COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for cdplayer [Play audio CDs].

List of available manpages

cdplayer -- Command

Play audio CDs
cdplayer [eject info pause play [track] resume skip stop volume level]

cdplayer gives  you a  text-based interface with  which you can  play audio
compact  disks   (CDs)  through  a   COHERENT  CD-ROM  device.    It  reads
environmental variable CD_DEVICE for  the name of the device to manipulate.
If  this  variable  is not  set,  by  default  cdplayer manipulates  device

cdplayer normally  is invoked with  one of the following  commands.  If you
invoke it without  a command (or with a command  it does not recognize), it
prints a usage message and exits.   If an error occurs, cdplayer returns an
exit status of one.  cdplayer recognizes the following commands:

     Eject the  CD from the drive.   Note that not every  CD drive supports
     this feature; in particular, the Mitsumi model LU005 does not.

info Display  information about  the CD  that  is in  the drive:  the total
     number of  tracks, total playing  time, playing time  per track, drive
     status, and track being played.

     Pause  the  audio  CD.   Unlike  the  command stop,  described  below,
     cdplayer remembers the point at which playing stopped, and will resume
     playing at  that point.   If the CD  is not playing,  cdplayer ignores
     this  command.   To restart  a  paused CD,  use  the command  cdplayer

play [track]
     Play the  CD, beginning at track.  If no track is  given, it begins as
     track one.

     Resume playing a  paused CD.  If the CD had  not been paused, cdplayer
     ignores this command.

skip Skip to  the next  track.  If  the CD is  on its last  track, cdplayer
     returns it to its first track.

stop Stop playing this CD.  If the CD is not being played, cdplayer ignores
     this command.   The CD  player ``forgets'' the  point at which  it had
     been playing the CD.  To begin  playing this CD again, use the command
     cdplayer play.

volume level
     Set the CD  drive's volume to level, which must  be a number between 0
     (softest) and 255 (loudest).   Note that not every drive supports this


CD_DEVICE -- The CD-ROM device to manipulate.

See Also



cdplayer  was written  by Mark Buckaway  ( for  the Linux
operating system.   Please direct comments concerning  its COHERENT port to  It is is  distributed under the GNU Public License.  Full
source code  for this  program is available  on the Mark  Williams Bulletin
Board and on other publically available systems.