COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for stdio.h [Declarations and definitions for I/O].

List of available manpages

stdio.h -- Header File

Declarations and definitions for I/O

stdio.h is  a header file that defines manifest  constants used in standard
I/O, prototypes  the STDIO functions,  and defines numerous  I/O macros, as


FILE...........Descriptor of file used by STDIO routines
stderr.........Standard error device (by default, the screen)
stdin..........Standard input device (by default, the keyboard)
stdout.........Standard output device (by default, the screen)

Manifest Constants

BUFSIZ.........Default buffer size
EOF............End of file
FILENAME_MAX...Maximum length of a file name
FOPEN_MAX......Maximum number of of open files
L_ctermid......Length of ctermid()
L_tmpnam.......Length of a temporary file name
P_tmpdir.......Default directory for temporary files
TMP_MAX........Maximum number of temporary file names

Functions and Macros

clearerr().....Present status stream
fclose().......Close a file stream
fdopen().......Open a file stream for I/O
feof().........Discover a file stream's status
ferror().......Discover a file stream's status
fflush().......Flush an output buffer
fgetc()........Get a character
fgetpos()......Read the file-position indicator
fgets()........Get a string
fgetw()........Get a word
fileno().......Get a file descriptor from a FILE structure
fopen()........Open a file stream
fprintf()......Format and print to a file stream
fputc()........Output a character
fputs()........Output a string
fputw()........Output a word
fread()........Read a file stream
freopen()......Open a file stream
fscanf().......Format and read from a file stream
fseek()........Seek in a file stream
fsetpos()......Set the file-position indicator
ftell()........Return file pointer position
fwrite().......Write to a file stream
getc().........Get a character
getchar()......Get a character
gets().........Get a string
getw().........Get a word
pclose().......Close a pipe
popen()........Open a pipe
printf().......Print a formatted string
putc().........Output a character
putchar()......Output a character
puts().........Output a string
putw().........Output a word
rewind().......Reset a file pointer
scanf()........Format and input from standard input
setbuf().......Set alternative file-stream buffer
setvbuf()......Set alternative file-stream buffer
sprintf()......Format and print to a string
sscanf().......Format and read from a string
tmpfile()......Create a temporary file
ungetc().......Return character to file stream
vfprintf().....Format and print to a file stream
vprintf()......Print a formatted string
vsprintf().....Format and print to a string

See Also

header file,
ANSI Standard, §7.9


COHERENT  release 4.2  has  rewritten its  version  of stdio.h  so that  it
conforms to the ANSI Standard.  For this reason, program that use STDIO and
are compiled  under COHERENT release 4.2 (or  subsequent releases) will not
run correctly under versions of COHERENT prior to release 4.2.