COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for EOF [Indicate end of a file].

List of available manpages

EOF -- Manifest Constant

Indicate end of a file
#include <stdio.h>

EOF is an indicator that is returned by several STDIO functions to indicate
that the current file position is the end of the file.

Many STDIO  functions, when  they read  EOF, set the  end-of-file indicator
that is  associated with the  stream being read.   Before more data  can be
read from the stream, its end-of-file indicator must be cleared.  Resetting
the  file-position indicator  with the functions  fseek, fsetpos,  or ftell
will clear the indicator, as will  returning a character to the stream with
the function ungetc.

See Also

manifest constant,
ANSI Standard, §7.9.1