Publisher: Goeggel & Weidner
Number: 35
Caption: Five Idols
Type: undivided back
Color: color
Use: mailed
Date: 05/28/1903
Addressee: Miss Vera Ellon | 99 Rue La Roche | Champs Elysees | Paris | France
Message: My Dearest Dear The miniature has arrived and everything is all right. Shall give it to your mother on the morning of her birthday. Uncle Leon is well acquainted with the Chief Inspector of the Customs House and he was just lovely to Uncle Leon. Wasn't that fine? With dearest, fondest love from Grandmere [?] & self Love, your Sara May 28th '03
Postmark: SF 5/28/1903
See also: dups note note
Steve's SF postcard pages: