COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for libcurses [Library of screen-handling functions].

List of available manpages

libcurses -- Library

Library of screen-handling functions

libcurses is  the library that holds  the curses screen-handling functions.
With curses, you can  perform rudimentary graphics, even on dumb terminals;
the range of routines includes mapping portions of the screen, drawing pop-
up windows,  creating forms  with fields  for data entry,  and highlighting
portions of text.

Implementations of curses

COHERENT uses the Cornell edition of curses.  This implementation of curses
reads  the terminfo  data base.   It uses  eight-bit characters;  thus, the
COHERENT  edition  of  curses  can  display  characters  with  accents  and
diacritical marks.  Library libcurses contains the functions needed to read
terminfo capability  codes; thus, to  compile the program  curses_ex.c, use
the following command line:

    cc curses_ex.c -lcurses

Programs  that wish  to use  curses  must not  link in  both libcurses  and
libterm; doing  so will cause  collisions among library  routines.  Rather,
these programs must link in only libcurses.  On the other hand, if you wish
to use the functions that read terminfo descriptions, you must link library
libcurses into your program, even if you are not using any curses routines.

If  you  have  special terminal  descriptions  under  termcap, the  command
captoinfo converts a termcap description into its terminfo analogue.

See the  Lexicon entries for  termcap and terminfo for  more information on
this rather confusing topic.

How curses Works

curses organizes the screen into a two-dimensional array of cells, one cell
for every character that the device can display.  It maintains in memory an
image of the screen, called the  curscr. A second image, called the stdcur,
is  manipulated   by  the  user;  when  the  user   has  finished  a  given
manipulation,  curses copies  the changes  from the  stdcur to  the curscr,
which results in their being displayed on the physical screen.  This act of
copying  from the  stdscr to  the curscr is  called refreshing  the screen.
curses keeps  track of where all  changes have begun and  ended between one
refresh and the next; this lets  it rewrite only the portions of the curscr
that the user has changed, and so speed up rewriting of the screen.

curses records  the position of  a ``logical cursor'', which  points to the
position in  the stdscr  that is  being manipulated by  the user,  and also
records the  position of the  physical cursor.  Note  that the two  are not
necessarily  identical: it  is possible  to  manipulate the  logical cursor
without repositioning the physical cursor, and vice versa, depending on the
task you wish to perform.

Most  curses routines  work  by manipulating  a WINDOW  object.  WINDOW  is
defined in the header curses.h.

curses defines WINDOW as follows:

#define WINDOW _win_st
struct _win_st {
     short     _cury, _curx;
     short     _maxy, _maxx;
     short     _begy, _begx;
     short     _flags;
     chtype    _attrs;
     bool      _clear;
     bool      _leave;
     bool      _scroll;
     bool      _idlok;
     bool      _use_keypad;/* 0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes/timeout */
     bool      _use_meta;/* T=use the meta key */
     bool      _nodelay;/* T=don't wait for tty input */
     chtype    **_line;
     short     _firstchar;/* First changed character in the line */
     short     *_lastchar;/* Last changed character in the line */
     short     *_numchngd;/* Number of changes made in the line */
     short     _regtop;/* Top and bottom of scrolling region */
     short     _regbottom;

Type bool is defined in curses.h; an object of this type can hold the value
of true (nonzero) or false (zero).

The following describes selected WINDOW fields in detail.

_cury, _curx
          Give the Y and X positions of the logical cursor.  The upper left
          corner of the window  is, by definition, position 0,0.  Note that
          curses by  convention gives positions as  Y/X (row/column) rather
          than X/Y, as is usual elsewhere.

_maxy, _maxx
          Width and height of the window.

_begy, _begx
          Position of  the upper left corner of the  window relative to the
          upper left  corner of the  physical screen.  For  example, if the
          window's  upper left  corner is  five  rows from  the top  of the
          screen and  ten columns from the left, then  _begy and _begx will
          be set to ten and five, respectively.

_flags    One or more of the following flags, logically OR'd together:

          _SUBWIN -- Window is a sub-window
          _ENDLINE -- Right edge of window touches edge of the screen
          _FULLWIN -- Window fills the physical screen
          _SCROLLWIN -- Window touches lower right corner of physical screen
          _FULLINE -- Window extends across entire physical screen
          _STANDOUT -- Write text in reverse video
          _INSL -- Line has been inserted into window
          _DELL -- Line has been deleted from window

_ch_off   Character offset.

_clear    Clear the physical screen before next refresh of the screen.

_leave    Do not move the physical cursor after refreshing the screen.

_scroll   Enable scrolling for this window.

_y        Pointer to an array of pointers to the character arrays that hold
          the window's text.

_firstch  Pointer to an array of integers, one for each line in the window,
          whose  value is  the first  character  in the  line to  have been
          altered by  the user.  If a  line has not been  changed, then its
          corresponding entry in the array is set to _NOCHANGE.

_lastch   Same as _firstch, except  that it indicates the last character to
          have been changed on the line.

_nextp    Point to next window.

_orig     Point to parent window.

When curses  is first invoked,  it defines the  entire screen as  being one
large window.   The programmer  has the  choice of subdividing  an existing
window or creating new windows; when  a window is subdivided, it shares the
same curscr as its parent window, whereas a new window has its own stdscr.

Multiple Terminals

Some  applications  need  to  display  text  on  more  than  one  terminal,
controlled  by the  same  process.  curses  can  handle this,  even if  the
terminals  are of  different  types.  The  following  describes how  curses
output to multiple terminals.

All information  about the  current terminal is  kept in a  global variable
struct screen *SP.  Although the  screen structure is hidden from the user,
the C  compiler will accept  declarations of variables  which are pointers.
The  user  program should  declare  one screen  pointer  variable for  each
terminal it wishes to handle.

The function  newterm() sets up a  new terminal of the  given terminal type
that is  accessed via file-descriptor  fp.  To use more  than one terminal,
call newterm() for each terminal and save the value returned as a reference
to that terminal.

To switch to a different terminal, call set_term().  It returns the current
contents of SP.  Do not assign directly to SP  because certain other global
variables must also be changed.

All curses routines always  affect the current terminal.  To handle several
terminals, switch to each one in  turn with set_term(), and then access it.
Each terminal  must first be  set up with  newterm(), and closed  down with

Video Attributes

curses  lets  you  display  any  combination  of video  attributes  on  any
terminal.  Each character position on the screen has 16 bits of information
associated with it.  Seven bits  are the character to be displayed, leaving
bits  for nine  video attributes.   These bits are  used for  the following
modes respectively:  standout, underline, reverse video,  blink, dim, bold,
blank,  protect,   and  alternate-character  set.    Standout  is  whatever
highlighting works best on the terminal,  and should be used by any program
that does  not need specific or  combined attributes.  Underlining, reverse
video, blink,  dim, and bold  are the usual video  attributes.  Blank means
that  the  character  is  displayed  as  a  space,  for  security  reasons.
Protected and  alternate character set depend on the  terminal.  The use of
these last three bits is subject to change and not recommended.

The  routines   to  use  these  attributes   include  attron(),  attroff(),
attrset(),  standend(),   standout(),  wattroff(),  wattron(),  wattrset(),
wstandend(), and wstandout(). All are described below.

Attributes, if  given, can be  any combination of  A_STANDOUT, A_UNDERLINE,
OR'd together.  These constants  are defined in curses.h. If the particular
terminal does  not have the particular  attribute or combination requested,
curses  will attempt  to use  some other  attribute in  its place.   If the
terminal has no highlighting, all attributes are ignored.

Function Keys

Many terminals  have special keys,  such as arrow  keys, keys to  erase the
screen, insert  or delete text, and keys intended  for user functions.  The
particular  sequences  these   terminals  send  differs  from  terminal  to
terminal.  curses lets you handle these keys.

A program using function keys should turn on the keypad by calling keypad()
at initialization.  This causes  special characters to be passed through to
the program  by the function  getch().  These keys have  constants that are
defined in curses.h. They have values  starting at 0401, so they should not
be stored in a char variable, as significant bits will be lost.

A program  that uses function keys should avoid  using the <esc> key:
most sequences start with  <esc>, so an ambiguity will occur.  curses
sets  a one-second  alarm to  deal  with this  ambiguity, which  will cause
delayed  response to  the <esc>  key.   It is  a good  idea to  avoid
<esc> in  any case, because  there is eventually  pressure for nearly
any screen-oriented program to accept arrow-key input.

Scrolling Region

Most terminals have  a user-accessible scrolling region.  Normally, this is
set to  the entire window,  but the calls setscrreg()  and wsetscrreg() set
the scrolling region  for stdscr or the given window  to any combination of
top and  bottom margins.   If scrolling  has been enabled  with scrollok(),
scrolling takes place only within that window.

TTY Mode Functions

In addition  to the save/restore  routines savetty() and  resetty(), curses
contains routines for going into and out of normal tty mode.

The normal  routines are resetterm(),  which puts the terminal  back in the
mode it  was in when  curses was started,  and fixterm(), which  undoes the
effects  of resetterm(),  that is,  restores  the ``current  curses mode''.
endwin()  automatically   calls  resetterm().   These   routines  are  also
available at the terminfo level.

No-Delay Mode

curses offers  the call nodelay(), which puts  the terminal into ``no-delay
mode''.  While in no-delay mode, any  call to getch() returns -1 if nothing
is waiting to be read.  This  is useful for programs that require real-time
behavior, where  the user watches  action on the  screen and presses  a key
when he wants  something to happen.  For example, the  cursor can be moving
across the screen, and the user can press an arrow key to change direction.
This mode is especially useful for games.


curses  contains several  routines to  improve portability.   Because these
routines do not  directly relate to terminal handling, their implementation
differs from system to system, and the differences can be isolated from the
user program by including them in curses.

Functions   erasechar()  and   killchar()  return   the   characters  that,
respectively,  erase one  character and  kill the  entire input  line.  The
function baudrate()  returns the  current baud  rate, as an  integer.  (For
example, at  9600 baud, baudrate() returns the integer  9600, not the value
B9600  from  <sgtty.h>.)  The  routine  flushinp()  throws  away  all
typeahead.  call  resetterm() to  restore the  tty modes.  After  the shell
escape, fixterm() can be called to set the tty modes back to their internal
settings.   These calls  are  now required,  because  they perform  system-
dependent processing.

curses Routines

The following  table summarizes the functions and  macros that comprise the
curses library.  These routines are declared and defined in the header file

addch(ch) char ch;
     Insert a character into stdscr.

addstr(str) char *str;
     Insert a string into stdscr.

attroff(at) int at;
     Turn off video attributes on stdscr.

attron(at) int at;
     Turn on video attributes on stdscr.

attrset(at) int at;
     Set video attributes on stdscr.

     Return the baud rate of the current terminal.

     Sound the audible bell.

box(win, vert, hor) WINDOW *win; char vert, hor;
     Draw a  box.  vert is the  character used to draw  the vertical lines,
     and hor is used to draw the horizontal lines.  The call

         box(win, 0, 0)

     draws a box with solid lines.  The call

         box(win, '|', '-');

     draws a  box around window win,  using `|' to draw  the vertical lines
     and `-' to draw the horizontal lines.  Do not use non-ASCII characters
     unless you are very sure of the output terminal's identity.

     Turn on cbreak mode.

     Clear the stdscr.

clearok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf;
     Set the clear  flag for window win. This will  clear the screen at the
     next refresh, but not reset the window.

     Clear from  the position of  the logical cursor  to the bottom  of the

     Clear from the logical cursor to the end of the line.

     Turn on control-character mode; i.e., force terminal to receive cooked

     Delete a  character from stdscr;  shift the rest of  the characters on
     the line one position to the left.

     Delete all of the current line;  shift up the rest of the lines in the

delwin(win) WINDOW *win;
     Delete window win.

     Update the physical screen.

     Turn  on  both  physical and  logical  echoing;  i.e., characters  are
     automatically inserted  into the current window  and onto the physical

     Terminate text processing with curses.

     Erase a window; do not clear the screen.

char *erasechar()
     Return the erase character of the current terminal.

     Execute the visual bell.

     Flush input from the current terminal.

     Read a character from the terminal.

getstr(str) char *str;
     Read a string from the terminal.

getyx(win,y,x) WINDOW *win; short y,x;
     Read the  position of the logical  cursor in win and  store it in y,x.
     Note that this is a macro, and due to its construction the variables y
     and x must be integers, not pointers to integers.

idlok(win, flag) WINDOW *win; int flag;
     Enable  insert/delete  line  operations  for  window win.   flag  must
     contain the OR'd operations you desire.

     Read the character pointed to by the stdscr's logical cursor.

WINDOW *initscr()
     Initialize curses.  Among other things, this  function initializes the
     global variables LINES  and COLS, which give, respectively, the number
     of lines and the number of columns on your screen.

     This is of  most use under X Windows.  When  you change the size of an
     xterm or xvt window, the command

         eval `resize`

     resets  these variables.   The  next time  you  invoke a  curses-based
     program, its size will reflect new the dimensions of window.

insch(ch) char ch;
     Insert character ch into the stdscr.

     Insert a blank line into stdscr, above the current line.

keypad(win,flag) WINDOW *win; int flag;
     Enable keypad-sequence mapping.

char *killchar()
     Return the kill character for the current terminal.

leaveok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf;
     Set  win->_leave to  bf. If  set  to TRUE,  refresh will  leave the
     cursor after the last  character changed by refresh.  This makes sense
     if you  want to minimize the  commands sent to the  screen and it does
     not matter where the cursor is.

char *longname(termbuf, name) char *termbuf, *name;
     Copy the long name for the terminal from termbuf into name.

meta(win, flag) WINDOW *win; int flag;
     Enable use of the meta key.

move(y,x) short y,x;
     Move logical cursor to position y,x in stdscr.

mvaddbytes(y,x,da,count) int y,x; char *da; int count;
     Move to position y,x and print  count bytes from the string pointed to
     by da.

mvaddch(y,x,ch) short y,x; char ch;
     Move the logical cursor to position y,x and insert character ch.

mvaddstr(y,x,str) short y,x; char *str;
     Move the logical cursor to position y,x and insert string str.

mvcur(y_cur,x_cur,y_new,x_new) int y_cur, x_cur, y_new, x_new;
     Move cursor from position y_cur,x_cur to position y_new,x_new.

mvdelch(y,x) short y,x;
     Move to position y,x and delete the character found there.

mvgetch(y,x) short y,x;
     Move to position y,x and get a character through stdscr.

mvgetstr(y,x,str) short y,x; char *str;
     Move to  position y,x, get a  string through stdscr, and  copy it into

mvinch(y,x) short y,x;
     Move to position y,x and get the character found there.

mvinsch(y,x,ch) short y,x; char ch;
     Move to position y,x and insert a character into stdscr.

mvwaddbytes(win,y,x,da,count) WINDOW *win; int y,x; char *da; int count;
     Move to position y,x and print  count bytes from the string pointed to
     by da into window win.

mvwaddch(win,y,x,ch) WINDOW *win; int y,x; char ch;
     Move to position y,x and insert character ch into window win.

mvwaddstr(win,y,x,str) WINDOW *win; short y,x; char *str;
     Move to position y,x and insert string str.

mvwdelch(win,y,x) WINDOW *win; int y,x;
     Move to position y,x and delete character ch from window win.

mvwgetch(win,y,x) WINDOW *win; short y,x;
     Move to position y,x and get a character.

mvwgetstr(win,y,x,str) WINDOW *win; short y,x; char *str;
     Move to position y,x, get a string, and write it into str.

mvwin(win,y,x) WINDOW *win; int y,x;
     Move window win to position y,x.

mvwinch(win,y,x) WINDOW *win; short y,x;
     Move to position y,x and get character found there.

mvwinsch(win,y,x,ch) WINDOW *win; short y,x; char ch;
     Move to position y,x and insert character ch there.

struct screen *newterm(type, fd) char *type; int fd;
     Initialize  the  new  terminal  type,  which  is  accessed  via  file-
     descriptor fd.

WINDOW *newwin(lines, cols, y1, x1)
int lines, cols, y1, x1;
     Create a new window.  The new window is lines lines high, cols columns
     wide,  with the  upper-left  corner at  position y1,x1.  It returns  a
     pointer to the WINDOW structure that defines the newly created window.

nl() Turn on  newline mode; i.e., force  terminal to output <newline>
     after <linefeed>.

     Turn off cbreak mode.

     Turn off  control-character mode; i.e.,  force terminal to  accept raw

nodelay(win, flag) WINDOW *win; int flag;
     Make getch() non-blocking.

     Turn off echo mode.

     Turn off newline mode.

     Turn off raw mode.

overlay(win1,win2) WINDOW *win1, win2;
     Copy all  characters, except spaces,  from their current  positions in
     win1 to identical positions in win2.

overwrite(win1,win2) WINDOW *win1, win2;
     Copy all  characters, including spaces,  from win1 to  their identical
     positions in win2.

printw(format[,arg1,...argN]) char *format; [data type] arg1,..argN;
     Print formatted text on the standard screen.

     Turn on raw  mode; i.e., kernel does not process  what is typed at the
     keyboard,  but passes  it directly  to curses.  In normal  (or cooked)
     mode,  the  kernel intercepts  and  processes  the control  characters
     &lt;ctrl-C&gt;,  &lt;ctrl-S&gt;,  &lt;ctrl-Q&gt;, and  <ctrl-Y>.
     See the entry for stty for more information.

     Copy the contents of stdscr to the physical screen.

     Reset the terminal flags to values stored by earlier call to savetty.

     Save the current state of the terminal.

     Save the current terminal settings.

scanw(format[,arg1,...argN]) char *format; [data type] arg1,..argN;
     Read the  standard input; translate what is  read into the appropriate
     data type.

scroll(win) WINDOW *win;
     Scroll win up by one line.

scrollok(win,bf) WINDOW *win; bool bf;
     Permit or forbid scrolling of window win, depending upon whether bf is
     set to true or false.

setscrreg(top, bottom) int top, bottom;
     Set the scrolling region on stdscr.

setterm(name) char *name;
     Set term variables for name.

struct screen *set_term(new) struct screen *new;
     Switch output to terminal new.  It returns a pointer to the previously
     used terminal.

     Turn off standout mode.

     Turn on standout mode for text.  Usually, this means that text will be
     displayed in reverse video.

WINDOW *subwin(win, lines, cols, y1, x1)
int win,lines,cols,y1,x1;
     Create a  sub-window in window win. The new  sub-window is lines lines
     high, cols columns wide, and is fixed at position y1,x1. Note that the
     position is relative to  the upper-left corner of the physical screen.
     This function  returns a pointer to the  WINDOW structure that defines
     the newly created sub-window.

touchwin(win) WINDOW *win;
     Copy all characters in window win to the screen.

     Turn off debugging output.

     Turn on debugging output

unctrl(ch) char ch;
     Output a printable version of the control-character ch.

waddch(win,ch) WINDOW *win; char ch;
     Add character ch to window win.

waddstr(win,str) WINDOW *win; char *str;
     Add the string pointed to by str to window win.

wattroff(win,att) WINDOW *win; int att;
     Turn off video attributes att for the window pointed to by win.

wattron(win,att) WINDOW *win; int att;
     Turn on video attributes att for the window pointed to by win.

wattrset(win,at) WINDOW *win; int att;
     Set the video attributes att for the window pointed to by win.

wclear(win) WINDOW *win;
     Clear window  win. Move  cursor to position  0,0 and set  the screen's
     clear flag.

wclrtobot(win) WINDOW *win;
     Clear window win from current position to the bottom.

wclrtoeol(win) WINDOW *win;
     Clear window win from the current position to the end of the line.

wdelch(win) WINDOW *win;
     Delete the character at the  current position in window win; shift all
     remaining characters to the right of the current position one position

wdeleteln(win) WINDOW *win;
     Delete the current line and shift all lines below it one line up.

werase(win) WINDOW *win;
     Clear window win.  Move the cursor to position 0,0  but do not set the
     screen's clear flag.

wgetch(win) WINDOW *win;
     Read one character from the standard input.

wgetstr(win,str) WINDOW *win; char *str;
     Read a string from the standard input; write it in the area pointed to
     by str.

winch(win) WINDOW *win;
     Force the next call to refresh() to rewrite the entire screen.

winsch(win,ch) WINDOW *win; char ch;
     Insert character  ch into window  win at the  current position.  Shift
     all existing characters one position to the right.

winsertln(win) WINDOW *win;
     Insert a blank line into window win at the current position.  Move all
     lines down by one position.

wmove(win,y,x) WINDOW *win; int y, x;
     Move current position in the window win to position y,x.

wnoutrefresh(win) WINDOW *win;
     Copy  the window  pointed to  by  win to  the virtual  screen; do  not
     refresh the real screen.

WINDOW *win; char *format;
[data type] arg1,..argN;
     Format text and print it to the current position in window win.

wrefresh(win) WINDOW *win;
     Refresh a window.

WINDOW *win; char *format;
[data type] arg1,..argN;
     Read standard  input from the  current position in  window win, format
     it, and store it in the indicated places.

wstandend(win) WINDOW *win;
     Turn off standout (reverse video) mode for window win.

wstandout(win) WINDOW *win;
     Turn on standout (reverse video) mode for window win.

wsetscrreg(win,top,bottom) WINDOW *win; int top, bottom;
     Set the scrolling region on the window pointed to by win.

Color Support

Beginning with  release 4.2,  COHERENT's implementation of  curses supports
color.  curses  defines colors  as a video  attribute, like any  other.  It
actually handles pairs of colors --  one for the foreground and one for the
background.   You  must initialize  a  color  pair and  given  it a  unique
identifying  number; then  pass the  identifier  of the  color pair  to the
function wattron() to turn on, like any other video attribute.

The  header file  <terminfo.h>  defines the  following colors,  which
curses recognizes:


Header file <curses.h>  defines the variables COLORS, which holds the
maximum  number of  colors that  your console  or terminal  recognizes; and
COLOR_PAIRS,  which  holds the  maximum  number of  color  pairs that  your
console  or terminal  recognizes.  The  function  start_color() initializes
both variables.

The following gives the functions  and macros with which you can manipulate

     This function returns TRUE if you can change the definition of a color
     on  your  device, and  FALSE  if  you cannot.   You  should call  this
     function before you invoke the function init_color(), described below.

color_content(color,r,g,b); int color,*r,*g,*b;
     Read the RGB settings for color  and write them at the addresses given
     by r, g, and b.

COLOR_PAIR(pairnum); int pairnum;
     Return the  definition of  the color  pair identified by  pairnum. The
     color pair must have been initialized by a call to init_pair().

     Return TRUE if your console or terminal supports color and FALSE if it
     does not.

init_color(color,r,g,b); int color,r,g,b;
     Initialize color to the RGB values  r, g, and b. color must be greater
     than zero and less than COLORS. r,' g, and b must each be between zero
     and 1,000.   Not every  console or terminal  permits you to  reset its
     colors.   Call  can_change_colors()  to  see  if  you can  alter  your
     device's colors.

init_pair(pairnum,fc,bc) int pairnum, fc, bc;
     Initialize the  color pair pairnum to the foreground  color fc and the
     background color  bc. pairnum must be greater than  zero and less than
     COLOR_PAIRS. fc and bc must be greater than -1 and less than COLORS.

pair_content(pairnum,fc,bc) int pairnum,*fc,*bc;
     Read the  foreground and background  colors represented by  color pair
     pairnum and write them into the areas pointed to by fg and bg.

     Turn on color processing.   This function must precede all other color
     routines; usually, it immediately follows the function initscr().

A brief example of how to colors appears in the Examples section, below.

terminfo Routines

As  noted above,  curses reads terminal  descriptions from  terminfo rather
than  termcap. The  library libcurses also  holds the  following functions,
with which you can read a terminfo description:

fixterm()......Set the terminal into program mode
putp().........Write a string into stdwin
resetterm()....Reset the terminal into a saved mode
setupterm()....Initialize terminal capabilities
tparm()........Output a parameterized string
tputs()........Process a capability string
vidattr()......Set the terminal's video attributes
vidputs()......Set video attributes into a function

For more information on these  routines, see the Lexicon entry terminfo, or
see each routine's entry in the Lexicon.

If  you define  the environment  variable TERMINFO,  curses checks  for the
terminal definition in the directory that TERMINFO names rather than in the
standard  directory   /usr/lib/terminfo.  For  example,  if   you  set  the
environmental variable  TERM is  set to  vt100, then the  compiled terminfo
definition is kept  in directory /usr/lib/terminfo/v/vt100. However, if you
define    TERMINFO   to    be   $HOME/testterm,    curses    first   checks
$HOME/testterm/v/vt100;     if    that     fails,     it    then     checks
/usr/lib/terminfo/v/vt100. This is useful when you are debugging a terminfo

Structure of a curses Program

To  use  the  curses routines,  a  program  must  include  the header  file
curses.h, which declares and defines the functions and macros that comprise
the curses library.

Before  a program  can  perform any  screen  operations, it  must call  the
function initscr() to initialize the curses environment.

As noted  above, curses manipulates  text in a  copy of the  screen that it
maintains in  memory.  After a  program has manipulated text,  it must call
refresh() to  copy these  alterations from  memory to the  physical screen.
(This is  done because writing to  the screen is slow;  this scheme permits
mass alterations to  be made to copy in memory,  then written to the screen
in a batch.)

Finally, when  the program has  finished working with curses,  it must call
the function endwin(). This frees memory allocated by curses, and generally
closes down the curses environment gracefully.


The  first example  shows what  modes  and characters  are visible  on your

#include <curses.h>
#define A_ETX 0x03

    int c, y = 0, x = 0, attr = A_NORMAL, mask, state = 0, hibit = 0;


    move(y, 0);
"+ sets - clears Normal Bold Underline blInk Reverse Standout Altmode");
    move(++y, 0);

    for (;;) {
        if (!state) {
            switch (c = getch()) {
            case '+':
                state = 1;

            case '-':
                state = 2;

            case '\b':
                if (!x)
                move(y, --x);
                addch(' ');
                move(y, x);

            case '\r':
            case '\n':
                move(++y, x = 0);

            case A_ETX:

                addch(c | hibit);

        } else {
            switch (c = getch()) {
            case 'A':   /* turn on high bit of input */
                hibit = (state & 1) << 7;
                state = 0;

            case 'B':
                mask = A_BOLD;

            case 'U':
                mask = A_UNDERLINE;

            case 'I':
                mask = A_BLINK;

            case 'R':
                mask = A_REVERSE;

            case 'S':
                mask = A_STANDOUT;

            case 'N':   /* normal is an absence of bits */
                if (state == 1) {
                    attr = A_NORMAL;
                    hibit = state = 0;


            if (state == 1)
                attr |= mask;
                attr &= ~mask;
            state = 0;

The next  example demonstrates how to  use colors in a  curses program.  It
selects colors  randomly, builds color  pairs, and displays  a 40-character
text string to demonstrate the newly build color pair.

#include <curses.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void goodbye()
    move(23, 0);

    int x, y, i;


    if (!has_colors())

    for (x = 0, y = 0, i = 1; i < COLOR_PAIRS; i++, y++) {
        if (y == 23) {
            x = 40;
            y = 0;

        move(y, x);
        init_pair(i, (rand() % COLORS), (rand() % COLORS));
        addstr("Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.");


The next example shows how to read function keys under curses:

#include <curses.h>
void text();

    int input;

    keypad(stdscr, TRUE);

    while (TRUE) {
        input = wgetch(stdscr);
        switch (input) {
        case 'q':
        case 'Q':

        case KEY_UP:
            text("cursor up");

        case KEY_DOWN:
            text("cursor down");

        case KEY_LEFT:
            text("cursor left");

        case KEY_RIGHT:
            text("cursor right");

        case KEY_F(1):
            text("function key 1");

        case KEY_F(2):
            text("function key 2");

            text("some other key");

void text(s)
register char *s;
    move(0, 0);
    printw("Your input was: %s", s);

See Also

Strang  J:  Programming  with  curses.  Sebastopol, Calif,  O'Reilly  &
Associates Inc., 1986.


The implementation  of curses  used by the  COHERENT system was  written by
Pavel Curtis of Cornell University.  It was ported to COHERENT by Udo Munk.