COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for cat [Concatenate the contents of a file to the standard output].

List of available manpages

cat -- Command

Concatenate the contents of a file to the standard output
cat [ -u ][ file ... ]

cat copies each file arguments to  the standard output.  A `-' tells cat to
read the standard  input.  If no file is specified,  cat reads the standard

The  -u option  makes the  output unbuffered.   Otherwise, cat  buffers the
output in units of the machine's disk block size (e.g., 512 bytes).

See Also



If you  redirect cat's the output  to one of its input  files, it will loop
forever, reading from  the file the text that it  has just written into it:
in effect, cat will chase its own tail endlessly.