COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mcd [Device driver for Mitsumi CD-ROM drives].

List of available manpages

mcd -- Device Driver

Device driver for Mitsumi CD-ROM drives

mcd is a device driver for a Mitsumi CD-ROM drive, models FX001, FX001 high
speed, FX001D, or LU005, that  is plugged into the Mitsumi controller card.
It has major number 16.

Normally, this device driver is included  in the kernel when you install or
update COHERENT.   To configure this driver, log in  as the superuser root,
and execute script /etc/conf/mcd/mkdev. Then run the command

    /etc/conf/bin/idmkcoh -o coh.test

to build a test kernel that includes the driver.


/dev/cdrom -- Device applications read for CD-ROMs by default
/dev/rmcd0 -- Character-special device for accessing Mitsumi CD-ROM

See Also

device drivers,