and all
commands that  it cannot find.  Syntax errors  cause a noninteractive shell
to  exit.  It  gives error  messages if I/O  redirection is  incorrect.  sh
returns  the  exit  status of  the  last  command  executed  or the  status
specified by an exit command.