COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for ndbm.h [Header file for NDBM routines].

List of available manpages

ndbm.h -- Header File

Header file for NDBM routines
#include <ndbm.h>

Header file  <ndbm.h> declares the functions  used to manipulate NDBM
data bases:

dbm_clearerr().Clear an error condition on an NDBM data base
dbm_close()....Close an NDBM data base
dbm_delete()...Delete records from an NDBM data base
dbm_dirfno()...Return the file descriptor for an NDBM .dir file
dbm_error()....Check a NDBM data base for an error
dbm_fetch()....Fetch a record from an NDBM data base
dbm_firstkey().Retrieve the first key from an NDBM data base
dbm_nextkey()..Retrieve the next key from an NDBM data base
dbm_open().....Open an NDBM data base
dbm_pagfno()...Return the file descriptor for an NDBM .pag file
dbm_rdonly()...Set an NDBM data base into read-only mode
dbm_store()....Store a record into an NDBM data base

Routines  dbm_error()  and  dbm_clearerr() are  macros  that,  in fact,  do

This header  file also defines  two structures that the  NDBM routines use.
The first, datum, defines the structure  of a data element, either a key or
its associated data set:

    typedef struct {
        char *dptr;
        int dsize;
    } datum;

This structure lets you have a key and a data element of unlimited length.

The other structure, DBM, holds  the information that the NDBM routines use
to access a NDBM data base:

    typedef struct {int dummy[10];} DBM;

See Also


For a statement  of copyright and permissions on this  header file, see the
Lexicon entry for libgdbm.