COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mkdir() [Create a directory].

List of available manpages

mkdir() -- System Call (libc)

Create a directory
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int mkdir(path, mode)
char *path;
int mode;

The COHERENT  system call mkdir()  creates the directory  specified by path
and gives it the file mode specified by mode. If path is relative (that is,
it  doesn't begin  with  a `/'  character), mkdir()  creates the  directory
relates to the current directory of the process that calls mkdir(). If path
is absolute  (i.e., begins with  a `/'), path  specifies a directory  to be
created  relative to  the  root directory  for this  process.  See  Lexicon
article chroot()  for details.  If  path specifies more  than one directory
level, all  parent names  specified must exist,  must be accessible  by the
calling process, and actually must be directories.

Argument mode is formed  by logically OR'ing permissions constants found in
header file <sys/stat.h>. These constants begin with S_ and determine
the  permissions for  the directory.   See the  Lexicon article  stat.h for

If  the directory  is successfully  created, mkdir()  returns zero.   If an
error occurs, mkdir() returns -1 and sets errno to an appropriate value.

See Also

POSIX Standard, §5.4.1