COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for networks [Name remote networks].

List of available manpages

networks -- System Administration

Name remote networks

The  file   /etc/networks  names  remote   networks  with  which   you  can
communicate,  and  gives  information  with  which  your  system  can  pass
datagrams to those networks.

If you  wish to communicate on  the Internet, you must  create this file by
obtaining  the  official  network  data  base  maintained  by  the  Network
Information Control  Center (  To this,  add information about
other networks not listed by NIC, with which you may wish to communicate.

If you are  not going to use the Internet,  you can create your own version
of /etc/networks.  Each line within networks  describes one remote network,
and consists of the following fields:

-> The network's name.  A  network name can contain any printable character
   other than  white space, a  newline character, or  the comment character

-> The network's Internet-protocol (IP) address, in standard dot notation.

-> Aliases, if any, for the network's name.

For example:

    mysubnet    127.0.1     an_alias# a comment

If  you create  your  own version  of  /etc/networks, be  sure  to set  its
permissions correctly.   It should be  owned by the superuser  root, and be

See Also

Administering COHERENT,