COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for double [Data type].

List of available manpages

double -- C Keyword

Data type

A double  is the data  type that encodes  a double-precision floating-point
number.  On most machines, sizeof(double) is defined as four machine words,
or eight chars.  If you wish  your code to be portable, do not use routines
that depend on a double being  64 bits long.  The ranges of values that can
be held by a COHERENT double are set in header file float.h.

Different formats  are used to  encode doubles on  various machines.  These
formats include IEEE, DECVAX,  and BCD (binary coded decimal), as described
in the entry for float. COHERENT  286 uses DECVAX format; COHERENT 386 uses
IEEE format.

See Also

C keywords,
data formats,
ANSI Standard, §