COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for passwd [Set/change login password].

List of available manpages

passwd -- Command

Set/change login password
passwd [user]

passwd sets or changes the password  for the specified user. If user is not
specified, passwd changes the password of the caller.

passwd requests  that the  old password  (if any) be  typed, to  ensure the
caller is who  he claims to be.  Next it  requests a new password, and then
requests  it again  in case  of  typing errors.   passwd requests  a longer
password if the one given is too brief or too simple.


/etc/shadow -- Encrypted passwords

See Also



One good  way to construct  a password is  to concatenate two  common words
plus    a    punctuation   mark.     For    example,   ``dog~collar''    or
``hamlet&horatio''  are passwords  that are both  easy to  remember and
difficult to guess.