COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for lpr [Spool a job for printing on the line printer].

List of available manpages

lpr -- Command

Spool a job for printing on the line printer
lpr [-cmnr] [-b banner] [file ...]

The command lpr  spools each file for printing on  the line printer.  If no
file  is named  on the  command  line, lpr  spools what  it reads  from the
standard input.

lpr recognizes the following options:

-B     Suppress printing of a banner.

-b banner
       Print banner on the  banner page.  The default  banner is the user's
       login name.

-c     Copy each file into  the spooling directory, instead  of reading the
       file from its  home directory.  This  option lets you  change a file
       before it has finished printing.

-m     Write a message on the user's terminal when printing completes.

-n     Do not send a message (default).

-r     Remove the files when they have been spooled.

The  command  lpskip  aborts or  restarts  printing  of  the  file that  is
currently being  printed.  The command  epson converts the  output of nroff
into a form usable by Epson-compatible dot-matrix printers.


/dev/lp -- Line printer
/usr/lib/lpd -- Line printer daemon
/usr/spool/lpd -- Spool directory
/usr/spool/lpd/dpid -- Daemon lockfile

See Also



Beginning with  release 4.2, COHERENT  also includes the  lp print spooler.
lp  offers  a more  sophisticated  way to  manage  printers, especially  on
machines that support multiple printers of the same type.  For details, see
the Lexicon entries for printer and lp.