Weidner Catalog


This page lists postcards from the numbered series (1-694) issued between 1902 and ca. 1910 by San Francisco photographer Charles Weidner, shown at right trimming postcards with shelves of boxed postcards behind him. All the cards show images from California, mostly from San Francisco and the Bay Area; a few are from Monterey, the Sierra, the Central Valley, and Southern California. This page does not include the later Weidner P.P.I.E. Catalog cards or his many later unnumbered postcards.

Weidner often reprinted his earlier cards (1-228) with minor changes, leading to variants with the same stock number. Weidner Variants gives illustrative examples. This page lists variants roughly chronologically (by educated guesswork in many cases). Some images below are scans of postcards in my collection (captions shown as links), but most images were downloaded from the web, so image quality varies widely and images of the backs of many cards are not available. The list includes variants for which I have not found images. The listed captions are fairly precise transcriptions of Weidner's captions, but with "San Francisco" and "California" elided (except as needed to distinguish among variants) and with ALL CAPS replaced by mixed case. The listed date is the earliest written date or postmark date on a card; in most cases, the list shows the earliest example I have found of a variant. Additions/corrections/comments welcome; please send mail.


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Front Back Number Caption Date Comment
p001e.png p001e_b.png 1 Cliff House.
San Francisco.
09/21/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom right
p001c.png p001c_b.png 1 Cliff House.
San Francisco.
09/19/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom left center
weidner_001c.png weidner_001c_b.png 1 Cliff House.
San Francisco, California.
08/10/1904 AutoChrom; caption right center
p001b.png p001b_b.png 1 Cliff House.
San Francisco, California.
09/14/1904 AutoChrom; caption left center
p001a.png p001a_b.png 1 Cliff House.
San Francisco, California.
weidner_001d.png weidner_001d_b.png 1 Cliff House.
San Francisco, California.
weidner_002b.png weidner_002b_b.png 2 Sutro Heights.
San Francisco.
10/02/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom bottom left; with 'Copyright'; cf. 27
weidner_002c.png weidner_002c_b.png 2 Sutro Heights.
San Francisco.
12/14/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom middle left; with 'Copyright'
weidner_002.png weidner_002_b.png 2 Sutro Heights.
San Francisco.
Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom middle left; no 'Copyright'
weidner_002a.png weidner_002a_b.png 2 Sutro Heights.
San Francisco, California.
07/11/1905 AutoChrom middle left
p002b.png p002b_b.png 2 Sutro Heights.
San Francisco.
AutoChrom middle left; 'San Francisco' bottom left
p002c.png p002c_b.png 2 Sutro Heights.
San Francisco, California.
p002d.png p002d_b.png 2 Sutro Heights.
San Francisco, California.
2 Sutro Heights.
San Francisco, California.
p003a.png p003a_b.png 3 Music Stand.
Golden Gate Park.
08/29/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; with 'Printed in Germany'; cf. 25
p003c.png p003c_b.png 3 Music Stand.
Golden Gate Park.
02/11/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; no 'Printed in Germany'
p003d.png p003d_b.png 3 Music Stand.
Golden Gate Park.
Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; no 'Copyright'
weidner_003a.png weidner_003a_b.png 3 Music Stand.
Golden Gate Park.
p003b.png 3 Music Stand.
Golden Gate Park.
weidner_003b.png weidner_003b_b.png 3 Music Stand.
Golden Gate Park.
Badly damaged by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_003.png weidner_003_b.png 3 Music Stand.
Golden Gate Park.
Badly damaged by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
4 Midwinter.
Golden Gate Park.
Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom right
p004.png p004_b.png 4 Midwinter.
Golden Gate Park.
04/25/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom left
p004b.png p004b_b.png 4 Midwinter.
Golden Gate Park.
11/14/1904 AutoChrom
p004a.png p004a_b.png 4 Midwinter.
Golden Gate Park.
weidner_004.png weidner_004_b.png 4 Midwinter.
Golden Gate Park.
4 Midwinter.
Golden Gate Park.
San Francisco, California.
weidner_005.png weidner_005_b.png 5 Museum. G. G. Park. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; cf. 20
weidner_005a.png weidner_005a_b.png 5 Museum. G. G. Park.
Badly damaged by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p005b.png p005b_b.png 5 Museum. G. G. Park.
Badly damaged by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p006a.png p006a_b.png 6 Childrens Play Ground. G. G. Park. 10/02/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom right
p006.png p006_b.png 6 Childrens Play Ground. G. G. Park. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom left
p006b.png p006b_b.png 6 Childrens Play Ground. G. G. Park. 04/21/1905 AutoChrom left
weidner_006.png weidner_006_b.png 6 Childrens Play Ground. G. G. Park. AutoChrom right
p006c.png p006c_b.png 6 Childrens Play Ground. G. G. Park.
Destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906
weidner_007.png weidner_007_b.png 7 Japanese Tea Garden. 02/27/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p007c.png p007c_b.png 7 Japanese Tea Garden. 03/02/1904 AutoChrom
p007b.png p007b_b.png 7 Japanese Tea Garden. 12/28/1906
p007.png 7 Japanese Tea Garden.
weidner_008.png weidner_008_b.png 8 Golden Gate. 04/15/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
weidner_008a.png weidner_008a_b.png 8 Golden Gate. AutoChrom
p008a.png p008a_b.png 8 Golden Gate. 02/04/1907
weidner_009.png weidner_009_b.png 9 City Hall. 08/17/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom lower left; cf. 22
weidner_009a.png weidner_009a_b.png 9 City Hall. 07/10/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom lower left; '6' should read '9'
p009.png p009_b.png 9 City Hall. 07/15/1904 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom middle left
p009c.png p009c_b.png 9 City Hall. 04/11/1905 AutoChrom middle left
p009d.png p009d_b.png 9 City Hall.
Destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906
p009b.png p009b_b.png 9 City Hall.
Before the fire Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_010.png weidner_010_b.png 10 Ferry Building. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; 'Copyright'
p010c.png 10 Ferry Building. 08/01/1905 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; no 'Copyright'
p010d.png p010d_b.png 10 Ferry Building. 07/26/1904 AutoChrom
p010e.png p010e_b.png 10 Ferry Building. 08/14/1906
p010a.png p010a_b.png 10 Ferry Building.
Badly damaged by fire Apr. 18, 1906
p010b.png p010b_b.png 10 Ferry Building.
weidner_011c.png weidner_011c_b.png 11 Call Building. 07/08/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p011d.png p011d_b.png 11 Call Building. 09/14/1904 AutoChrom
p011b.png 11 Call Building.
p011.png p011_b.png 11 Call Building.
Badly damaged by fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p011a.png p011a_b.png 11 Call Building.
Badly damaged by fire Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_012a.png weidner_012a_b.png 12 Chronicle Building. 09/05/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p012a.png p012a_b.png 12 Chronicle Building. 08/08/1905 AutoChrom
p012b.png p012b_b.png 12 Looking down Market St. showing old Chronicle Building.
Everything destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p013.png p013_b.png 13 San Francisco. Panorama. 08/16/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; cf. 29
p013b.png p013b_b.png 13 San Francisco. Panorama. 07/08/1904 AutoChrom
p013d.png p013d_b.png 13 San Francisco. Panorama.
p013e.png p013e_b.png 13 Panorama San Francisco, California.
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p013a.png p013a_b.png 13 Panorama San Francisco, California.
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p013c.png 13 Panorama San Francisco, California.
Destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p014.png p014_b.png 14 Chinese Restaurant. 08/21/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom bottom left
p014d.png p014d_b.png 14 Chinese Restaurant. 10/14/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom middle left
p014a.png p014a_b.png 14 Chinese Restaurant. 07/12/1905 AutoChrom
p014e.png p014e_b.png 14 Chinese Restaurant. 06/27/1906
p014c.png p014c_b.png 14 Chinese Restaurant.
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906
p014b.png p014b_b.png 14 Chinese Restaurant.
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906
p015a.png p015a_b.png 15 Chinese Family. 08/21/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom bottom left
p015.png p015_b.png 15 Chinese Family. 05/11/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom middle left
p015b.png 15 Chinese Family. AutoChrom middle left
weidner_015b.png weidner_015b_b.png 15 Chinese Family.
Lost their home through earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_015.png weidner_015_b.png 15 Chinese Family.
Lost their home through fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p016.png p016_b.png 16 Chinese Girls. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom left
weidner_016b.png weidner_016b_b.png 16 Chinese Girls. 08/16/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom right; earliest G&W postmark
p016b.png p016b_b.png 16 Chinese Girls. 12/xx/1904 AutoChrom; dated Xmas '04
p016d.png p016d_b.png 16 Chinese Aristocrats.
Reduced to poverty by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p016c.png p016c_b.png 16 Chinese Aristocrats.
Reduced to poverty by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
17 University of California. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p017.png p017_b.png 17 University of California. 08/10/1905 AutoChrom
p017b.png p017b_b.png 17 University of California.
p017a.png p017a_b.png 17 University of California.
Buildings badly damaged by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p018.png 18 Lick Observatory in Winter. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom bottom
p018a.png p018a_b.png 18 Lick Observatory in Winter. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom middle
weidner_018.png weidner_018_b.png 18 Lick Observatory in Winter. AutoChrom
p018b.png p018b_b.png 18 Lick Observatory in Winter. 07/25/1908
p018c.png p018c_b.png 18 Lick Observatory in Winter. 01/18/1908
p019c.png p019c_b.png 19 Cliff House 11/13/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed
p019d.png 19 Cliff House Goeggel & Weidner; embossed
p019.png 19 Cliff House 12/24/1904 embossed
p019b.png p019b_b.png 19 Cliff House 09/23/1904
weidner_020.png weidner_020_b.png 20 Museum G.G. Park. 12/16/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed; cf. 5
weidner_021.png weidner_021_b.png 21 Street in Chinatown 04/25/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed; 'made in Germany' left
p021b.png p021b_b.png 21 Street in Chinatown Goeggel & Weidner; embossed; 'PRINTED IN GERMANY' left
p021a.png p021a_b.png 21 Street in Chinatown Goeggel & Weidner; embossed; 'Made in Germany' bottom
21 Street in Chinatown
p022.png p022_b.png 22 City Hall 12/06/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed; cf. 9
p022a.png p022a_b.png 22 City Hall 03/21/1904 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed
weidner_023.png weidner_023_b.png 23 Ferry Building Goeggel & Weidner; embossed
p023a.png p023a_b.png 23 Ferry Building Goeggel & Weidner; embossed
p023b.png p023b_b.png 23 Ferry Building 08/13/1904 embossed
p024.png p024_b.png 24 Newspaper Row 11/29/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed
25 New Music Stand G. G. Park cf. 3
p026a.png p026a_b.png 26 Sunday Afternoon G. G. Park 12/17/1904 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed
p026.png p026_b.png 26 Sunday Afternoon G. G. Park 10/14/1906 embossed
weidner_027.png weidner_027_b.png 27 Parapet at Sutro Heights 11/14/1902 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed; cf. 2
27 Parapet at Sutro Heights
p028.png p028_b.png 28 Date Palm in Court of Palace Hotel 12/11/1902 Goeggel & Weidner
p029.png p029_b.png 29 Panorama San Francisco 12/24/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; cf. 13
weidner_029.png weidner_029_b.png 29 Panorama San Francisco 09/24/1904 embossed
p030a.png p030a_b.png 30 Yosemite Valley 09/04/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed; cf. 87
p030.png p030_b.png 30 Yosemite Valley 06/30/1905 embossed
weidner_031a.png weidner_031a_b.png 31 Unterground Opium Den. Chinatown Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; 'Unterground' should read 'Underground'
p031c.png p031c_b.png 31 Underground Opium Den. Chinatown 07/28/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p031.png p031_b.png 31 Unterground Opium Den Chinatown. 12/22/1904 AutoChrom; 'Unterground' should read 'Underground'
weidner_031.png weidner_031_b.png 31 Unterground Opium Den Chinatown. 'Unterground' should read 'Underground'
p031e.png p031e_b.png 31 Underground Opium Den. Chinatown.
Wiped out by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p031a.png p031a_b.png 31 Underground Opium Den. Chinatown.
Wiped out by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_032b.png weidner_032b_b.png 32 Chinese Cobbler. Chinatown 02/03/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; bowl at right extends past border
weidner_032.png weidner_032_b.png 32 Chinese Cobbler. Chinatown 12/01/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
32 Chinese Cobbler. Chinatown AutoChrom
p032.png p032_b.png 32 Chinese Cobbler. Chinatown.
His Business ruined by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906
p033.png p033_b.png 33 Chinese Fortune Teller. Chinatown. 10/03/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p033d.png p033d_b.png 33 Chinese Fortune Teller. Chinatown. 10/21/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; American Bankers Convention
p033a.png p033a_b.png 33 Chinese Fortune Teller. Chinatown. 09/27/1905 AutoChrom
p033b.png p033b_b.png 33 Chinese Fortune Teller.
Business ruined by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p033c.png p033c_b.png 33 Chinese Fortune Teller.
Business ruined by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p034.png p034_b.png 34 Street Scene in Fish Alley. Chinatown. 08/20/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
weidner_034b.png weidner_034b_b.png 34 Street Scene in Fish Alley. Chinatown. 08/24/1904 AutoChrom
p034c.png p034c_b.png 34 Street Scene in Fish Alley. Chinatown.
weidner_034a.png weidner_034a_b.png 34 Street Scene in Fish Alley. Chinatown.
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p034d.png 34 Street Scene in Fish Alley. Chinatown.
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_035d.png weidner_035d_b.png 35 Five Idols in the Holy of Holies. Joss Temple.
San Francisco
05/28/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; photo © 1887 by I.W. Taber
p035b.png p035b_b.png 35 Five Idols in the Holy of Holies. Joss Temple.
San Francisco
12/01/1904 AutoChrom; 'Publisher' not 'Photographer'
weidner_035.png weidner_035_b.png 35 Five Idols in Holy of Holies. Joss Temple.
San Francisco, California
AutoChrom; typo '85' for '35'; not 'in the Holy of Holies'
weidner_035b.png weidner_035b_b.png 35 Five Idols in the Holy of Holies. Joss Temple.
Smashed and reduced to ashes
by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
San Francisco, California
p035a.png p035a_b.png 35 Five Idols in the Holy of Holies. Joss Temple.
Smashed and reduced to ashes
by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
San Francisco, California
weidner_036.png weidner_036_b.png 36 Golden Gate and Fort Point. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p036b.png p036b_b.png 36 Golden Gate and Fort Point. 05/23/1904 AutoChrom
p036a.png p036a_b.png 36 Golden Gate and Fort Point.
weidner_036a.png weidner_036a_b.png 36 Golden Gate and Fort Point.
Fort badly damaged by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p036c.png p036c_b.png 36 Golden Gate and Fort Point. 05/21/1908
p037a.png p037a_b.png 37 U.S. Cavalry on fallen Monarch.
Mariposa big tree Grove.
12/13/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; © Southern Pacific Co.
p037b.png p037b_b.png 37 U.S. Cavalry on fallen Monarch.
Mariposa big tree Grove.
p037.png p037_b.png 37 U.S. Cavalry on fallen Monarch.
Mariposa big tree Grove.
weidner_038a.png weidner_038a_b.png 38 Fort Alcatraz, San Francisco Bay. 12/04/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p038.png p038_b.png 38 Fort Alcatraz, San Francisco Bay. 07/12/1905 AutoChrom
weidner_038.png weidner_038_b.png 38 Fort Alcatraz, San Francisco Bay.
p038a.png p038a_b.png 38 Fort Alcatraz, San Francisco Bay.
Buildings badly damaged by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p038b.png p038b_b.png 38 Fort Alcatraz, San Francisco Bay.
Buildings badly damaged by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_039b.png weidner_039b_b.png 39 Seals on Seal Rocks. San Francisco 10/14/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p039.png p039_b.png 39 Seals on Seal Rocks. San Francisco 12/21/1903 AutoChrom
p039d.png p039d_b.png 39 Seals on Seal Rocks. San Francisco 12/29/1905
p039e.png p039e_b.png 39 Seals on Seal Rocks. San Francisco, Cal. 04/08/1907
p039b.png p039b_b.png 39 Seals on Seal Rocks. San Francisco, Cal. 03/22/1908
p040a.png p040a_b.png 40 Buffalos in G. G. Park. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p040b.png p040b_b.png 40 Buffalos in G. G. Park. 12/14/1905 AutoChrom
p040.png p040_b.png 40 Buffalos in G. G. Park. dated 1907
p040c.png p040c_b.png 40 Buffalos in G. G. Park. 02/19/1909
41 Tavern on Mount Tamalpais Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p041b.png 41 Tavern on Mount Tamalpais AutoChrom
p041.png p041_b.png 41 Tavern on Mount Tamalpais 01/28/1907
p041a.png p041a_b.png 41 Tavern on Mount Tamalpais
p042a.png p042a_b.png 42 Scenic Railway. Mount Tamalpais. 05/25/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p042.png p042_b.png 42 Scenic Railway. Mount Tamalpais. 02/22/1906 AutoChrom
p042b.png p042b_b.png 42 Scenic Railway. Mount Tamalpais. 06/20/1907 postmark date uncertain
p043b.png 43 Hotel Del Monte, Monterey. 05/29/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p043a.png p043a_b.png 43 Hotel Del Monte, Monterey. 11/12/1904 AutoChrom
p043.png p043_b.png 43 Hotel Del Monte, Monterey.
p044.png 44 Yosemite Falls, Yosemite Valley.
Hight 2600 feet.
Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; 'Hight' should read 'Height'
p044a.png p044a_b.png 44 Yosemite Falls, Yosemite Valley.
Hight 2600 feet.
03/12/1906 'Hight' should read 'Height'
44 Yosemite Falls, Yosemite Valley.
Hight 2600 feet.
'Hight' should read 'Height'
p045.png p045_b.png 45 Naval Cadets, Naval School. Goat Island. 04/25/1904 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p046.png p046_b.png 46 State Capitol Sacramento 03/24/1906
weidner_046.png weidner_046_b.png 46 State Capitol Sacramento
47 California Ostrich Farm Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p047.png p047_b.png 47 California Ostrich Farm.
p047a.png p047a_b.png 47 California Ostrich Farm. 02/14/1908
p048a.png p048a_b.png 48 After the Rabbit Drive. 10/07/1904 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p048b.png 48 After the Rabbit Drive. 10/30/1906
p048.png 48 After the Rabbit Drive.
p049.png p049_b.png 49 Ferry Building from the Bay 07/25/1903 Goeggel & Weidner
p049a.png p049a_b.png 49 Ferry Building from the Bay 01/29/1906
50 Seal Rocks near Cliff House
p051.png p051_b.png 51 Mission Dolores, Established 1776 03/07/1906 cf. 82, 114
52 Monarch the Grizzley Bear G. G. Park
p053.png p053_b.png 53 Panorama San Francisco -
showing Kearny Street and Telegraph Hill
12/21/1903 Goeggel & Weidner
53 Panorama San Francisco -
showing Kearny Street and Telegraph Hill
p054.png p054_b.png 54 California Street Hill 03/17/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; cf. 118
p054a.png 54 California Street Hill 01/27/1904
weidner_055.png weidner_055_b.png 55 Evening at the Cliff House Goeggel & Weidner
p056.png p056_b.png 56 Inspiration Point. Mount Tamalpais 05/12/1903 Goeggel & Weidner
57 Interior of Ferry Building Goeggel & Weidner
weidner_058.png weidner_058_b.png 58 Presidio 03/12/1903 Goeggel & Weidner
weidner_058a.png weidner_058a_b.png 58 Presidio 03/28/1905
weidner_059a.png weidner_059a_b.png 59 Lotta's Fountain and Market Street 12/14/1903 Goeggel & Weidner
p059.png p059_b.png 59 Lotta's Fountain and Market Street 01/29/1906
p060.png p060_b.png 60 Carmel Mission - Monterey 03/07/1906 Goeggel & Weidner
p061a.png p061a_b.png 61 Opium Fiend, Chinatown 08/21/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; black lettering
p061.png p061_b.png 61 Opium Fiend, Chinatown red lettering
p062.png p062_b.png 62 After a Snowstorm, Mount Shasta 02/19/1903 Goeggel & Weidner
63 Hydraulic Mining [typo Hydarlic?]
64 Big Tree Wawona, Mariposa Grove
p065.png p065_b.png 65 El Capitan, Yosemite Valley 07/05/1904
weidner_066a.png weidner_066a_b.png 66 Mariposa big Tree Grove 04/13/1904
p067.png 67 Corridor Stanford University
68 Cypress Point, Monterey
69 Two Minutes for Breakfast
weidner_070.png weidner_070_b.png 70 Feeding the Swans, Stow Lake, G. G. Park 04/23/1903 Goeggel & Weidner
p070.png p070_b.png 70 Feeding the Swans, Stow Lake, G. G. Park 03/07/1906
weidner_071.png weidner_071_b.png 71 Peeling Potatos on Uncle Sam's Training Ship
at Goat Island
11/24/1903 Goeggel & Weidner
p072.png p072_b.png 72 U.S. Cavalry on fallen Monarch. Mariposa Grove
73 San Carlos Mission - Monterey
74 Old Custom House - Monterey - California.
p075.png p075_b.png 75 Hotel Del Coronado - San Diego 01/29/1906 Goeggel & Weidner
p076.png p076_b.png 76 Camp Barber at the Presidio 09/17/1903 Goeggel & Weidner
p077.png p077_b.png 77 Palm Valley near San Diego Goeggel & Weidner
78 Native Soldiers of the Philippines
p079.png p079_b.png 79 U.S. Cavalry on fallen Monarch. Mariposa Grove 07/20/1904
p080.png p080_b.png 80 Big Tree Wawona. Mariposa Grove Goeggel & Weidner
p080b.png 80 Big Tree Wawona. Mariposa Grove embossed
p080a.png p080a_b.png 80 Big Tree Wawona. Mariposa Grove 12/17/1904
81 After a Snowstorm, Mount Shasta
p082a.png p082a_b.png 82 Mission Dolores, Established 1776 06/07/1905 Goeggel & Weidner; embossed; cf. 51, 114
p082.png p082_b.png 82 Mission Dolores, Established 1776 04/15/1906 embossed; cf. 51, 114
83 Carmel Mission - Monterey
p084.png p084_b.png 84 San Carlos Mission - Monterey 12/17/1904 Goeggel & Weidner
p085.png p085_b.png 85 Gathering Poppies in California. 01/09/1907
p085a.png p085a_b.png 85 Gathering Poppies in California.
p086.png p086_b.png 86 Ferry Building from the Bay. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
weidner_086b.png weidner_086b_b.png 86 Ferry Building from the Bay. 08/27/1905 AutoChrom; typo '36' should read '86'
p086a.png p086a_b.png 86 Ferry Building from the Bay. AutoChrom
weidner_086a.png weidner_086a_b.png 86 Ferry Building from the Bay. 12/04/1905
p086b.png p086b_b.png 86 Ferry Building from the Bay.
Damaged by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p086c.png p086c_b.png 86 Ferry Building from the Bay.
p087a.png p087a_b.png 87 Yosemite Valley from Inspiration Point. 09/30/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; credits right; cf. 30
p087.png p087_b.png 87 Yosemite Valley from Inspiration Point. 05/26/1905 AutoChrom; credits left
p088b.png p088b_b.png 88 At Baldwin's Ranch. So. California. AutoChrom
p088.png p088_b.png 88 At Baldwin's Ranch. So. California. 08/29/1907
p088a.png p088a_b.png 88 At Baldwin's Ranch. So. California. //1907
p089b.png p089b_b.png 89 Mount Shasta. Altitude 14444 Feet 12/22/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p089a.png 89 Mount Shasta. Altitude 14444 Feet
p089.png p089_b.png 89 Mount Shasta. Altitude 14444 Feet 11/02/1908
weidner_090.png weidner_090_b.png 90 Picking Oranges. So. California. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p090.png p090_b.png 90 Picking Oranges. So. California. AutoChrom
p090a.png p090a_b.png 90 Picking Oranges. So. California. 03/09/1907
p091.png p091_b.png 91 Orange Grove Avenue. Pasadena. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
weidner_092.png weidner_092_b.png 92 The Valley from Mount Lowe.
Southern California.
Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
weidner_092a.png weidner_092a_b.png 92 The Valley from Mount Lowe.
Southern California.
p092a.png p092a_b.png 92 The Valley from Mount Lowe.
Southern California.
p093.png 93 Great Incline. Mount Lowe Railway. 01/27/1904 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p093a.png p093a_b.png 93 Great Incline. Mount Lowe Railway. 01/19/1906
93 Great Incline. Mount Lowe Railway. Pacific Electric Railway ad
p094.png p094_b.png 94 Avalon, Catalina Island.
So. California
p095.png p095_b.png 95 Los Angeles. Eastlake 10/08/1906
p096.png p096_b.png 96 A true Fish Story. Catalina Island Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p097.png p097_b.png 97 A California Pigeon Farm. 12/26/1910
p098.png p098_b.png 98 Court House. Los Angeles.
p099.png 99 Hotel Raymond. Pasadena. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p099a.png p099a_b.png 99 Hotel Raymond. Pasadena. AutoChrom
p099b.png p099b_b.png 99 Hotel Raymond. Pasadena. 06/12/1909
p100.png p100_b.png 100 Home of Ramona. So. California Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p100a.png 100 Home of Ramona. So. California
weidner_100.png weidner_100_b.png 100 Home of Ramona. So. California 09/21/1909
p101.png 101 San Gabriel Mission. So. California.
p102.png p102_b.png 102 Interior San Gabriel Mission. So. California. 09/16/1907
p103a.png p103a_b.png 103 The Sierra Nevadas from Eagle Peak
showing Clouds Rest, Half Dome and Glacier Point.
Yosemite Valley.
p103.png p103_b.png 103 The Sierra Nevadas from Eagle Peak
showing Clouds Rest, Half Dome and Glacier Point.
Yosemite Valley.
p104b.png p104b_b.png 104 The Sierra Nevadas from Glacier Point.
Yosemite Valley.
Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; credits right
p104.png p104_b.png 104 The Sierra Nevadas from Glacier Point.
Yosemite Valley.
11/02/1907 credits left
p104a.png p104a_b.png 104 The Sierra Nevadas from Glacier Point.
Yosemite Valley.
p105.png p105_b.png 105 Nevada Fall. Yosemite Valley. 05/04/1909 AutoChrom
p105a.png 105 Nevada Fall. Yosemite Valley.
106 Overhanging Rock. Glacier Point.
Yosemite Valley. Hight 3250 feet.
Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; 'Hight' should read 'Height'
p106.png p106_b.png 106 Overhanging Rock. Glacier Point.
Yosemite Valley. Hight 3250 feet.
07/06/1904 AutoChrom; 'Hight' should read 'Height'
p106a.png p106a_b.png 106 Overhanging Rock. Glacier Point.
Yosemite Valley. Hight 3250 feet.
'Hight' should read 'Height'
p106b.png p106b_b.png 106 Overhanging Rock. Glacier Point.
Yosemite Valley. Hight 3250 feet.
'Hight' should read 'Height'
107 Vernal Fall. Yosemite Valley.
p107.png p107_b.png 107 Vernal Fall. Yosemite Valley.
(Hight 350 Feet)
06/11/1905 AutoChrom; 'Hight' should read 'Height'
weidner_107.png weidner_107_b.png 107 Vernal Fall. Yosemite Valley.
(Hight 350 Feet)
10/05/1907 'Hight' should read 'Height'
108 Raisin Vineyard. Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p108c.png p108c_b.png 108 Raisin Vineyard. 10/08/1904 AutoChrom
p108a.png p108a_b.png 108 Raisin Vineyard.
p108b.png p108b_b.png 108 Raisin Vineyard. postmark year illegible
p109a.png p109a_b.png 109 Palm Avenue. Fresno. 11/28/1903 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom
p109.png p109_b.png 109 Palm Avenue. Fresno. 09/10/1908
weidner_109.png weidner_109_b.png 109 Palm Avenue. Fresno.
p110.png p110_b.png 110 Mariposa Street. Fresno. 01/02/1904 Goeggel & Weidner; AutoChrom; highest numbered G&W listed
p110a.png p110a_b.png 110 Mariposa Street. Fresno. 03/22/1906 AutoChrom
p110b.png 110 Mariposa Street. Fresno.
p111.png p111_b.png 111 Court House. Fresno. 12/28/1906
p111a.png p111a_b.png 111 Court House. Fresno. 09/11/1908
weidner_112a.png weidner_112a_b.png 112 The Chutes. 08/17/1904 AutoChrom top right
p112c.png 112 The Chutes. 06/09/1905 AutoChrom bottom
p112a.png p112a_b.png 112 The Chutes. 04/10/1906
p112b.png p112b_b.png 112 The Chutes. 03/07/1908
p113a.png p113a_b.png 113 Sutro Baths. 08/14/1904 AutoChrom
p113b.png p113b_b.png 113 Sutro Baths. 09/07/1905 AutoChrom
p113c.png p113c_b.png 113 Sutro Baths. 10/03/1906
p113d.png p113d_b.png 113 Sutro Baths.
p114c.png p114c_b.png 114 Mission Dolores. 04/19/1904 AutoChrom bottom center; cf. 51, 82
p114a.png 114 Mission Dolores. AutoChrom left
p114d.png p114d_b.png 114 Mission Dolores. 08/17/1905 AutoChrom bottom left
p114.png p114_b.png 114 Mission Dolores. 06/12/1905 earliest color non-AutoChrom
p114b.png p114b_b.png 114 Mission Dolores. Badly damaged by earthquake
Apr. 18, 1906.
p114e.png p114e_b.png 114 Mission Dolores, not destroyed by the fire
Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_115a.png weidner_115a_b.png 115 Seals on Seal Rocks. 02/28/1904 AutoChrom; credits right
weidner_115c.png weidner_115c_b.png 115 Seals on Seal Rocks. 08/01/1905 AutoChrom; credits bottom
p115a.png p115a_b.png 115 Seals on Seal Rocks. 11/08/1906 credits bottom
weidner_115.png weidner_115_b.png 115 Seals on Seal Rocks. 06/29/1908 no stock number
p116a.png p116a_b.png 116 Union Square and St. Francis Hotel 06/21/1904 AutoChrom; cf. 150
weidner_116b.png weidner_116b_b.png 116 Union Square showing Naval Monument
and San Francis Hotel.
03/14/1905 AutoChrom; 'San' should read 'St.'
p116c.png p116c_b.png 116 Union Square showing Naval Monument
and San Francis Hotel.
'San' should read 'St.'
weidner_116a.png weidner_116a_b.png 116 Hotel St. Francis and Union Square.
Hotel withstood earthquake but fell
a victim to the fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p116.png p116_b.png 116 Hotel St. Francis and Union Square.
Hotel withstood earthquake but fell
a victim to the fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p117.png p117_b.png 117 Palace Hotel Court. 06/17/1905 AutoChrom
p117a.png p117a_b.png 117 Palace Hotel Court. 01/10/1907
p117b.png p117b_b.png 117 Palace Hotel Court.
Withstood earthquake. Destroyed by fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p118.png p118_b.png 118 Cable Cars Climbing California St. Hill. 01/10/1904 AutoChrom; cf. 54
p118a.png p118a_b.png 118 Cable Cars Climbing California St. Hill. AutoChrom
p119b.png p119b_b.png 119 Memorial Church, Stanford University. 03/12/1904 AutoChrom
p119.png 119 Memorial Church, Stanford University.
weidner_119.png weidner_119_b.png 119 Memorial Church, Stanford University.
Totally destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p119a.png p119a_b.png 119 Memorial Church, Stanford University.
Totally destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p120.png p120_b.png 120 Memorial Arch, Stanford University. 12/05/1904 AutoChrom
p120a.png p120a_b.png 120 Memorial Arch, Stanford University.
Destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p120b.png 120 Memorial Arch, Stanford University.
Destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p121.png 121 California Indian, Mendocino Tribe. AutoChrom
p122.png p122_b.png 122 City Hall Square and Lick Monument. 01/21/1905 AutoChrom
weidner_122.png weidner_122_b.png 122 City Hall Square and Lick Monument. 03/05/1906
weidner_122a.png weidner_122a_b.png 122 City Hall Square and Lick Monument.
p123.png 123 City Hall Dome. AutoChrom
weidner_123b.png weidner_123b_b.png 123 City Hall Dome.
weidner_123.png weidner_123_b.png 123 City Hall Dome. Destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906. 02/04/1907
weidner_123a.png weidner_123a_b.png 123 City Hall Dome. Destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p124a.png p124a_b.png 124 Portsmouth Square where the American Flag
was first raised.
San Francisco, Cal.
09/06/1904 AutoChrom
p124.png p124_b.png 124 Portsmouth Square where the American Flag
was first raised.
San Francisco, California.
07/29/1905 AutoChrom
weidner_124.png weidner_124_b.png 124 Portsmouth Square. Chinatown in background
destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
San Francisco, California.
weidner_125b.png weidner_125b_b.png 125 Hall of Justice. 06/02/1905 AutoChrom
weidner_125a.png weidner_125a_b.png 125 Hall Of Justice.
Wrecked by earthquake and destroyed by fire
Apr. 18, 1906.
p125b.png 125 Hall of Justice.
Wrecked by earthquake and destroyed by fire
Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_126a.png weidner_126a_b.png 126 Looking down Market Street. 10/06/1904 AutoChrom
p126.png p126_b.png 126 Looking down Market Street.
Ruined by earthquake and fire
Apr. 18, 1906.
p126a.png p126a_b.png 126 Looking down Market St. seen before the fire Apr. 18, 1906. 02/05/1908
p127.png p127_b.png 127 Looking down Market Street from Call Building. 05/30/1905 AutoChrom
weidner_127.png weidner_127_b.png 127 Looking down Market Street from Call Building.
p127b.png p127b_b.png 127 Looking down Market St. from Call Building.
In ruins from earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p127c.png p127c_b.png 127 Looking down Market St. from Call Building.
Destroyed by fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p128a.png p128a_b.png 128 Looking up Market Street,
showing City Hall and Twin Peaks.
weidner_128a.png weidner_128a_b.png 128 Looking up Market Street,
showing City Hall and Twin Peaks.
weidner_128.png weidner_128_b.png 128 Looking up Market St.
all buildings destroyed by fire April 18, 1906.
p128.png 128 Looking up Market St.
Everything destroyed by earthquake and fire
Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_129a.png weidner_129a_b.png 129 A busy Day at the Water Front. 01/02/1904 AutoChrom; earliest non-G&W postmark; uncurved San Francisco
p129.png 129 A busy Day at the Water Front. 09/06/1905 AutoChrom
weidner_129.png weidner_129_b.png 129 A busy Day at the Water Front. 05/29/1907
p129b.png p129b_b.png 129 A busy Day at the Water Front. 03/20/1908
p130.png p130_b.png 130 Listening to the Concert - Golden Gate Park. AutoChrom
weidner_130a.png weidner_130a_b.png 130 Listening to the Concert - Golden Gate Park. 04/11/1906
p130a.png p130a_b.png 130 Listening to the Concert - Golden Gate Park. 03/19/1908
p131.png p131_b.png 131 In the good old Winter Time.
Golden Gate Park.
12/21/1904 AutoChrom
p131a.png p131a_b.png 131 In the good old Winter Time.
Golden Gate Park.
p132.png p132_b.png 132 Stow Lake and Strawberry Hill.
Golden Gate Park.
08/01/1905 AutoChrom bottom
p132a.png p132a_b.png 132 Stow Lake and Strawberry Hill.
Golden Gate Park.
AutoChrom right
p132c.png p132c_b.png 132 Stow Lake and Strawberry Hill.
Golden Gate Park.
p132b.png p132b_b.png 132 Stow Lake and Strawberry Hill.
Golden Gate Park.
weidner_133.png weidner_133_b.png 133 Drive Way - Golden Gate Park. AutoChrom
weidner_133a.png weidner_133a_b.png 133 Drive Way - Golden Gate Park. 05/04/1906
p133a.png p133a_b.png 133 Drive Way - Golden Gate Park. no year on postmark
weidner_134a.png weidner_134a_b.png 134 Conservatory - Golden Gate Park. 10/07/1904 AutoChrom
p134.png p134_b.png 134 Conservatory - Golden Gate Park.
p134a.png p134a_b.png 134 Conservatory - Golden Gate Park.
All glass shattered by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906
p135d.png p135d_b.png 135 San Francisco, Cal.
Rowing on Stow Lake,
Golden Gate Park.
03/17/1904 AutoChrom
p135a.png p135a_b.png 135 San Francisco, Cal.
Rowing on Stow Lake,
Golden Gate Park.
no stock number
p135.png p135_b.png 135 San Francisco, California.
Rowing on Stow Lake,
Golden Gate Park.
10/07/1904 AutoChrom
weidner_135a.png weidner_135a_b.png 135 San Francisco, California.
Rowing on Stow Lake,
Golden Gate Park.
p135c.png p135c_b.png 135 San Francisco, California.
Rowing on Stow Lake,
Golden Gate Park.
p136e.png p136e_b.png 136 Cliff House Beach.
San Francisco, Cal.
12/29/1903 AutoChrom; possibly G.&.W.
p136b.png p136b_b.png 136 Cliff House Beach.
San Francisco, California.
11/23/1904 AutoChrom
p136c.png p136c_b.png 136 Cliff House Beach.
San Francisco, California.
p136d.png p136d_b.png 136 Cliff House Beach.
San Francisco, California.
p137.png p137_b.png 137 Donahue Fountain. 05/10/1905 AutoChrom
weidner_137.png weidner_137_b.png 137 Donahue Fountain.
Survived earthquake and fire of Apr. 18, 1906.
p137a.png p137a_b.png 137 Donahue Fountain.
Survived earthquake and fire of Apr. 18, 1906.
p138b.png p138b_b.png 138 United States Mint. 08/30/1904 AutoChrom
p138.png p138_b.png 138 United States Mint. 11/09/1906
p138a.png p138a_b.png 138 United States Mint.
Withstood earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p138c.png p138c_b.png 138 United States Mint.
Withstood earthquake.
Destroyed by fire Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_139b.png weidner_139b_b.png 139 The Fishermen's Wharf.
San Francisco, Cal.
01/13/1904 AutoChrom
p139c.png 139 The Fishermen's Wharf.
San Francisco, California.
p139.png p139_b.png 139 The Fishermen's Wharf.
San Francisco, California.
weidner_139a.png weidner_139a_b.png 139 The Fishermen's Wharf.
San Francisco, California.
p140b.png p140b_b.png 140 Hitting the Pipe in Chinatown. 08/03/1904 AutoChrom
p140.png p140_b.png 140 Hitting the Pipe in Chinatown.
weidner_140.png weidner_140_b.png 140 Hitting the Pipe in Chinatown.
Driven out by earthquake and fire. Apr. 18, 1906
p140a.png p140a_b.png 140 Hitting the Pipe in Chinatown.
Driven out by earthquake and fire. Apr. 18, 1906
p141.png p141_b.png 141 A Group of Chinese Children. 02/07/1905 AutoChrom
p141b.png p141b_b.png 141 A Group of Chinese Children.
Rendered homeless by earthquake and fire
Apr. 18, 1906.
p141a.png p141a_b.png 141 A Group of Chinese Children.
Rendered homeless by earthquake and fire
Apr. 18, 1906.
redundant 'California'
weidner_142.png weidner_142_b.png 142 Chinese Slave Girl - Chinatown. 10/07/1904 AutoChrom
p142.png p142_b.png 142 Chinese Slave Girl - Chinatown. 12/20/1906
p142a.png p142a_b.png 142 Chinese nurse-girl without home after fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p143.png 143 Mariposa big Tree Grove, Yosemite AutoChrom
p143a.png p143a_b.png 143 Mariposa big Tree Grove, Yosemite 10/05/1907
144 The Grizzly Giant. The biggest Tree in the World.
Mariposa Grove.
weidner_144.png weidner_144_b.png 144 The Grizzly Giant, The biggest Tree in the World.
Height 320 Feet. Mariposa Grove.
p145.png p145_b.png 145 Wawona. Mariposa Grove. 09/20/1905 AutoChrom
p145a.png p145a_b.png 145 Wawona. Mariposa Grove.
p145b.png p145b_b.png 145 Wawona. Mariposa Grove.
weidner_146a.png weidner_146a_b.png 146 Sky Scrapers. 11/09/1905 AutoChrom
weidner_146.png weidner_146_b.png 146 Sky Scrapers.
Withstood earthquake, but succumbed to fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p146.png p146_b.png 146 Sky Scrapers.
Withstood earthquake, but succumbed to fire Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_147c.png weidner_147c_b.png 147 Palace Hotel
San Francisco, Cal.
05/25/1904 AutoChrom
p147c.png p147c_b.png 147 Palace Hotel
San Francisco, California
p147b.png p147b_b.png 147 Palace Hotel
weidner_147a.png weidner_147a_b.png 147 Palace Hotel.
Totally destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p147.png p147_b.png 147 Palace Hotel.
Totally destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p148a.png p148a_b.png 148 Seal Rocks. 05/12/1905 AutoChrom; highest numbered AutoChrom card
p148.png 148 Seal Rocks.
148 Seal Rocks.
149 A Giant Tree
p149.png 149 A Giant of the California Forest
not spared by the Woodsmen
weidner_150a.png weidner_150a_b.png 150 Union Square and Hotel St. Francis 10/01/1904 embossed; cf. 116
p151.png p151_b.png 151 Memorial Church Stanford University 11/07/1904
152 Memorial Arch Stanford University
p153.png p153_b.png 153 U.S. Cavalry on a fallen Big Tree. California
p153a.png p153a_b.png 153 U.S. Cavalry on a fallen Big Tree. California Street error 'Street'
p153b.png p153b_b.png 153 U.S. Cavalry on a fallen Big Tree. California 02/23/1908
p154.png 154 A logging team on a felled California Giant
26 feet in Diameter
photo: A.R. Moore
weidner_154.png weidner_154_b.png 154 A logging team on a felled California Giant
26 feet in Diameter
photo: A.R. Moore
p154a.png 154 A logging team on a felled California Giant
26 feet in Diameter
photo: A.R. Moore
p155a.png 155 Chinese Laundry.
p155b.png p155b_b.png 155 Chinese Laundry. Went out of business
on account of terrible earthquake and fire. Apr. 18, 1906.
p155.png p155_b.png 155 Chinese Mission 05/15/1911
p156c.png p156c_b.png 156 Chinese Drug Store 01/11/1906
weidner_156.png weidner_156_b.png 156 Chinese Drug Store
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p156a.png p156a_b.png 156 Chinese Drug Store
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p157a.png p157a_b.png 157 Jefferson's Square showing City Hall 09/22/1905
weidner_157a.png weidner_157a_b.png 157 Jefferson's Square showing City Hall
The Dome was destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906
p157b.png p157b_b.png 157 Jefferson's Square showing City Hall
The Dome was destroyed by earthquake Apr. 18, 1906
p158.png p158_b.png 158 Mill Valley and Mt. Tamalpais
p159a.png p159a_b.png 159 Panorama of Nob Hill.
p159.png p159_b.png 159 Panorama of Nob Hill
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p159b.png p159b_b.png 159 Panorama of Nob Hill
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p160b.png p160b_b.png 160 Waterfront as seen from Telegraph Hill 12/06/1905
weidner_160a.png weidner_160a_b.png 160 Waterfront as seen from Telegraph Hill
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p160a.png p160a_b.png 160 Waterfront as seen from Telegraph Hill
p161.png p161_b.png 161 California Street Hill showing Fair Mount Hotel 'Fair Mount' should read 'Fairmont'
p161a.png p161a_b.png 161 California Street Hill showing Fair Mount Hotel 04/09/1906 'Fair Mount' should read 'Fairmont'
weidner_161.png weidner_161_b.png 161 California Street Hill showing Fair Mount Hotel
Everything destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
08/20/1907 'Fair Mount' should read 'Fairmont'
p162.png p162_b.png 162 Chinese Telephone Office
p162a.png p162a_b.png 162 Chinese Telephone Office
Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p163a.png p163a_b.png 163 James Flood Building. 01/21/1906
p163b.png 163 James Flood Building.
weidner_163.png weidner_163_b.png 163 James Flood Building
Withstood earthquake. Burnet out by fire Apr. 18. 1906.
'Burnet' should read 'Burnt'
p163.png p163_b.png 163 James Flood Building
Withstood earthquake. Burnet out by fire Apr. 18. 1906.
10/11/1907 'Burnet' should read 'Burnt'
weidner_164.png weidner_164_b.png 164 Cliff House and Sutro Heights 04/12/1907
p164a.png 164 Cliff House and Sutro Heights
p165b.png p165b_b.png 165 Flower Market near Chronicle Building. 12/05/1905
p165c.png p165c_b.png 165 Flower Market near Chronicle Building.
Out of business on account of fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p165.png p165_b.png 165 Flower Market near Chronicle Building. 09/02/1911
p165a.png p165a_b.png 165 Flower Market near Chronicle Building.
Out of business on account of fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p166.png p166_b.png 166 Gold Miners at work 3000 feet under ground 09/14/1907
p167.png p167_b.png 167 A 28 foot-saw used for cutting down
Big Trees in California
p167a.png p167a_b.png 167 A 28 foot-saw used for cutting down
Big Trees in California
p168a.png p168a_b.png 168 Post Office.
p168c.png p168c_b.png 168 Post Office.
p168.png p168_b.png 168 Post Office. 02/24/1908
p168b.png p168b_b.png 168 Post Office. postmark date illegible
p169a.png p169a_b.png 169 Cliff House and Seal Rocks from Parapet, Sutro Heights. 02/20/1907
p169.png p169_b.png 169 Cliff House and Seal Rocks from Parapet, Sutro Heights.
weidner_170.png weidner_170_b.png 170 City Hall. Oakland. 12/29/1906
p170a.png p170a_b.png 170 City Hall. Oakland.
weidner_171.png weidner_171_b.png 171 Hall of Justice. Oakland 12/29/1906
p171.png p171_b.png 171 Hall of Justice. Oakland 05/26/1907
weidner_171a.png weidner_171a_b.png 171 Hall of Justice. Oakland 05/22/1914
weidner_172.png weidner_172_b.png 172 Lake Merritt Boat Landing. Oakland
p172a.png p172a_b.png 172 Lake Merritt Boat Landing. Oakland
p173.png p173_b.png 173 Oakland Estuary.
weidner_173.png weidner_173_b.png 173 Oakland Estuary.
weidner_174.png weidner_174_b.png 174 Post Office. Oakland. 12/29/1906
weidner_174a.png weidner_174a_b.png 174 Post Office. Oakland. 01/27/1923
p175.png p175_b.png 175 Broadway. Oakland.
weidner_175.png weidner_175_b.png 175 Broadway. Oakland.
p176.png p176_b.png 176 Panorama of Oakland 12/25/1909
176 Panorama of Oakland
weidner_177.png weidner_177_b.png 177 Panorama of Oakland and Lake Merritt.
p177a.png p177a_b.png 177 Panorama of Oakland and Lake Merritt.
p178.png p178_b.png 178 Lafayette Park and Chabot Observatory. Oakland 11/19/1906
weidner_178.png weidner_178_b.png 178 Lafayette Park and Chabot Observatory. Oakland postmark year illegible
p179.png p179_b.png 179 Washington Street. Oakland
p180.png p180_b.png 180 The Foot-ball Players Statue, University California. 08/03/1908
p181.png p181_b.png 181 Oaks at University Grounds. Berkeley.
p182.png p182_b.png 182 Berkeley Station. 05/08/1907
p183.png p183_b.png 183 Entrance to the Stanford University. Palo Alto. 10/07/1908
p183a.png p183a_b.png 183 Entrance to the Stanford University. Palo Alto. 09/20/1907
p184a.png p184a_b.png 184 Leland Stanford jr. University Gymnasium. Palo Alto
p184.png p184_b.png 184 Leland Stanford jr. University Gymnasium. Palo Alto 09/23/1907
184 Leland Stanford jr. University Gymnasium. Palo Alto
p185.png 185 Leland Stanford jr. University Libary. Palo Alto
p186.png p186_b.png 186 A logging train hauling a California big tree to the Mill.
p187b.png p187b_b.png 187 Chemistry Building and Museum, Stanford University.
p187.png p187_b.png 187 Chemistry Building and Museum, Stanford University. 12/25/1907
p187a.png p187a_b.png 187 Chemistry Building and Museum, Stanford University.
p188a.png p188a_b.png 188 University Avenue. Palo Alto.
p188.png p188_b.png 188 University Avenue. Palo Alto. 11/06/1911
p189.png p189_b.png 189 Native Sons and Native Fruit of the Golden West.
p189a.png p189a_b.png 189 Native Sons and Native Fruit of the Golden West. postmark year illegible
p190b.png p190b_b.png 190 Chinatown by Night. 01/27/1908 photo © 1904 by W.E. Worden
p190.png p190_b.png 190 Chinatown by Night. 11/04/1907 comma after 'San Francisco'; photo © 1904 by W.E. Worden
p190a.png p190a_b.png 190 Chinatown by Night. photo © 1904 by W.E. Worden
191 Californias Mountain Trouts
p192.png p192_b.png 192 A view from summit of Mt. Tamalpais
showing double loop
on Scenic Railway Mt. Tamalpais.
text at bottom
weidner_192.png weidner_192_b.png 192 A view from summit of Mt. Tamalpais
showing double loop
on Scenic Railway Mt. Tamalpais.
text at top
p193.png p193_b.png 193 Harvesting Wheat in California.
p194.png p194_b.png 194 Interior Stanford Memorial Chapel. Palo Alto.
p195.png 195 St. James Park. San Jose. 10/18/1906
p196.png p196_b.png 196 City Hall Park, Post Office and St. Josephs Church.
San Jose.
p197a.png p197a_b.png 197 Normal School. San Jose. 05/29/1907
p197.png p197_b.png 197 Normal School. San Jose. 03/18/1907
p198a.png p198a_b.png 198 Court House and Hall of Records. San Jose 12/15/1906
p198.png 198 Court House and Hall of Records. San Jose
p199.png p199_b.png 199 Santa Clara St. showing Electric Tower 300 ft high.
San Jose.
p200.png p200_b.png 200 San Jose, City Hall.
p200a.png p200a_b.png 200 San Jose, City Hall. 03/dd/1907
weidner_201.png weidner_201_b.png 201 Alum Rock Park. San Jose 11/05/1906
p201.png 201 Alum Rock Park. San Jose
p201b.png p201b_b.png 201 Alum Rock Park. San Jose 07/29/1909
weidner_202a.png weidner_202a_b.png 202 City Hall after the earthquake April 18, 1906. 10/22/1906
p202a.png p202a_b.png 202 City Hall after the earthquake April 18, 1906. 10/07/1907
weidner_202.png weidner_202_b.png 202 City Hall after the earthquake April 18, 1906.
weidner_203.png weidner_203_b.png 203 St. Dominic's Church after the earthquake Apr. 18, 1906. 03/04/1907
p203a.png p203a_b.png 203 St. Dominic's Church after the earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
p204.png p204_b.png 204 Street cracked by the earthquake Apr. 18, 1906. 03/05/1907
p204a.png p204a_b.png 204 Street cracked by the earthquake Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_205a.png weidner_205a_b.png 205 Houses wrecked by the earthquake Apr. 18, 1906 11/13/1906
weidner_205b.png weidner_205b_b.png 205 Houses wrecked by the earthquake Apr. 18, 1906 03/24/1908
p205a.png 205 Houses wrecked by the earthquake Apr. 18, 1906
p206a.png p206a_b.png 206 Majestic Theater after the earthquake and fire
Apr. 18, 1906.
p206.png p206_b.png 206 Majestic Theater after the earthquake and fire
Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_207.png weidner_207_b.png 207 Fleeing from the burning City April 18, 1906. 04/25/1907
p207.png 207 Fleeing from the burning City April 18, 1906.
p208.png 208 Fire coming out Market Street April 18, 1906.
p208a.png p208a_b.png 208 Fire coming out Market Street April 18, 1906. 09/10/1907
weidner_209.png weidner_209_b.png 209 Panorama of San Francisco Apr. 18, 1906.
Showing the fire.
p209a.png p209a_b.png 209 Panorama of San Francisco Apr. 18, 1906.
Showing the fire.
p210a.png p210a_b.png 210 Refugees watching the burning City. April 18, 1906. 03/19/1907
p210.png p210_b.png 210 Refugees watching the burning City. April 18, 1906. 11/09/1908 No. 210
weidner_210a.png weidner_210a_b.png 210 Refugees watching the burning City. April 18, 1906. no 'No.' [image trimmed?]
p211.png p211_b.png 211 Burning of San Francisco. April 18, 1906. 03/25/1907
weidner_211.png weidner_211_b.png 211 Burning of San Francisco. April 18, 1906.
weidner_212.png weidner_212_b.png 212 The terrible fire of April 18, 1906. 04/15/1907
p212.png 212 The terrible fire of April 18, 1906.
p212a.png p212a_b.png 212 The terrible fire of April 18, 1906. 11/03/1910
p213b.png p213b_b.png 213 The Conflagaration at its Height. April 19, 1906. 'Conflagration' misspelled
p213.png p213_b.png 213 The Conflagaration at its Height April 19, 1906. 'Conflagration' misspelled
p213a.png 213 The Conflagaration at its Height. April 19, 1906. 'Conflagration' misspelled
p214.png p214_b.png 214 Fire eating out the heart of the City.
April 18, 1906.
weidner_214.png weidner_214_b.png 214 Fire eating out the heart of the City.
April 18, 1906.
weidner_215.png weidner_215_b.png 215 Ruins of the Palace and Grand Hotels
after the earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906.
p216.png p216_b.png 216 Palace Hotel Court after the disaster of
April 18, 1906.
weidner_217.png weidner_217_b.png 217 Looking up Post Street showing St. Francis Hotel
after the disaster Apr. 18, 1906.
p217a.png 217 Looking up Post Street showing St. Francis Hotel
after the disaster Apr. 18, 1906.
p217b.png p217b_b.png 217 Looking up Post Street showing St. Francis Hotel
after the disaster Apr. 18, 1906.
p218.png p218_b.png 218 Union Square surrounded by ruins Apr. 18, 1906.
weidner_218.png weidner_218_b.png 218 Union Square surrounded by ruins Apr. 18, 1906. 06/06/1910
p219.png p219_b.png 219 Ruins of the business portion of the wrecked City. 04/08/1907
weidner_219.png weidner_219_b.png 219 Ruins of the business portion of the wrecked City. 08/22/1909
p220a.png p220a_b.png 220 Ruins along Kearney Street
after the disaster of April 18, 1906.
'Kearney' should read 'Kearny'
p220.png p220_b.png 220 Ruins along Kearney Street
after the disaster of April 18, 1906.
01/09/1908 'Kearney' should read 'Kearny'
p221.png p221_b.png 221 Post Office withstood earthquake
and fire April 18, 1906.
p221a.png p221a_b.png 221 Post Office withstood earthquake
and fire April 18, 1906.
p222.png p222_b.png 222 Refugees waiting for rations. 12/28/1906
p222a.png p222a_b.png 222 Refugees waiting for rations.
weidner_223.png weidner_223_b.png 223 Searching the ruins for canned goods. 11/05/1906
p223a.png p223a_b.png 223 Searching the ruins for canned goods.
p224.png 224 Memorial Arch at Stanford's University, Palo Alto,
wrecked by earthquake, April 18, 1906.
'San Francisco' top right incorrect
p224a.png p224a_b.png 224 Memorial Arch at Stanford's Univeristy, Palo Alto,
wrecked by earthquake, April 18, 1906.
03/11/1908 'San Francisco' top right incorrect
weidner_224.png weidner_224_b.png 224 Memorial Arch at Stanford's Univeristy, Palo Alto,
wrecked by earthquake, April 18, 1906.
'San Francisco' top right incorrect
p225.png p225_b.png 225 Memorial Arch at Stanford's University, Palo Alto,
wrecked by earthquake April 18, 1906.
10/14/1907 should read 'Memorial Church'
p225a.png 225 Memorial Arch at Stanford's University, Palo Alto,
wrecked by earthquake April 18, 1906.
should read 'Memorial Church'
p226.png p226_b.png 226 County Courthouse, Santa Rosa, after the earthquake
April 18, 1906.
p227.png p227_b.png 227 Wrecked buildings at Santa Rosa,
after the earthquake April 18, 1906.
weidner_228.png weidner_228_b.png 228 Hall of Justice after the earthquake and fire
April 18, 1906.
highest numbered undivided card
weidner_228a.png weidner_228a_b.png 228 Hall of Justice after the earthquake and fire
April 18, 1906.
p229.png p229_b.png 229 People watching the terrible conflagration of April 18th 1906.
p230.png p230_b.png 230 The awful fire of April 18th, 1906,
as seen from the bay.
p231.png p231_b.png 231 The burning of Market St. near the Call Building,
April 18th 1906.
weidner_232.png weidner_232_b.png 232 The fire on 3rd St. 9 a.m. April 18, 1906. 08/17/1909
p233.png p233_b.png 233 The burning of the Mission, April 19th 1906. 08/15/1908
weidner_234.png weidner_234_b.png 234 The fire eating up Chinatown. April 18th 1906 04/15/1909
p235.png 235 Looking up Market St.
showing the burning of the Call Building.
April 18th 1906.
p236.png p236_b.png 236 Looking down Montgomery St.
showing the wholesale district burning 5:30 p.m. April 18th 1906.
p237.png p237_b.png 237 The awful fire near the City Hall, April 19th 1906. 01/09/1908
p238.png p238_b.png 238 Refugees in Jefferson Square,
watching the terrible fire, April 18th 1906.
weidner_239.png weidner_239_b.png 239 Refugees in Union Square, April 18th 1906
p240.png p240_b.png 240 The fire coming up Third Street, April 18th 1906 04/29/1911
weidner_241.png weidner_241_b.png 241 The Valencia Street Hotel, after the earthquake
April 18th 1906.
weidner_242.png weidner_242_b.png 242 Street torn and cracked by the earthquake April 18th 1906.
weidner_243.png weidner_243_b.png 243 Cattle killed on Mission Street, by the earthquake
April 18th 1906
weidner_244.png weidner_244_b.png 244 West side of City Hall, after the earthquake April 18th 1906.
p245.png p245_b.png 245 Mechanics and working men, eating their lunch
at Crocker Camp, Union Square
p246.png p246_b.png 246 Interior of Majestic Theatre, after the earthquake,
April 18th 1906
p247.png p247_b.png 247 Working men tearing down walls on Sansome Street.
weidner_248.png weidner_248_b.png 248 Refugees and their belongings,
which they saved from the fire, April 18th 1906.
p249.png p249_b.png 249 Refugees in Jefferson Square, April 18th 1906.
p250.png p250_b.png 250 The Conservatory on Strawberry Hill,
Golden Gate Park, after earthquake, April 18th 1906.
p251.png p251_b.png 251 Drying prunes. Santa Clara County. 10/17/1908
252 Bridal Veil Falls. Height 900 feet. Yosemite Valley.
p253.png p253_b.png 253 El Capitan. Height 5300 feet. Yosemite Valley. 11/02/1907
weidner_254.png weidner_254_b.png 254 The heart of the city, one year after fire. 07/03/1908
p255.png 255 Panorama, showing Ferry Building and Custom House,
one year after the fire.
p256.png p256_b.png 256 News-paper Row, one year after fire.
p257.png p257_b.png 257 Lick Observatory, Santa Clara County
p258.png p258_b.png 258 Panorama of SF,
showing Telegraph Hill and Kearney St,
one year after the fire.
04/01/1908 'Kearney' should read 'Kearny'
p259.png p259_b.png 259 Stage Coach on fallen Monarch. Big Tree Grove. 09/30/1909
weidner_260.png weidner_260_b.png 260 Van Ness Avenue, near Geary Street, one year after fire. 11/25/1907
p261.png p261_b.png 261 Fillmore Street near Sutter Street, one year after fire. 08/11/1908
weidner_262.png weidner_262_b.png 262 Monument dedicated to the First California Volunteers,
at the junction of Market Street and Van Ness Avenue.
p263.png p263_b.png 263 Boat house and boat landing,
Stow Lake, Golden Gate Park.
p264.png p264_b.png 264 The Prayer-book cross at Golden Gate Park. 01/25/1908
p265.png 265 The cider press fountain.
weidner_266.png weidner_266_b.png 266 Rustic bridge over Stow Lake, Golden Gate Park 11/02/1907 cf. 677
weidner_267.png weidner_267_b.png 267 Playing tennis in winter time, Golden Gate Park. 12/30/1907
p268.png p268_b.png 268 Childrens' Play-ground. Golden Gate Park.
weidner_269.png weidner_269_b.png 269 Goethe and Schiller Monument, Golden Gate Park
p270.png 270 The Cliff House
p271.png p271_b.png 271 The Dutch Wind-mill, near Ocean Beach. 06/28/1908
p272.png 272 Looking across the Golden Gate, from Fort Point.
p272a.png p272a_b.png 272 Looking across the Golden Gate, from Fort Point.
273 Looking across the Golden Gate, showing the Light-house.
p274.png p274_b.png 274 Looking in through the Golden Gate, from Land's End. 01/15/1908
p275.png p275_b.png 275 The Presideo. 06/04/1908 'Presideo' should read 'Presidio'
p276.png p276_b.png 276 The brick barracks at Presideo. 11/02/1907 'Presideo' should read 'Presidio'
p277.png p277_b.png 277 The general hospital at Presideo. 01/30/1909 'Presideo' should read 'Presidio'
278 Park at Presideo. 'Presideo' should read 'Presidio'
279 Interior Sutro Baths.
p280.png p280_b.png 280 Indian Papoose. Born in California.
p281.png p281_b.png 281 California rattle-snake ready to strike.
282 [unknown]
283 A bunch of California grapes.
p284.png p284_b.png 284 Sheep grazing in California.
285 California poppy.
286 A bunch of California oranges.
287 A California Magnolia Blossom.
288 A California Poinsetta.
289 A California rose bush in winter.
p290.png p290_b.png 290 Hauling Wood with Oxen Team in Santa Cruz Mountains.
291 Big Tree Station, Santa Cruz Mountains.
weidner_292.png weidner_292_b.png 292 Palm Avenue. Sutro Heights 04/01/1908
293 Lands End.
294 Santa Cruz beach by moonlight.
295 Breakers along Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz.
296 Natural Bridge, Santa Cruz.
297 A morning's catch at the pier, Santa Cruz.
298 High waves at Vieu De L'eau. Santa Cruz.
p299.png p299_b.png 299 Maid of the Mist, Santa Cruz. sepia; photo: C.L. Aydelotte
300 The Casino at Santa Cruz.
p301.png p301_b.png 301 Bathing pavilion, Santa Cruz. 11/14/1907 cyan
302 The Cliff drive, Santa Cruz
p303.png p303_b.png 303 Pacific Avenue. Santa Cruz. 10/17/1907 sepia
p303a.png p303a_b.png 303 Pacific Avenue. Santa Cruz. cyan
304 Glimpse of the north Dome, in winter time.
Yosemite Valley.
p305.png p305_b.png 305 Glimpse of Upper Yosemite Falls, in winter time.
Yosemite Valley.
08/05/1908 cyan
p306.png 306 The Half Dome in Winter. Yosemite Valley. sepia
p307.png p307_b.png 307 The Domes of Yosemite on Christmas Morning.
Yosemite Valley.
08/03/1908 sepia; postmark hard to read
308 On the beach at Santa Cruz.
309 The Sea Beach Hotel at Santa Cruz.
310 Yosemite Valley.
weidner_311.png weidner_311_b.png 311 The Golden Gate. sepia
p312.png p312_b.png 312 The Cliff House Beach. 09/20/1907 sepia
p313.png p313_b.png 313 Hotel Fairmont. 03/03/1908
p314.png p314_b.png 314 Hotel Fairmont, from Powell Street. 08/31/1908
315 Dining Room, Hotel Fairmont
weidner_316.png weidner_316_b.png 316 The Foyer. Hotel Fairmont.
317 Looking down the Meadows. Yosemite Valley
p318.png p318_b.png 318 The Stairway and Foyer. Hotel Fairmont 11/20/1908
p319.png p319_b.png 319 The Ball-room. Hotel Fairmont. 04/19/1909
p320.png p320_b.png 320 The Main Court. Hotel Fairmont 12/10/1908
321 The new route to the Yosemite
on the Yosemite Valley Railroad.
322 Merced River Rapids, at El Portal.
p323.png 323 Tunnell Rock on the new road
to the Yosemite Valley.
324 Yosemite Valley from Inspiration Point.
p325.png p325_b.png 325 Merced River at Yosemite Valley. 02/11/1909
326 Cathedral Spires. Yosemite Valley
327 El Capitan. Yosemite Valley.
328 Cathedral Rocks. Yosemite Valley.
329 Evening at Yosemite Valley.
p330.png p330_b.png 330 Washington Column and Half Dome. Yosemite 09/14/1914
p331.png p331_b.png 331 The Royal Arches, the North Dome
and Washington Column. Yosemite Valley.
332 The Three Brothers. Yosemite Valley.
333 Mirror Lake and Mt. Watkins. Yosemite Valley.
p334.png p334_b.png 334 Vernal Falls, Yosemite Valley. 08/08/1908
335 The Royal Arches, The North Dome
and Washington Column from Camp Curry, Yosemite.
p336.png p336_b.png 336 The Merced River and North Dome, Yosemite Valley.
p337.png p337_b.png 337 The Happy Isles. Yosemite Valley. postmark date illegible
p338.png p338_b.png 338 The Rapids, at Happy Isles. Yosemite Valley.
p339.png 339 Le Conte Memorial Chapel, Yosemite Valley.
340 The Sentinal Hotel, Yosemite Valley
341 The Sierra Nevadas and the Half Dome
from Glacier Point Hotel, Yosemite Valley.
p342.png p342_b.png 342 Ready for the Trail, Yosemite Valley. 01/01/1909
p343.png p343_b.png 343 Glacier Point Hotel, during a Snow Storm,
Yosemite Valley.
344 Agassiz Column, Yosemite
345 Yosemite Falls, Height 2600 feet, Yosemite Valley.
p346.png p346_b.png 346 The Half Dome from the Bridge. Yosemite Valley. 06/23/1909
p347.png p347_b.png 347 Indian Village. Yosemite Valley.
p348.png p348_b.png 348 A Native Daughter of Yosemite Valley, Cal. 03/27/1909
p349.png p349_b.png 349 Mary of the Yosemite Band. Yosemite Valley. 08/24/1915
p350.png p350_b.png 350 Mary at home, making baskets. Yosemite Valley.
p351.png p351_b.png 351 Rocky Point. Yosemite Valley
p352.png p352_b.png 352 Camp Yosemite. Yosemite Valley
p353.png p353_b.png 353 Hotel St. Francis. 03/25/1908
354 Santa Barbara Mission.
355 The garden at Santa Barbara Mission.
p356.png p356_b.png 356 Corridor at Santa Barbara Mission. 03/04/1909
357 Picking wild flowers at Ingleside.
p358.png p358_b.png 358 The Russian River. 07/14/1908
359 The Fallen Monarch, Mariposa Big Tree Grove.
p360.png p360_b.png 360 Entrance to Sutro Heights. 12/24/1908
weidner_361.png weidner_361_b.png 361 Donkeys and Goats at Childrens' Play=ground. Golden Gate Park. 01/20/1908
p362.png p362_b.png 362 Sausalito. 10/02/1908
363 Cutting down big redwoods in California
363 Cutting down big Redwoods, in Humboldt County.
p364.png p364_b.png 364 Big Redwood Log, ready for the mill.
364 Big Redwood Log, ready for the mill, Humboldt County.
p365.png p365_b.png 365 Cutting down big Redwood. Humboldt County.
p366.png p366_b.png 366 Wood-choppers sawing big Redwoods n the logs. should read 'into logs'
366 Wood-choppers sawing big Redwoods in to logs.
Humboldt County.
p367.png p367_b.png 367 Automobile on Stump of California big tree. 03/26/1908
368 Wood-chopper's Picnic; posing for photograph,
on the largest tree in the world.
368 Wood-chopper's Picnic; posing for photograph,
on the largest tree in the world. Fresno County
369 Wood-choppers posing for photograph on big Redwood.
p370.png p370_b.png 370 General Fremont and party
showing Circumference of Giant.
Santa Cruz big trees.
p371.png p371_b.png 371 Big Tree Wawona. Mariposa Grove. 08/12/1909
372 Traction Engine working on Canal, near Stockton.
p373.png p373_b.png 373 Harvesting Red Onions, San Joaquin County
p374.png p374_b.png 374 Threshing Beans, San Joaquin County. 09/14/1909
p375.png p375_b.png 375 Storing Grain in Warehouses, Stockton. 11/06/1908
p376.png p376_b.png 376 Pruning Raisin Vineyard. Fresno County. 07/24/1908
p377.png 377 Plowing and Seeding with Traction Engine,
on Delta Lands of San Joaquin Valley,
on the Line of the S.P.
378 Cows in Pasture. San Joaquin Valley.
378 Cows in Pasture. San Joaquin Valley. Stockton Railway ad
379 Picking Olives, San Joaquin County
weidner_380.png weidner_380_b.png 380 Harvesting Almonds. San Joaquin Valley. 01/27/1908
381 Cows in Pasture.
382 Waiting to be milked.
383 California Poppy.
p384.png 384 Picking Strawberries in California. 11/08/1908
p385.png p385_b.png 385 Picking Grapes in California.
p386.png p386_b.png 386 California Calla Lilies. 09/12/1912
387 Orange Orchard in California
p388.png p388_b.png 388 San Joaquin River and Chicory Factory, near Stockton. 11/18/1909
p389.png p389_b.png 389 Harvesting Wheat in Fresno County.
p390.png 390 Entrance to Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park
p391.png p391_b.png 391 Court House. San Rafael, Marin County. 08/17/1908
p392.png 392 First Presbyterian Church. San Rafael, Marin County.
p393.png 393 Panorama of San Rafael, showing Mt. Tamalpais.
Marin County.
p394.png p394_b.png 394 The Convent. San Rafael, Marin County.
p395.png p395_b.png 395 Fourth Street. San Rafael, Marin County.
p396.png p396_b.png 396 Hotel Rafael. San Rafael, Marin County. postmark year illegible
p397.png p397_b.png 397 The Catholic Church and San Rafael Hall.
San Rafael, Marin County.
p398.png p398_b.png 398 Union Depot, San Rafael, Marin County. 09/21/1909
p399.png 399 High School, San Rafael, Marin County.
400 San Rafael Baths. San Rafael, Marin County. postmark year illegible
401 The Hitchcock Military Academy.
San Rafael, Marin County.
postmark year illegible
402 Tamalpais Military Academy. San Rafael, Marin County.
403 Marin County Bank. San Rafael.
404 Panorama of San Anselmo, showing Mt. Tamalpais.
Marin County.
405 Railroad Station at San Anselmo,
on the Fourth of July.
406 Presbyterian Seminary. San Anselmo, Marin County.
407 Shady Lane near San Anselmo, Marin County.
408 Ross Station. Marin County.
409 Larkspur. Marin County.
410 Mt. Tamalpais from Kentfield. Marin County.
p411.png 411 Old Sausalito and the Bay, Marin County.
p412.png p412_b.png 412 Boating in Sausalito Bay, Marin County. 05/02/1909
p413.png p413_b.png 413 Sausalito. Marin County. 07/05/1908
p414.png p414_b.png 414 Sausalito as seen from Ferry Boat. Marin County. 11/13/1909
weidner_415.png weidner_415_b.png 415 Evening on San Francisco Bay.
p416.png p416_b.png 416 Yachts at Anchor, Sausalito Bay, Marin County.
417 Belvedere Bay, Marin County.
418 Tiburon, Marin County.
p419.png p419_b.png 419 Belvedere, Marin County. 08/30/1909
p420.png p420_b.png 420 Belvedere Bay, showing Hotel Belvedere, Marin County.
p421.png p421_b.png 421 Old Mill at Mill Valley, Marin County. 09/12/1908
p422.png p422_b.png 422 A Group of Redwoods, growing out from root
of an immense Redwood, Mill Valley.
423 Railroad Station at Mill Valley, Marin County
424 A group of Redwoods in Muir Redwood Canyon,
on Mt. Tamalpais Railway.
425 A California Redwood tree (Sequoia Semperviren)
in the Muir Redwoods, on the Mt. Tamalpais Railway,
Marin County - Plenty of room for the whole family
and their friends.
p426.png p426_b.png 426 Climbing Mt. Tamalpais, Marin County. 03/02/1910
427 Sublime Point on Top of Mt. Tamalpais.
428 On the Summit of Mt. Tamalpais, San Anselmo,
Ross Valley, Kent, Larkspur, San Rafael
and Suisun Bay in the distance.
p429.png p429_b.png 429 The Roman Gladiator, on Mt. Tamalpais, Marin County.
There are eleven distinct profiles in this picture.
p430.png 430 Porch at Tavern of Tamalpais,
on Summit of Mt. Tamalpais, Marin County.
431 The Tavern on Tamalpais, Marin County
p432.png p432_b.png 432 The Summit of Mt. Tamalpais, Marin County.
p433.png p433_b.png 433 The Overhanging Rock on Mt. Tamalpais, Marin County.
p434.png p434_b.png 434 Hotel Linda Vista,
San Anselmo, Marin County.
435 Entrance to Hotel Linda Vista,
San Anselmo, Marin County.
436 [unknown]
437 Hotel Linda Vista Camping Grounds,
San Anselmo, Marin County.
438 [unknown]
439 [unknown]
440 [unknown]
p441a.png p441a_b.png 441 The New Phelan Building, Cost 2 1/2 Million Dollars. 07/18/1908
p441.png p441_b.png 441 The New Phelan Building. United Cigars
p442.png p442_b.png 442 Corner Geary and Market Street in 1908. 03/01/1910
p443.png p443_b.png 443 Market Street showing Humboldt Bank and Call Building.
p443a.png p443a_b.png 443 Market Street showing Humboldt Bank and Call Building. stamped with Weidner advertisment
weidner_444.png weidner_444_b.png 444 Sansome and California Street. 03/30/1909
p445.png 445 Mission and Third Street.
p446.png p446_b.png 446 Third Street looking towards Market Street. 07/24/1908
p447.png 447 California Street as seen from Kearny in 1907.
p448.png p448_b.png 448 The New German Hospital. 08/13/1908
p449.png p449_b.png 449 Market Street near Third and Kearny. 03/13/1909
p450.png p450_b.png 450 Looking up Kearny Street near Lotta's Fountain.
p451a.png p451a_b.png 451 Panorama as seen from Fairmount Hotel,
Sky Scrapers erected since Fire.
should read 'Fairmont'
p451.png p451_b.png 451 Panorama as seen from Fairmount Hotel,
Sky Scrapers erected since Fire.
Hotel Colonial ad; should read 'Fairmont'
weidner_452.png weidner_452_b.png 452 Russian Hill and Bay as seen from Nob Hill in 1908.
p453.png p453_b.png 453 Looking east from Fairmont Hotel
showing Mills Building and other skyscrapers.
454 Panorama of San Francisco from Fairmont Hotel,
New Chinatown in Foreground.
weidner_455.png weidner_455_b.png 455 North Beach newly built since the Fire.
p456.png p456_b.png 456 Telegraph Hill and Vicinity in 1908
all new buildings built since the Fire.
weidner_457.png weidner_457_b.png 457 Sing Chong Company's New Building,
California and Dupont Street.
p458.png p458_b.png 458 Nanking-Fook-Woh-Company Building
constructed since the Fire.
weidner_459.png weidner_459_b.png 459 Chinese Twins, born April 18, 1906 in San Francisco. 07/26/1909
weidner_460.png weidner_460_b.png 460 Monadnock and Call Buildings reconstructed since Fire. 12/04/1908
weidner_461.png weidner_461_b.png 461 Merchants Exchange reconstructed since the Fire.
Wireless telegraphy on Roof.
p462.png p462_b.png 462 St. Mary's Cathedral van Ness Ave. 06/22/1908
p463.png p463_b.png 463 Interior of St. Mary's Cathedral. Van Ness Ave. 07/14/1909
p464.png p464_b.png 464 Waterfront. U.S. Army Transport Landing 08/28/1909
p465.png p465_b.png 465 Foot of Market Street showing Ferry Building 2 years after Fire. 05/08/1909
p466.png p466_b.png 466 East Street near Ferry. 07/30/1908
weidner_467.png weidner_467_b.png 467 Garfield Monument, Golden Gate Park.
weidner_468.png weidner_468_b.png 468 In memory of William McKinley, Golden Gate Park.
weidner_469.png weidner_469_b.png 469 Monument of Padre Junipero Serra, Golden Gate Park.
p470.png p470_b.png 470 Sun Dial. Golden Gate Park. 12/18/1908
p471.png p471_b.png 471 Monument of U.S. Grant. Golden Gate Park 02/18/1909
p472.png p472_b.png 472 Bronze Vase at Entrance to Museum. Golden Gate Park
473 New Music Stand. Golden Gate Park
p474.png p474_b.png 474 At the Conzert, Golden Gate Park. 04/26/1909 typo 'Conzert'
weidner_475.png weidner_475_b.png 475 Children's Play Ground, Golden Gate Park 04/26/1909
p476.png p476_b.png 476 Lawn Tennis at G. G. Park, Affiliated Colleges on heights.
p477.png p477_b.png 477 The Parapet at Sutro Heights
overlooking the famous seal Rocks.
p478.png p478_b.png 478 Foreign Man of War, entering. Golden Gate. 02/03/1910
p479.png p479_b.png 479 U. S. Warships in Harbor.
480 Golden Gate at sun set.
481 The Golden Gate.
p482.png p482_b.png 482 Along the Waterfront at Sunrise. 03/30/1909 stock number front top right corner
p483.png p483_b.png 483 Big Trees and Hotel at Calaveras Big Tree Grove. 05/01/1909
484 Park Museum. Golden Gate Park.
485 Mission Dolores built in 1725.
p486.png p486_b.png 486 California Wonderland. California Big Tree Grove.
p487.png p487_b.png 487 California Wonderland. The Pioneers Cabin,
Calaveras Big Tree Grove.
488 California Wonderland. Calaveras Big Tree.
Empire State. 94 feet circumference.
489 House Built on Stump of Big Tree
accommodates 2 Dancers
Calaveras Big Tree Grove.
490 The fallen Big Tree Father of the Forest
now used as a Horse Stable
Calaveras County.
491 Logging Big trees with an ox team in California.
p492.png p492_b.png 492 Looking through the Knot holes of a dead giant.
Calaveras Big Tree Grove.
p493.png p493_b.png 493 The Dead Giant.
Tuolomne Big Tree Grove.
p494.png p494_b.png 494 The big Tree Cathedral, Santa Cruz, Grove.
495 The Fallen Monarch of the Forest.
Santa Cruz Big Tree Grove
496 The Giant Height 306 feet.
Santa Cruz Big Tree Grove.
p497.png p497_b.png 497 California Wonderland
Burnt out to Heights of 100 feet, but still alive.
Santa Cruz Big Tree Grove.
p498.png p498_b.png 498 The Roosevelt Height, 320 feet.
Santa Cruz Big Tree Grove.
p499.png p499_b.png 499 The tree in which General Fremont camped in 1848.
Santa Cruz Big Tree Grove.
p500.png 500 California Wonderland'', The Fremont group,
Santa Cruz County.
p501.png p501_b.png 501 California Wonderland. The redwood twins,
Santa Cruz Big Tree Grove.
502 The biggest Card Receiver in the World.
Circumference 95 feet.
Santa Cruz Big Tree Grove.
p503.png p503_b.png 503 The World famed Bohemian Grove of Big Trees.
Sonoma County.
504 The World famed Bohemian Grove of Big Trees.
Sonoma County.
p505.png p505_b.png 505 Russian River from the Heights of Monte Rio.
Sonoma County.
506 My name is Maud. You make me laugh. Donkey
p507.png p507_b.png 507 Fish Hatchery, near Santa Cruz. 10/16/1908
p508.png p508_b.png 508 Street Scene in Capitola
Santa Cruz County.
p509.png p509_b.png 509 Evening on the San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz.
510 Fisherman's Wharf, Santa Cruz.
511 Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz.
512 San Lorenzo River and Santa Cruz
513 Along the Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz.
p514.png p514_b.png 514 Carnegie Library, Santa Cruz 07/31/1909
p515.png p515_b.png 515 Catholic Church, Santa Cruz 10/06/1908
p516.png p516_b.png 516 High School, Santa Cruz 06/25/1909
517 Court House, Santa Cruz
p518.png p518_b.png 518 Riverside Hotel Santa Cruz. 10/12/1908
519 Cottage City and Casino, Santa Cruz.
p520.png p520_b.png 520 A morning catch, Santa Cruz. 06/28/1909
p521.png p521_b.png 521 Morning Scene on Fisherman's Wharf, Santa Cruz.
p522.png p522_b.png 522 Santa Cruz Beach, showing pleasure Ship 'Balboa'. 09/06/1908
p523.png 523 Natatorium and Port of Casino, Santa Cruz.
524 Arch Rock and Double bridge along Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz.
p525.png 525 Panorama of Santa Cruz.
p526.png p526_b.png 526 Panorama of Santa Cruz. 06/09/1908
p527.png 527 Panorama of Santa Cruz.
528 Swimming Tanks at the Natatorium, Santa Cruz Beach.
p529.png p529_b.png 529 Presbyterian Church, Santa Cruz. 08/27/1908 'Presbyterian' should read 'Episcopal' (corrected here)
p529a.png p529a_b.png 529 Episcopal Church Santa Cruz. 'Presbyterian Church' struck out / replaced
p530.png p530_b.png 530 Sea Beach Hotel, Santa Cruz. 12/08/1908
p531.png p531_b.png 531 Natatorium, Santa Cruz Beach. 06/22/1908
p532.png p532_b.png 532 At the Casino listening to the Band, Santa Cruz. 08/09/1908
533 View of Casino from the Ocean, Santa Cruz.
p534.png p534_b.png 534 On the Sands, Santa Cruz Beach.
535 Logging in California.
536 Santa Cruz Mission
p537.png p537_b.png 537 Jas. W. Marshall,
The Discoverer of Gold in California,
Jan. 24, 1848.
538 Lonesome yet Surrounded by Giants,
Big Tree Grove,
Santa Cruz.
p539.png p539_b.png 539 Fallen big Tree, Father of the Forest.
Calaveras Big Trees Grove.
p540.png p540_b.png 540 Famous Rose Tree, Santa Cruz. 10/09/1911
p541.png p541_b.png 541 Along the Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz. 08/30/1910
542 Vieu de l'eau, Santa Cruz.
p543.png 543 Neptune's Face and Natural Bridge, Santa Cruz.
544 Wave Motor along Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz
545 Maid of the Mist. Vieu de l'Eau, Santa Cruz.
p546.png p546_b.png 546 Crown Rock and Natural Arch, Santa Cruz.
p547.png 547 Bathing at Capitola, Santa Cruz County.
548 Fishermen repairing nets, Santa Cruz
549 Union Railroad Depot, Santa Cruz.
p550.png p550_b.png 550 Capitola, Santa Cruz, County postmark year illegible
551 Capitola Hotel, Santa Cruz County.
552 Trestle near Capitola.
p553.png p553_b.png 553 Beach and Hotel at Capitola. postmark year illegible
554 [unknown]
p555.png p555_b.png 555 Ostrich Tree on 17 Mile Drive, Monterey.
p556.png p556_b.png 556 Old Custom House, Monterey. 05/02/1912
p557.png 557 First theatre in California at Monterey.
p558.png p558_b.png 558 San Carlo's Mission, City of Monterey. 02/24/1910
559 Carmel Mission, Monterey County.
p560.png 560 Midway Point along 17 Mile Drive, Monterey.
p561.png p561_b.png 561 House of the four Winds, Monterey. 05/26/1909
562 Del Monte Hotel.
563 Mexican Garden, Hotel Del Monte.
564 Golf Links, Hotel Del Monte.
p565.png 565 First State Capitol of California at Monterey.
weidner_566.png weidner_566_b.png 566 Swinging Bridge Santa Cruz big Tree Grove.
weidner_567.png weidner_567_b.png 567 The big Tree 'Jumbo' supposed age 5000 years,
Santa Cruz, Big Tree Grove.
p568.png p568_b.png 568 Cliff House Beach showing Pacific Cable Landing. 06/12/1909
p569.png p569_b.png 569 Presidio at Monterey.
p570.png p570_b.png 570 Boulder Creek Santa Cruz Mountains.
p571.png p571_b.png 571 Hydraulic Mining in California 09/19/1909
p572.png p572_b.png 572 Picking Hops in California 11/11/1908
573 His Master's breath makes him tired. dog
p574.png p574_b.png 574 Heap Good. California Melon
575 Don't bother us. We are busy. puppies
p576.png p576_b.png 576 A happy family in the flower-pot 06/10/1909
577 Where is our breakfast? puppies
578 A bowl for each puppies
579 White and Gold dining room,
Hotel St. Francis
p580.png 580 Reading Room, Hotel St. Francis.
p581.png p581_b.png 581 Cafe, Hotel St. Francis.
p582.png p582_b.png 582 Reception Room, Hotel St. Francis. 12/22/1910
weidner_583.png weidner_583_b.png 583 Lobby, Hotel St. Francis. 05/02/1910
weidner_584.png weidner_584_b.png 584 Assembly Hall, Merchant's Exchange.
p585.png p585_b.png 585 The Calvary Church. 05/08/1909
weidner_586a.png weidner_586a_b.png 586 Trinity Episcopal Church. 07/19/1909
p587.png p587_b.png 587 College of Notre Dame.
p588.png p588_b.png 588 Interior of Mission Dolores 11/18/1909
p589.png p589_b.png 589 Street scene in new Chinatown
p590.png p590_b.png 590 A Chinese Restaurant. 06/11/1909
weidner_591.png weidner_591_b.png 591 Sing Fat Co.'s New Store, Chinatown 08/04/1909
p592.png p592_b.png 592 Arrival of New Stock from China. Chinatown 08/18/1909
p593.png p593_b.png 593 Chinese Joss House, Chinatown. 07/20/1909
p594.png p594_b.png 594 New Year in Chinatown. Genthe photo (Ross Alley)
p595.png p595_b.png 595 Chinese Grocery Store 04/27/1911
weidner_596.png weidner_596_b.png 596 A street scene in Chinatown.
p597.png p597_b.png 597 Fish Alley, Chinatown. 04/09/1909
weidner_598.png weidner_598_b.png 598 Chinese Out-door Curio Store, Chinatown. 01/29/1910
p599.png p599_b.png 599 Chinatown, all rebuilt since the fire. 05/27/1909
p600.png p600_b.png 600 Chinese Fortune Teller, Chinatown. 12/28/1934
p601.png 601 Looking up Kearny Street from Third Street.
p602.png p602_b.png 602 The Humboldt Bank and Bulletin Building, Market Street. 10/08/1908
p603.png p603_b.png 603 The Chronicle Building. 05/05/1909
p604.png p604_b.png 604 Native Son's Monument.
605 Hotel St. Francis.
606 United States Mint.
p607.png p607_b.png 607 United States Post Office.
608 Panorama of Nob Hill, showing Fairmont Hotel.
p609.png p609_b.png 609 Appraiser's Building. 05/08/1909
weidner_610.png weidner_610_b.png 610 Panorama of San Francisco from Rincon Hill 10/31/1908
611 James Flood Building.
p612.png p612_b.png 612 Looking up Market Street showing
the Call and Humboldt Bank Bldg.
613 Looking down Market Street.
weidner_614.png weidner_614_b.png 614 Panorama showing Mills Building, Merchant's Exchange,
Kohl Alaska Commercial Building and other sky Scrapers.
All rebuilt since the Fire.
p615.png p615_b.png 615 Evening on the Bay showing the Golden Gate. 04/09/1909
weidner_616.png weidner_616_b.png 616 The Water Front 07/13/1909
617 Ferry Building from the bay
p618.png p618_b.png 618 Ferry Boat crossing the bay
p619.png p619_b.png 619 Goat Island, San Francisco Bay
p620.png p620_b.png 620 Yachting on San Francisco Bay 01/21/1909
621 Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay
p622.png p622_b.png 622 Looking across the bay from the ferry tower,
showing Goat Island and the Ferry Boats.
p623.png p623_b.png 623 Moonlight on San Francisco Bay 12/dd/1909
p624.png p624_b.png 624 East Street from the Ferry tower 07/10/1909
p625.png p625_b.png 625 The Ferry Slips from the ferry tower 10/08/1909
p626.png p626_b.png 626 A scene of the water front from the ferry tower 07/15/1909
p627.png p627_b.png 627 Millions of sacks of California wheat
at the wharf ready for shipment
to all parts of the world
09/10/1913 caption on back
p628.png p628_b.png 628 Shipping Wheat 02/19/1909
p629.png p629_b.png 629 Wheat Ready for Shipment
p630.png p630_b.png 630 Sending Horses to the Philippines 08/06/1909
weidner_631.png weidner_631_b.png 631 Loading Wheat, at the Wharf. 06/31/1910
p632.png p632_b.png 632 Southern Pacific Freight Yards 08/05/1911
weidner_633.png weidner_633_b.png 633 Looking across the Golden Gate,
showing the Light-house
p634.png p634_b.png 634 Fort Point and the Golden Gate 01/10/1910
635 The Cliff House Beach on a stormy day
weidner_636.png weidner_636_b.png 636 Interior of Sutro Baths
p637.png p637_b.png 637 The Dutch Wind mill, near the ocean beach 03/15/1909
weidner_638.png weidner_638_b.png 638 Looking in through the Golden Gate 01/20/1909
p639.png p639_b.png 639 Cliffs along the Golden Gate
p640.png p640_b.png 640 Mission High School 05/07/1909
641 Mission Park and Mission High School
p642.png p642_b.png 642 The Presidio 07/03/1909
p643.png p643_b.png 643 The Guard Mount at Presidio 08/27/1909
p644.png p644_b.png 644 Marching back from Guard Mount, Presidio 12/04/1908
p645.png p645_b.png 645 The Officer's Club House, Presidio 01/01/1909
p646.png p646_b.png 646 The Alameda, Presidio 02/03/1909
647 The Ivy Covered Chapel, Presidio
p648.png p648_b.png 648 A Shady Walk
at the Presidio
p649.png p649_b.png 649 The Brick Barracks, Presidio
p650.png p650_b.png 650 Artillery Drill at Presidio. 07/14/1910
p651.png p651_b.png 651 Entrance to Fort Mason
showing the General's Headquarters.
p652.png p652_b.png 652 The Park at Fort Mason,
showing the Bay and Fort Alcatraz in a distance.
653 An old Time Guard at Fort Mason
p654.png p654_b.png 654 Lake and Fountain at Haight Street
Entrance to Golden Gate Park.
p655.png p655_b.png 655 A scene in Golden Gate Park.
p656.png 656 Chain of Lakes, Golden Gate Park
p657.png p657_b.png 657 Chain of Lakes, Golden Gate Park 09/07/1909
p658.png p658_b.png 658 The Merry Go Round, Children's Play Ground,
Golden Gate Park.
p659.png p659_b.png 659 Sunday Afternoon Concert, Golden Gate Park. 08/18/1909
p660.png p660_b.png 660 Statue of Robert Burns, Golden Gate Park. 01/20/1908
p661.png p661_b.png 661 Base Ball Grounds, Golden Gate Park 02/01/1909
p662.png p662_b.png 662 Recreation Ground, Golden Gate Park
weidner_663.png weidner_663_b.png 663 Superintendent's Lodge, Golden Gate Park 03/26/1909
664 Mexican Garden, Golden Gate Park
p665.png p665_b.png 665 Arizona Garden, Golden Gate Park.
p666.png p666_b.png 666 The Elk and Buffalo Meadow,
Golden Gate Park
p667.png p667_b.png 667 Statuary Hall, Museum
Golden Gate Park
p668.png p668_b.png 668 Jewel Hall Museum,
Golden Gate Park.
p669.png p669_b.png 669 The Deer Park, Golden Gate Park
p670.png p670_b.png 670 Mill Valley and Mt. Tamalpais. 06/28/1909
671 Looking up Third Street from Mission
p672.png p672_b.png 672 Jefferson Square
weidner_673.png weidner_673_b.png 673 St. Paulus German Lutheran Church
from Jefferson Square.
p674.png p674_b.png 674 Interior of the Canton Bazaar.
The first large store, re-opening after the fire,
in New Chinatown
p675.png p675_b.png 675 St. Boniface Church, School and Monastery,
Golden Gate Ave.
p676.png p676_b.png 676 Looking across the Golden Gate,
from Fort Point
weidner_677.png weidner_677_b.png 677 Rustic bridge over Stow Lake, Golden Gate Park 02/25/1909 cf. 266
p678.png p678_b.png 678 Boat house and boat landing,
Stow Lake, Golden Gate Park
p679.png 679 Hotel Fairmont
weidner_680.png weidner_680_b.png 680 Hotel Fairmont from Powell Street 10/13/1908
p681.png p681_b.png 681 Views of New San Francisco 01/18/1909 multiview
p682.png p682_b.png 682 Water Front Views of San Francisco 03/02/1909 multiview
683 Monuments of San Francisco
p684.png p684_b.png 684 Views of the Mission multiview
p685.png p685_b.png 685 Views of New San Francisco 11/17/1909 multiview
p686.png p686_b.png 686 Views of Presidio. multiview
p687.png p687_b.png 687 Views of New San Francisco multiview
p688.png p688_b.png 688 Views of Golden Gate Park 02/02/1909 multiview
p689.png p689_b.png 689 Views of Park and Beach 05/02/1909 multiview
p690.png p690_b.png 690 Chinese Children multiview; photos: Goldsmith Bros.
p691.png p691_b.png 691 Church Views of San Francisco multiview
692 Views of New Chinatown
693 Greetings from San Francisco large letters
p694.png p694_b.png 694 Children of New Chinatown 07/20/1909

Steve's SF postcard pages: