COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for CD-ROM [COHERENT support for read-only compact disk devices].

List of available manpages

CD-ROM -- Overview

COHERENT support for read-only compact disk devices

The term CD-ROM stands  for ``compact disk -- read-only memory''.  COHERENT
supports a variety of CD-ROM devices, from which you can read files or play

Devices Supported

As of this writing, COHERENT supports three varieties of CD-ROM drives:

-> Sony  CD-ROM  models   CDU31A  or  CDU33A,  plugged  its  own  dedicated

-> Mitsumi CD-ROM models FX001, FX001 high speed, FX001D, or LU005, plugged
   into its own dedicated controller.  Mitsumi model FX001 also is known to
   work  when plugged  into the  CD-ROM port  of the  SoundblasterPro sound
   card;  the  other Mitsumi  drives  have  not yet  been  tested with  the
   Soundblaster Pro card.

-> Any SCSI CD-ROM drive plugged into an Adaptec 1542 SCSI controller.

-> Any SCSI CD-ROM drive plugged Seagate host adapter models ST01 or ST02.

Please note that  the NEC SCSI CD-ROM is support  for ISO file systems, but
not for audio disks.  That is because the NEC drive does not use a standard
interface for audio disks.

To use the  driver for the Sony CDU31A drive,  you must build a kernel that
contains  the driver  cdu31. Normally,  this  is done  when you  install or
update COHERENT.   To add  the driver to  the kernel after  installation or
updating, do the following:

-> Log in as the superuser root.

-> cd to directory /etc/conf.

-> Execute  script  cdu31/mkdev.  This script  will  walk  you through  the
   process of  adding the driver to  the kernel.  If you  are unsure of the
   answer to any question that the  script asks you, select the default; in
   most instances, this is correct.

-> Execute the command:

       /etc/conf/bin/idmkcoh -o coh.test

   This builds a new kernel called coh.test.

-> Boot the new kernel, as described in the Lexicon entry booting.

To  use the  driver for  the Mitsumi  drive, you must  build a  kernel that
contains the driver mcd. Normally, this  is done when you install or update
COHERENT.  To add the driver  to the kernel after installation or updating,
do the following:

-> Log in as the superuser root.

-> cd to directory /etc/conf.

-> Execute script mcd/mkdev. This  script will walk you through the process
   of adding the driver to the  kernel.  If you are unsure of the answer to
   any  question that  the script  asks  you, select  the default;  in most
   instances, this is correct.

-> Execute the command:

       /etc/conf/bin/idmkcoh -o coh.test

   This builds a new kernel called coh.test.

-> Boot the new kernel, as described in the Lexicon entry booting.

If your  CD-ROM drive is attached  to an Adaptec 1542  SCSI controller, you
must modify the driver hai to support the drive.  Do so as follows:

-> Log in as the superuser root.

-> cd to directory /etc/conf.

-> Execute script hai/mkdev. This  script will walk you through the process
   of configuring  hai to  support your SCSI  devices.  If you  are already
   using hai to  support a SCSI disk or SCSI  tape, be sure that you do not
   alter how they  are configured.  If you are unsure  of the answer to any
   question  that  the  script  asks  you,  select  the  default;  in  most
   instances, this is correct.

-> Execute the command:

       /etc/conf/bin/idmkcoh -o coh.test

   This builds a new kernel called coh.test.

-> Boot the new kernel, as described in the Lexicon entry booting.

Reading a CD-ROM

COHERENT  at  present includes  three  commands  for manipulating  CD-ROMs:
cdview, cdv, and cdplayer.

cdplayer lets  you play audio  CDs on your  CD-ROM drive.  It  uses a text-
based interface  to let you display  the contents of a  CD, select a track,
set the volume, and otherwise manipulate your audio CDs.

cdv is a script with which you can play CD-ROM disks -- that is, disks that
hold an ISO-9660 file  system.  The interface is character-based and rather
crude; however, with  it you can read the contents  of a directory on a CD-
ROM, or copy a file from the CD-ROM into a COHERENT directory.  cdview is a
lower-level command that is invoked through cdv.


/dev/cdrom -- Device applications read by default for CD-ROMs
/dev/rscd0 -- Device for accessing Sony CDU31A CD-ROM
/dev/rmcd0 -- Device for accessing Mitsumi CD-ROM
/dev/Scdrom* -- Block-special SCSI CD-ROM devices
/dev/rScdrom* -- Character-special SCSI CD-ROM devices

See Also

Administering COHERENT,
device drivers,


At present,  you cannot  mount an ISO-9660  file system onto  your COHERENT
system.  A future release of COHERENT will permit you to do so.

Please note that COHERENT,  like most UUCP-like operating systems, does not
support playing  audio CDs  on a NEC/Toshiba  CD-ROM.  This is  because NEC
uses a non-standard interface for audio CDs.