COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for vtkb [Non-configurable keyboard driver, virtual consoles].

List of available manpages

vtkb -- Device Driver

Non-configurable keyboard driver, virtual consoles

The device driver vtkb drives the keyboard on your system's console -- that
is, the keyboard that is plugged directly into your computer.

This  driver recognizes  the standard  83-,  101-, and  102-key AT-protocol
keyboards,  using the  keyboard layout  used in  the United  States.  These
codes  are  ``hard-wired''  into the  driver.   Unlike  the other  COHERENT
keyboard driver, vtnkb, you cannot modify these settings.

vtkb  is,  in  general, more  robust  than  vtnkb  in handling  inexpensive
keyboards that do not conform fully to accepted standards.

For details on how to select a given keyboard driver, see the Lexicon entry
for keyboard.

See Also

device drivers,