Cliff House from Sutro Baths

Former San Francisco mayor Adolph Sutro built the Victorian Cliff House #3 (Britton & Rey 521) and the adjacent Sutro Baths in 1896. Cliff House #3 survived the 1906 earthquake and fire without major damage, but it burned to the ground on 9/07/1907 (Britton & Rey 1031). Cliff House #4 (Cardinell-Vincent 400) opened on the same site on 7/01/1909. These images look south from Point Lobos past Sutro Baths toward Cliff House.

unknown_52.png pacific_3403.png mitchell_030.png
unknown_52_b.png pacific_3403_b.png mitchell_030_b.png

mitchell_030a.png unknown_47.png
mitchell_030a_b.png unknown_47_b.png

These images are identical to the cards above except for the Cliff House; in each case, the postcard artist has replaced Cliff House #3 with #4. The scale is wrong (Cliff House #4 should be shown as much smaller, especially in the card at right).

Cliff House from Ocean Beach shows a similar modification of a view from Ocean Beach.

Steve's SF postcard pages: