COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for hpr [Spool a job for printing on the laser printer].

List of available manpages

hpr -- Command

Spool a job for printing on the laser printer
hpr [-Bcemnr] [-b banner] [ -f fontnum] [file ...]

The  command  hpr spools  each  file for  printing  on the  Hewlett-Packard
LaserJet printer.  If no file is named on the command line, hpr spools what
it reads from the standard input.

hpr recognizes the following options:

-B     Suppress printing  of  a banner  page.   Note that  hpr outputs  its
       banner in plain text;  therefore, if you have  a PostScript printer,
       you must use this option.  If you do not, your printer will hang.

-b banner
       Print banner on the  banner page.  The default  banner is the user's
       login identifier.

-c     Copy each file into  the spooling directory, instead  of reading the
       file from  its home  directory.  This  option lets  you edit  a file
       before it has finished printing.

-e     Erase all ``soft fonts'' from the printer's memory.

-f fontnum file1 ... fileN
       Load  the  Hewlett-Packard ``soft  fonts''  stored  in  files  file1
       through fileN into the printer's memory; set the font identifiers to
       begin at fontnum.

-m     Write a message on the user's terminal when printing completes.

-n     Do not send a message (default).

-r     Remove the files when they have been spooled.

The  command  hpskip  aborts or  restarts  printing  of  the  file that  is
currently being printed.  The command  hp converts nroff output into a form
usable by the LaserJet.


To print the file foo on the LaserJet, type:

    hpr -B foo

The following example loads the soft  fonts in files foo, bar, and baz into
the printer's memory, and sets their font identifiers to begin at 15:

    hpr -f 15 foo bar baz


/dev/rhp -- Raw device for LaserJet printer
/usr/lib/hpd -- Line-printer daemon for LaserJet printer
/usr/spool/hpd -- Spool directory for LaserJet printer
/usr/spool/hpd/dpid -- Daemon lockfile

See Also



Beginning with  release 4.2, COHERENT  also includes the  lp print spooler.
lp  offers  a more  sophisticated  way to  manage  printers, especially  on
machines that support multiple printers of the same type.  For details, see
the Lexicon entries for printer and lp.