COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for lpskip [Abort/restart current job on line printer].

List of available manpages

lpskip -- Command

Abort/restart current job on line printer
lpskip [-r]

The command lpskip aborts or restarts the file being printed on the printer
plugged into  device /dev/lp. By  default, it aborts  the job and  prints a
message on the user's terminal.

When  invoked with  the  -r option,  lpskip  restarts the  printing of  the
current job.   This is  useful when  a printing is  spoiled due to,  say, a
paper jam.

lpskip works only with files that have been spooled with the command lpr.


/usr/lib/lpd -- Line printer daemon
/usr/spool/lpd -- Spool directory
/usr/spool/lpd/dpid Daemon lockfile

See Also



To cancel  jobs spooled with  the command hpr,  use the command  hpskip. To
cancel or reprint jobs spooled with the command lp, use the commands cancel
and reprint. See the Lexicon entry printer for details.