COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for drvld.all [Load loadable drivers at boot time].

List of available manpages

drvld.all -- System Administration

Load loadable drivers at boot time

The file /etc/drvld.all holds commands to load loadable drivers into memory
when you  boot the COHERENT system.   It is read from  the script /etc/brc,
which is executed whenever the COHERENT system is rebooted into single-user

Under COHERENT  286, drvld.all (as its name implies)  includes calls to the
command drvld  to load loadable  drivers.  COHERENT 386  does not implement
loadable device  drivers; however, it  uses drvld.all to  load the keyboard
table and perform other useful work.

See Also

Administering COHERENT,