COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for controls [Data base for the lp print spooler].

List of available manpages

controls -- System Administration

Data base for the lp print spooler

The file /usr/spool/mlp/controls is the data base for the print spooler lp.
The superuser root can modify this file, either with a text editor or (to a
more limited extent) with the command lpadmin.

The format of  controls is simple.  Every blank line  is ignored.  All text
after the pound sign `#' is also ignored; you can use this feature to embed
comments in the  file.  The rest of the file  consists of commands, each of
which has the format command=arguments.

The following describes the commands that you can embed in controls:

     This command  sets the default printer, that is,  the printer on which
     jobs are  printed when the user  does not specify a  printer on the lp
     command line.

     This command controls how lp prints  multiple copies.  If it is set to
     on,  then multiple  copies  are generated  by  invoking the  printer's
     control  script for  each time;  if it  is set  to off,  then multiple
     copies  are printed  by  telling the  control  script to  do it.   The
     difference  in the  two  methods is  that  the former  gives you  more
     accurate  information about  the status  of the job.   If you  wish to
     print many copies and you want to monitor the job's progress, then set
     docopies to on.

     The command localfeed tells  lp whether to insert a formfeed character
     between  printing jobs  sent to  printers  other than  local printers.
     Setting it to  on tells lp to output a  formfeed character; setting it
     to off (or deleting it) tells it not to do so.

     The command localfeed tells  lp whether to insert a formfeed character
     between printing  jobs sent to  a local printer.  (A  local printer is
     one plugged into  the auxiliary port of a terminal.)  Setting it to on
     tells  lp  to output  a  formfeed  character; setting  it  to off  (or
     deleting it) tells it not to do so.

     This command  sets the time,  in hours, at  which the log  file log is
     renamed log.o and a fresh log  file is begun.  This is done so the log
     file does  not grow  without bounds.  The  default value is  168 hours
     (one week).

     Set, in hours, the ``life-expectancy'' of a file with a lifetime of L.
     The default is three days (72 hours).

     This command defines a printer.  lp accesses a printer by its name; it
     cannot access a printer unless you name it in a printer command.  name
     names the printer.  You can name  a printer anything you like, so long
     as it is one word.  device  names the device into which it is plugged.
     script names  the file in directory  /usr/spool/mlp/backend that tells
     how to massage the text being passed to the printer.  You can write or
     modify each  script in that  directory, and name  each script whatever
     you like.   Note that  one physical  printer can have  multiple names,
     each  using  a different  script;  and  one script  can  be shared  by
     multiple physical printers.

     The command

         printer = linenlq, /dev/lpt2, pannlq

     names a printer linelq that  is plugged into port /dev/lpt2, and whose
     input    is    filtered     through    the    contents    of    script

     The command

         printer = linepr, /dev/lpt2, linepr

     names a printer linepr that is plugged into /dev/lpt2, and whose input
     is      filtered     through      the      contents     of      script

     Note that  these examples  both name  the same physical  device.  They
     differ in  the scripts they use  to massage their input;  this will be
     described in detail below.

     Finally,  a printer  can direct  its output to  any device,  serial or
     parallel, even /dev/null. For example:


     As  will be  shown below,  the script  disk writes  its output  into a
     temporary  file, so  you can  examine  it without  wasting a  piece of
     paper.  The format of a printer-control script is described below.

     You  do not  have to  include  a printer-control  script in  a printer
     command; if  you do not  include one, the printer  daemon lpsched uses
     the command cat by default.

     Set, in days, the ``life-expectancy'' of  a file with a lifetime of S.
     The default is 48 hours (two days).

     Set, in minutes, the ``life-expectancy''  of a file with a lifetime of
     T. The default is two hours.

Printer Control Scripts

A printer-control script massages the text being handed to a given printer.
The  printer  daemon  lpsched  redirects  the  output of  the  script  (and
therefore, of every  command within the script) to the  device named on the
appropriate printer command named in the file /usr/spool/mlp/controls.

For example, consider the command

    printer = linenlq, /dev/lpt2, pannlq

This command names a printer linenlq, declares that it is plugged into port
/dev/lpq2, and  requests that lpsched massage input  to the printer through
script /usr/spool/mlp/backend/pannlq. When lpsched processes a request that
is directed  to printer linelq,  it pipes the  text of the  job into script
pannlq, and redirects the output of pannlq to device /dev/lpt2.

It is important to remember that a printer-control script is not restricted
to  a few  commands that  the spooler  understands.  Each  is a  true shell
script that  can use  any or  all COHERENT commands  to process  text.  The
limits of what a script can do are set only by your imagination.

Consider the following examples.   In the discussion, above, of the command
printer, two  scripts were  mentioned: pannlq  and linepr. Both  send their
output to  the same physical  printer, but they  process the input  text in
different ways.  The following gives the contents of linepr:

    # filter the input through pr

    # throw a page at the end
    echo "\f\c"

This  script  filters its  input  through the  COHERENT  command pr,  which
paginates the  text and  puts a  header on it.   It then echoes  a formfeed
character, to  force the printer  to throw a  blank page at the  end of the
job.  As in other shell scripts,  a pound sign `#' introduces a comment and
blank lines are ignored.

The following gives the contents of script pannlq:

    # turn on near-letter-quality printing
    echo "\021\033n"


    # turn off near-letter-quality printing
    echo "\021\033P"

This script  resembles the first, except that it  includes commands to echo
the magic strings that turn on and turn off near-letter-quality printing on
this printer.  This is one small  example of the flexibility you can employ
in devising a script

As with  other shell  scripts, you  can modify the  behavior of  a printer-
control script  by setting environmental variables.   For example, consider
the following variation on the script linepr:

    if [ $HEADER ]; then
        pr -h "$HEADER"

    # throw a page at the end
    echo "\f\c"

If you  have exported the  environmental variable HEADER,  then this script
prints it at the top of each page; otherwise, it prints the default header.
You can use the same technique to do other work, such as force the printing
of a banner page.

The  lp  spooler  reserves for  its  own  use  the environmental  variables
can also use these variables.  For  more information on what each does, see
its entry in the Lexicon.

When lpsched  uses a printer-control script, it  passes it three arguments:
respectively, the  sequence number of  the print job  (which identifies the
job  uniquely); the  name  of the  user;  and the  number  of copies  being
printed.  You  can use this information to control  the printing of output;
for example, consider the following:

    for i in `from 1 to $3`
        pr -h "User $2 - Copy $i of $3"
    echo "\f\c"

Note, too, that just as each  physical printer can be accessed in different
ways via different scripts, so too  the same script can be used by multiple
physical  printers.  If  you had multiple  Panasonic printers  plugged into
your system,  you could use the  above script with each  of them to massage
their input appropriately.

One last  example.  As noted above, the output  of a printer-control script
can be directed to any device, not just a port.  (It can also be redirected
to non-existent  ports, so be careful when you  enter your print commands.)
You can  use this feature  to redirect formatted  text into files  or other
interesting places.  Consider the following printer command:


This creates a ``printer'' named  disk. The text filtered through file disk
is  redirected to  /dev/null. The  contents of script  disk show  what this
device is up to:

    tee /tmp/D$$

This script uses the COHERENT command tee to redirect its input both to the
standard output (which in the case of printer disk is thrown away) and into
a file in directory tmp. You can use this command to save input for further
examination later.

This discussion just  scratches the surface of what you  can do with the lp
print  spooler and  its  control scripts.   For more  information, see  the
Lexicon entries for printer and lp.

See Also

Administering COHERENT,