COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for brc [Perform maintenance chores, single-user mode].

List of available manpages

brc -- System Administration

Perform maintenance chores, single-user mode

The shell script /etc/brc is executed by the init process when the COHERENT
system enters single-user mode.  The commands  in brc do such things as set
system  clock, set  the local  time  zone, and  call fsck  to scan  and (if
necessary)  fix  the  file  systems   that  that  are  named  in  the  file

See Also

Administering COHERENT,


The default message consists  of the bell character <ctrl-G> plus the
text Going  multiuser. If the bell annoys you,  simply delete the <ctrl-
G> from this string.