COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for return [Return a value and control to calling function].

List of available manpages

return -- C Keyword

Return a value and control to calling function

return  is a  C  statement that  returns  a value  from a  function to  the
function that  called it.  return  can be used  without a value,  to return
control of the program to  the calling function; also, the calling function
is  free  to ignore  the  value return  hands  it.  Note  that  it is  good
programming practice to declare functions that return nothing to be of type

A function can return only one  value to the function that called it.  Most
often,  this  value  is  used  to  signal whether  the  function  performed
successfully or not.

See Also

C keywords
ANSI Standard, §