COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for long [Data type].

List of available manpages

long -- C Keyword

Data type

A long is  a numeric data type.  The ANSI  standard states that long is the
largest integer data  type.  It cannot be smaller than  an int, although an
int and a long can be the same size.

COHERENT defines an long to be four bytes long; that is, sizeof long equals
4 (four chars, or 31 data bits plus a sign bit).  A long can hold any value
from -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647.

A  long normally  is sign  extended  when cast  to a  larger data  type; an
unsigned long, however, will be zero extended.

See Also

C keywords,
data formats,
ANSI Standard, §