COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for pr [Paginate and print files].

List of available manpages

pr -- Command

Paginate and print files
pr [ options ] [ file ...]

pr paginates each file and writes  it onto the standard output.  At the top
of each page,  pr writes a header that that  gives today's date, the file's
name, the number of the page,  and the number of the line in the input file
at which printing begins.

The file name `-' tells pr to read the standard input; this lets you mingle
text from one or more files with text you type from the keyboard or pipe in
from another program.   pr also reads the standard input  by default if its
command line does not name a file.

pr recognizes the following command-line options:

+ skip
     Skip the first skip pages of each input file.

-N   Print the text in N columns.   This is used to print out material that
     was typed in one or more columns.

-h header
     Use header in place of the  text name in the title.  If header is more
     than one word long, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.

-lN  Set the page length to N lines (default, 66).

-m   Print the  texts simultaneously, in separate  columns.  Each text will
     be assigned an equal amount of width on the page, and any lines longer
     than that width will be truncated.   You can use this to print several
     similar texts or listings simultaneously.

-n   Number each line.

-sc  Separate each column by the character c. You can separate columns with
     a letter  of the alphabet,  a period, or an  asterisk.  Normally, each
     column is left-justified in a fixed-width field.

-t   Suppress the printing  of the header on each page,  and the header and
     footer space.

-wN  Set  the  page width  to  N  columns (default,  80).   Text lines  are
     truncated to fit the column width.  The maximum width is 254 columns.

See Also



pr generates  normal ASCII text, suitable for displaying  on your screen or
printing with a dot-matrix  printer.  The command prps also paginates text,
but its  output is in the  PostScript language, suitable for  printing on a
PostScript printer.