COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for crypt() [Encryption using rotor algorithm].

List of available manpages

crypt() -- General Function (libc)

Encryption using rotor algorithm
char *crypt(key, extra); char *key, *extra;

crypt() implements  a version of  rotor encryption.  It  produces encrypted
passwords that  are verified by comparing the  encrypted clear text against
an original encryption.

key  is an  ASCII string  that contains  the user's  password.  extra  is a
``salt''  string  of  two additional  characters  that  are  stored in  the
password file  with the encrypted password.  Each  character must come from
an alphabet of 64 symbols,  which consists of the upper-case and lower-case
letters, digits, the period `.', and the slash `/'.

crypt()  returns a  string built from  the 64-character  alphabet described
above; the  first two characters  returned are the extra  argument, and the
rest contain the encrypted password.

See Also
