COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for uncompress [Uncompress a compressed file].

List of available manpages

uncompress -- Command

Uncompress a compressed file
uncompress [ file ... ]

uncompress uncompressses one or more  files that had been compressed by the
command compress.

Each file's  name must have  the suffix .Z,  which was appended  onto it by
compress; otherwise,  uncompress prints an  error message and  exits.  When
uncompress  has uncompressed  a file,  it removes the  .Z suffix  from that
file's name.

If no file is specified on the command line, uncompress uncompresses matter
read from the standard input, and writes its output to the standard output.

Older  versions of  uncompress could  only uncompress  files that  had been
compressed with  option -b12  or lower, with  -b12 being the  default.  The
edition of  uncompress released with  COHERENT version 3.1  (and subsequent
versions) can handle values up to 16.

See Also
