COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for zip [Zip files into a compressed archive].

List of available manpages

zip -- Command

Zip files into a compressed archive
zip [-options] [-b path] [-t mmddyy] zipfile file ... [-x file ...]

The command  zip compresses and  archives one or more  files.  It resembles
the program pkzip which is widely used under MS-DOS.

zip recognizes the following command-line options:

-b pathname
     Write temporary files into directory pathname.

-c   Add one-line comments to the archive.

-d   Delete each file from zipfile.

-e   Encrypt the zipfile.  zip prompts you for the encryption key.

-ee  Verify the encryption key.

-f   ``Freshen'' the contents of  zipfile: replace the files with the files
     on disk, but only if the file on disk is newer than that in zipfile.

-g   ``Grow'' zipfile: that is, append files onto it.

-h   Display a help message.

-i   Only implode the files.

-j   ``Junk'' (that is, do not record) directory names.

-k   Mimic a PKZIP-made zip file.

-l   Show the software license.

-m   Delete each file from zipfile.

-n   Do not compress special suffixes.

-o   Make zipfile as old as latest entry.

-q   Operate quietly.

-r   Recurse -- that is, if a file is a directory, manipulate its files and
     those in all of its subdirectories.

-s   Only compress the files -- do not archive them.

-t   Manipulate only the files updated since mmddyy.

-u   Update: manipulate only changed or new files.

-x   Exclude each file from those manipulated.

-z   Add a zipfile comment.

-0   Use level-0 compression.  This compress faster.

-9   Use level-9 compression.  This compresses smaller.

The default action is to add  or replace each file. The file `--' names the
standard input.

See Also



Do not confuse this command with gzip.