COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for gdbm.h [Header file for GDBM routines].

List of available manpages

gdbm.h -- Header File

Header file for GDBM routines
#include <gdbm.h>

Header  file  <gdbm.h> declares  functions,  data  types, and  global
variables used by the GDBM set of routines:

gdbm_close().............Close a GDBM data base
gdbm_delete()............Delete a record from a GDBM data base
gdbm_exists()............Check whether a GDBM data base contains a given record
gdbm_fetch().............Retrieve a record from a GDBM data base
gdbm_firstkey()..........Return the first record from a GDBM data base
gdbm_nextkey()...........Return the next record from a GDBM data base
gdbm_open()..............Open a GDBM data base
gdbm_reorganize()........Reorganize a GDBM data base
gdbm_setopt()............Set GDBM options
gdbm_store().............Add records to a GDBM data base
gdbm_strerror()..........Translate a GDBM error code into text
gdbm_sync()..............Flush buffered GDBM data into its data base

This header  file also defines  two structures that the  GDBM routines use.
The first, datum, defines the structure  of a data element, either a key or
its associated data set:

    typedef struct {
        char *dptr;
        int dsize;
    } datum;

The  other  structure,  GDBM_FILE,  holds  the  information that  the  GDBM
routines use to access a GDBM data base:

    typedef struct {int dummy[10];} *GDBM_FILE;

Error codes are written into global variable gdbm_errno, and are defined in
header file <gdbmerrno.h>.

See Also


For a statement  of copyright and permissions on this  header file, see the
Lexicon entry for libgdbm.