COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for hpd [Spooler daemon for laser printer].

List of available manpages

hpd -- System Administration

Spooler daemon for laser printer

hpd is  the daemon that prints  jobs spooled by the  command hpr.  All jobs
are printed  on the  printer that is  accessed through device  /dev/hp. For
information on  this device, and on printer management  in general, see the
Lexicon entry printer.

The command hpr invokes hpd automatically.   If there is no printing to do,
or if  another daemon is already  running (as indicated by  the file dpid),
hpd  exits immediately.   Otherwise, it  searches  the spool  directory for
control files of  listings to print.  A control file  contains the names of
files to print,  the user name, banner pages, and  files to be removed upon

hpd  does  not  print  listings  in  any particular  order.   There  is  no
prioritization of printing, either by size or by requester.

The command  hpskip aborts or restarts printing of  the job currently being
printed by hpd.


/dev/rhp -- Raw device for LaserJet printer
/usr/spool/hpd -- Spool directory
/usr/spool/hpd/cf* -- Control files
/usr/spool/hpd/df* -- Data files
/usr/spool/hpd/dpid -- Lock and process id

See Also

Administering COHERENT,


Beginning  with release  4.2,  COHERENT also  includes  the printer  daemon
despooler, which  prints files spooled with the command  lp. For details on
how COHERENT manages printing, see the Lexicon entry for printer.