COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for C keywords [Overview].

List of available manpages

C keywords -- Overview

A keyword is a word that is reserved within C, and must not be used to name
variables,  functions,  or macros.   COHERENT  recognizes  the following  C

    alien           auto            break
    case            char            const
    continue        default         do
    double          else            enum
    extern          float           for
    goto            if              int
    long            register        return
    short           signed          sizeof
    static          struct          switch
    typedef         union           unsigned
    void            volatile        while

In conformity  with the ANSI standard, the keywords  entry and readonly are
no longer  recognized.  The ANSI  Standard transfers the  functionality for
readonly  to the  keyword const.  For  details, see  the Lexicon  entry for

The COHERENT  C compiler  recognizes the  keywords const and  volatile, but
ignores them.

The following tokens are C++ keywords:


Your programs should avoid using them in the interest of compatibility with
future versions of the COHERENT C compiler.

See Also

C language