COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for man [Manual macro package].

List of available manpages

man -- Technical Information

Manual macro package
nroff -man file ...

The macro package  formats UNIX-style manual pages.  To invoke this
package, use the argument -man with either nroff or troff includes the following macros:

.B [string ...]
     Use boldface font.   If used with one or more  strings, prints them in
     boldface.  Otherwise, print all subsequent text in boldface, up to the
     next explicit change of font.

.BI boldtext italictext boldtext italictext ...
     This  macro prints  its arguments in  alternating boldface  and italic
     fonts.  It takes up to six arguments.

.BR boldtext romantext boldtext romantext ... ]
     This  macro prints  its arguments  in  alternating boldface  and Roman
     fonts.  It takes up to six arguments.

.CO  Print the string ``COHERENT''.

.DE  End a display.  It is always used with the macro .DS, described below.

.DS  Start a display.  The text that  follows, up to the macro .DE, is read
     into a  diversion.  It is  not adjusted.  When the  display is closed,
     nroff checks  whether the present  page has enough space  left to hold
     the text.   If the  page does  not, nroff jumps  to the next  page and
     prints the text there.

.DT  Set the  default tab stops.  by default set a  tab stop every
     five characters (half-inch).

.HE  Help end -- close a section of help messages.

.HP  Hanging paragraph.  The new paragraph is separated by a space from the
     text  that came  above  it; however,  unlike  the macro  .PP, the  new
     paragraph keeps the current level of indentation.

.HS  Help start.  All text from here up to the macro .HE is assumed to form
     a special help message, and is ignored.

.I [string ...]
     Use italic  font.  If used  with one or  more strings, prints  them in
     italic.  Otherwise,  print all  subsequent text  in italic, up  to the
     next explicit change of font.

.IB italictext boldtext italictext boldtext ...
     This  macro prints  its arguments in  alternating italic  and boldface
     fonts.  It takes up to six arguments.

.IP [string [indentation] ]
     Indented  paragraph.  If  it has  no arguments, it  drops a  space and
     indents subsequent  text to the current level  of indentation.  If the
     macro has one  argument, it uses that argument as  a stub, and indents
     the following text by  another five characters (one-half inch).  If it
     has  two arguments,  it uses  the  first as  a stub,  and indents  the
     subsequent text by the value given in the second argument.

.IR italictext romantext italictext romantext ... ]
     This macro prints its arguments in alternating italic and Roman fonts.
     It takes up to six arguments.

.PD [distance]
     Set  the  default  interparagraph  distance  to distance.  If  invoked
     without  an argument,  it resets  the  interparagraph distance  to the
     default, which is kept in the number register PD.

.PP  Paragraph.   The macro  inserts a  space into  the output,  and indent
     subsequent text by the default amount,  which is the value kept in the
     number register IN.

.R   Use Roman  font.  If  used with  one or more  strings, prints  them in
     Roman.  Otherwise, print all subsequent  text in Roman, up to the next
     explicit change of font.

.RB romantext boldtext romantext boldtext ...
     This  macro prints  its arguments  in  alternating Roman  and boldface
     fonts.  It takes up to six arguments.

.RE  End relative indentation.   Subsequent text is printed at the previous
     level of indentation.

.RI romantext italictext romantext italictext ...
     This macro prints its arguments in alternating Roman and italic fonts.
     It takes up to six arguments.

.RS [indentation]
     Start  relative indentation.   The indentation  of subsequent  text is
     increased by indentation.  If invoked without an argument, indentation
     is increased by the default amount, as set by the number register IN.

.SH [text]
     Section heading.  Set text in bold as the title of the section.  If it
     is invoked without an argument, this  macro uses the first line of the
     subsequent text  as the section's title.   Subsequent text is indented
     by the default amount, as set by the number register IN.

.TH [first second third fourth fifth]
     Header.  This  is the first macro  to appear in any  manual page.  Its
     optional arguments  are used  in the header  and footer of  the manual
     page, as follows:

          The name  of the manual page.   It appears in the  left and right
          corners of each page's header.

          This argument gives the section of the UNIX manual that holds the
          manual page.

          This argument  appears in the  center of each  page's footer.  It
          usually  names the  category  of item  that this  manual page  is

          This appears in the lower-left corner of each page.

          This appears in the center of each page's header.

.TP [indentation]
     Tagged paragraph.  This macro  resembles the macro .IP, except that it
     uses first line of subsequent text as the paragraph's stub. uses the following number registers to control its behavior.  These
are defined  in the macro .TH;  if you wish to reset them,  do so after you
have invoked macro .TH:

IN   The default indentation.

LL   The default line length.

PD   The default distance between paragraphs.

Finally, sets the following strings:

R    The registered  trademark symbol.  This  is equivalent to  the special
     character \(rg.

Tm   The  trademark symbol.   This is equivalent  to the  special character


/usr/lib/ -- Macro package

See Also

nroff, The Text Processing Language, tutorial