COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for services [List supported TCP/IP services].

List of available manpages

services -- System Administration

List supported TCP/IP services

The file  /etc/services names the  services provided by  TCP/IP and related

Each line within this file describes one services.  A line consists of four
fields, which respectively  give the official service name, well-known port
number by which  it is accessed, the name of  its protocol, and any aliases
by which it is known.  For example:

    smtp            25/tcp            mail
    time            37/tcp            timserver
    time            37/udp            timserver

Fields are separated by white space, with the exception of fields that give
the port  and the protocol name;  these are separated by  virgule `/'.  The
fourth, aliases field is optional.  A pound-sign character `#' introduces a
comment; all text from that character to the end of the line is ignored.

See Also

Administering COHERENT,