COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for nohup [Run a command immune to hangups and quits].

List of available manpages

nohup -- Command

Run a command immune to hangups and quits
nohup command [arguments]

The  command  nohup  tells the  COHERENT  shell  to  execute command  while
ignoring all hangup and quit signals.

If you  do not  redirect the  output of command,  nohup redirects  both the
standard  output  and  the  standard  error  into the  file  nohup.out.  If
nohup.out cannot  be created in the current  directory, nohup redirects all
output into the file $HOME/nohup.out.

nohup is  often used  to execute scripts  or pipelines that  would normally
abort  if you logged out during the middle of execution.


If file is a shell script, then the command

    nohup sh file

executes the contents of file in  the foreground while ignoring all quit or
hangup signals.  The command

    nohup sh file &

executes  file in  the  background; you  can  log out  safely  and all  the
contents of file will still be executed.

See Also
