COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for lpadmin [Administer the lp print-spooler system].

List of available manpages

lpadmin -- Command

Administer the lp print-spooler system
lpadmin [-dprinter]
lpadmin [-pprinter]  [-vdevice] [-mbackend]
lpadmin [-xprinter]

The command lpadmin administers the lp print-spooling system.

Under the  lp spooler, the system administrator gives  each printer a name.
She also establishes a script for  each class of printers; for example, she
would  prepare one  script  for all  Epson  printers, and  another for  all
PostScript printers.   The script lists  commands that must  be executed to
print the text properly, such as  setting the port into the correct mode or
post-processing    the    text;   Finally,    she    inserts   into    file
/usr/spool/mlp/controls  an entry  that links  a printer  by name  with its
device and its script.  When a  user spools a job for printing, she selects
the  printer by  name.  (She  can also  use the  command route  establish a
default  printer  for   herself.)  The  print  spooler  lpsched  reads  the
information  established by  the administrator to  ensure that  printing is
managed correctly.

The command  lpadmin is designed to  make it easy for  you to perform these
tasks of administration.   With lpadmin, you can add a  new printer to your
COHERENT system and link it to  a device and a description script.  You can
also  add or  modify  a description  script,  or drop  a printer.   lpadmin
recognizes the following options:

        Make printer  the default  printer for  your  system.  This  is the
        printer that is used when a user names no printer on the lp command
        line and has set no default printer for herself.

        Use script to preprocess all text  sent to a given printer.  script
        is  stored in  directory  /usr/spool/mlp/backend.  This  option  is
        always used with option -p.

        Select printer for definition or change.   This option is used with
        the options -m and -v.

        Associate device (a serial or parallel port) with the printer named
        in the option -p.

        Remove printer from the system.

For detailed examples of how to modify the file controls and how to build a
control script for a printer, see the Lexicon entry for controls.

See Also
