COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for tputs() [Read/decode leading padding information].

List of available manpages

tputs() -- termcap/terminfo Function (libterm/libcurses)

Read/decode leading padding information
#include <curses.h>
#include <term.h>
tputs(name, affcnt, outc)
char *name; int affcnt; int (*outc)();

tputs()  is one  of a  set  of functions  that read  a termcap  or terminfo
terminal description.

tputs() decodes  the leading padding  information of the  string name. When
you use tputs() to interpret the terminfo data base, name should point to a
string that  names one of  terminfo's variables, as defined  in the Lexicon
entry for  terminfo; e.g., auto_right_margin or  auto_left_margin. When you
use  tputs() to  interpret  the termcap  data  base, name  should point  to
termcap's variable code, e.g., am.

affcnt gives the number of lines  affected by the operation.  Set it to one
if it is not applicable.

outc points to the routine that writes each character.


/etc/termcap -- Terminal capabilities data base
/etc/terminfo -- Terminal capabilities data base
/usr/lib/libcurses.a -- Routines for reading terminfo descriptions
/usr/lib/libterm.a -- Routines for reading termcap descriptions

See Also



As  noted  above,  tputs()  can   read  either  a  termcap  or  a  terminfo
description.    The   termcap  version   of   tputs()   lives  in   library
/usr/lib/libterm.a. To  obtain the termcap version of  tputs(), link in the
library /usr/lib/libterm.a.  To obtain the terminfo  version, however, link
in the library /usr/lib/libcurses.a.