COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for keyboard [How COHERENT handles the console keyboard].

List of available manpages

keyboard -- Technical Information

How COHERENT handles the console keyboard

COHERENT comes with two device drivers for the keyboard, as follows:

     vtkb           Non-configurable driver
     vtnkb          Configurable driver

To change the  keyboard driver you are using, or  to modify the behavior of
the driver vtnkb, log in as the superuser root and type:

    cd /etc/conf

The  script  /etc/conf/console/mkdev  walks  you  through  the  process  of
configuring your console: you can switch keyboard drivers from load to non-
loadable (or vice-versa), change the number of virtual consoles you use, or
change the keyboard-translation table you use by default.

Once you have configured the console, type the following command:

    bin/idmkcoh -o /kernel_name

where kernel_name  is the  what you  wish to name  the newly  built kernel.
This builds  a new kernel that incorporates the  changes you requested.  To
invoke these  changes, simply reboot  and invoke kernel  kernel_name in the
usual manner.

See Also

Administering COHERENT,