COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for dbm.h [Header file for DBM routines].

List of available manpages

dbm.h -- Header File

Header file for DBM routines
#include <dbm.h>

Header  file <dbm.h>  declares the functions  used to  manipulate DBM
data bases:

dbmclose().....Close a DBM data base
dbminit()......Open a DBM data base
delete().......Delete a record from a DBM data base
fetch()........Fetch a record from a DBM data base
firstkey().....Retrieve the first record from a DBM data base
nextkey()......Retrieve the next record from a DBM data base
store()........Write a record into a DBM data base

It also defines  the structure datum, which holds a  data element, either a
key or its associated data set:

    typedef struct {
        char *dptr;
        int dsize;
    } datum;

See Also

header files,


Please note that function  dbmclose() is non-standard.  A program that uses
it cannot be recompiled on an orthodox UNIX system.

For a statement  of copyright and permissions on this  header file, see the
Lexicon entry for libgdbm.