COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for data types [Definition].

List of available manpages

data types -- Definition

COHERENT's implementation of C recognizes the following data types:
     long float
     long int
     short int
     signed char
     signed int
     signed long
     signed long int
     signed short
     signed short int
     unsigned int
     unsigned long
     unsigned long int
     unsigned char
     unsigned short
     unsigned short int

The following types are synonymous:

     char         signed char
     short        short int   signed short signed short int
     unsigned short           unsigned short int
     int          signed int
     long         signed long long int     signed lont int
     unsigned long            unsigned long int
     long float   double      long double

The ANSI Standard  states that int, short, and long  are signed by default.
It also  sates that the implementation determines whether  a char is signed
or unsigned by  default; but it does state that  a printable character must
be positive.  COHERENT uses signed chars by default; therefore, if you wish
to use a character value greater than 0x7F, you must explicitly declare the
character to have type unsigned char. If you use this type in an arithmetic
expression, COHERENT's C compiler automatically casts it to unsigned int.

Finally, COHERENT's header files define these commonly used data types:

        typedef unsigned short comp_t;
        typedef struct flock flock_t;
        typedef long sig_atomic_t;
        typedef int ptrdiff_t;
        typedef long fpos_t;
        typedef struct { int quot; int rem; } div_t;
        typedef struct { long quot; long rem; } ldiv_t;
        typedef unsigned short comp_t;
        typedef unsigned int cmap_t;
        typedef ddi_init_t init_t;
        typedef ddi_start_t start_t;
        typedef ddi_exit_t exit_t;
        typedef ddi_halt_t halt_t;
        typedef unsigned fd_t;
        typedef struct lock_info lkinfo_t;
        typedef struct sleep_lock sleep_t;
        typedef struct readwrite_lock rwlock_t;
        typedef long  cseg_t;
        typedef long mzattr_t;
        typedef struct event event_t;
        typedef unsigned long rlim_t;
        typedef struct scsi_work scsi_work_t;
        typedef struct scsi_cmd scsi_cmd_t;
        typedef long  cseg_t;
        typedef n_sigset_t sigset_t;
        typedef o_sigset_t sigset_t;
        typedef struct free_rtn frtn_t;
        typedef char *vaddr_t;
        typedef unsigned short minor_t;
        typedef unsigned short major_t;
        typedef struct uio uio_t;

See Also

C language,
data formats,
Programming COHERENT,