COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for unzip [Un-zip a zipped archive].

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unzip -- Command

Un-zip a zipped archive
unzip archive [-cfpux file ...] [-ltvz] [-anojqUV]

The command unzip extracts files  from a zipped archive.  It recognizes the
following command-line options:

-c [file ...]
     Extract  file, but  write them  to the standard  output instead  of to

-f [file ...]
     ``Freshen'' files: Extract file from archive and write it to disk, but
     do so only if the file  in the archive is newer than the file on disk.
     Do not create new files.

-l   List the contents of the archive, short format.

-p [file ...| command]
     Extract each file and pipe it to command.

-t   Test the integrity of archive.

-u [file ...]
     Update each file within the archive.  Create the file if necessary.

-v   List files, verbose format.

-x [file ...]
     Extract each file from default.  If no file argument is given, extract
     all files.  This is the default.

-z   Display archive's comments, if any.

The following modify the behavior of the options:

-a   Convert text from MS-DOS format to UUCP format.

-j   Ignore (``junk'') paths; do not make directories.

-n   Never overwrite existing files.

-o   Overwrite files without prompting.

-q   Quiet mode.

-qq  Quieter mode.

-U   Do not convert file names to lower-case letters.

The following example extracts file ReadMe from archive data1:

    unzip data1 ReadMe

The next example extracts all files  from archive and pipes them to
the pager more:

    unzip -p foo | more

The final example ``freshens'' files  on disk from the contents of
Files are overwritten without prompting:

    unzip -fo foo




Do not confuse  this command with gunzip. Archives made  by gzip may not be
extractable by unzip.