COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for ms [Manuscript macro package].

List of available manpages

ms -- Technical Information

Manuscript macro package
nroff -ms file ...

The  nroff macro  package ms  formats manuscripts.   The tutorial  on nroff
describes the ms macros in detail.

ms includes the following macros:

.AB  Begin the abstract portion of a document's title page.

.AE  End the abstract

.AI  Indicate author's institution on a document's title page.

.AU  Name the author on the title page of a document.

.B   Boldface  font:  set  the  following  argument  in boldface.   If  the
     argument is  longer than  one word, it  must be enclosed  in quotation
     marks.  Anything on the line after the argument is thrown away.

.BD  Block-centered display.   Take a portion of text; do  not adjust it or
     break it between two lines, but center it as a whole.

.BT  Bottom title.  This controls  the printing of the footer title, should
     you  want one.   It uses  three strings,  all or any  of which  can be
     defined  by  the  user: LF,  for  left-hand  portion;  CF, for  center
     portion;  and  RF,   for  right-hand  portion.   CF  has  the  default
     definition  of printing  the page  number; the  other two  strings are

.CD  Centered display.  Center individually every line within a display.

.DA  Set the date.

.DE  Mark the end  of a display.  Do not use  after the macros .LD, .CD, or

.DS  Mark the beginning of a display.   Do not use for displays longer than
     one page.

.FE  Mark the end of a footnote entry.

.FS  Mark the beginning of a footnote entry.

.I   Italic font.  Used like .B, above.

.ID  Indent a display 1/2 inch before printing.

.IP  Indent a  paragraph of text before printing.  This  macro can take two
     arguments: argument 1 is used as  a tag that is printed to the left of
     the  first line  of the  paragraph;  argument 2  indicates how  far to
     indent the  paragraph, in characters (the  default is five characters,
     or 1/2 inch).

.KE  Indicate the  end of  a keep, or  a portion of  text that must  not be
     broken between two pages.

.KF  Start floating keep.

.KS  Indicate the beginning of a keep.

.LD  Set a display flush left; used  with displays that are longer than one

.NH  Set a  numbered heading.  This macro takes one  argument: the depth of
     numbering.  For example, a `4' here would yield a number of the format
     ``''.   No  number  higher than  five  is  accepted here.   The
     following line gives the text of the heading.

.PP  Begin a new paragraph.

.QE  Mark the end of a quoted paragraph.

.QP  Quoted paragraph.  Used like .IP, above.

.QS  Mark the beginning of quoted text; text is indented by five characters
     (1/2 inch).

.R   Roman font.  Used like .B, above.

.RE  Mark the end of a relative indentation.

.RS  Mark the beginning  of a relative indentation.  A relative indentation
     is a  block of text that  is indented five characters  (1/2 inch) more
     than the text before it.

.SH  Subheading.  One line of space  is inserted, and the following line of
     text is set boldface and flush left.

.TA  Set tabs, in characters.

.TL  Title: format the title entry on the cover page of a document.



See Also

Introduction to nroff, Text Processing Language, tutorial