COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for stream [Definition].

List of available manpages

stream -- Definition

The term  stream is a  metaphor for any  entity that can be  named and from
which  bits can  flow, such  as a  device or a  file.  The  name ``stream''
reflects the  fact that the C programming environment  does not depend upon
record descriptors  and other devices that predetermine  what form data can
assume; instead,   data from whatever source are conceived  as being a flow
of bytes whose significance is set entirely by the program that reads them.

For example, whether 16 bits forms an int, two chars, and should be used as
an absolute value or a bit map, is entirely up to the program that receives
it.  It  is also  irrelevant to  the program that  processes these  16 bits
whether  they come  from  the keyboard,  from  a file  on disk,  or from  a
peripheral device.

The  FILE structure  holds all  of the information  needed to  manipulate a
stream.   The STDIO  functions can  be  used to  open, close,  or reopen  a
stream; read data from it; or write data to it.

See Also

data formats,
Programming COHERENT,