COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for mkdir [Create a directory].

List of available manpages

mkdir -- Command

Create a directory
mkdir [ -rp ] directory

mkdir  creates  directory.  Files or  directories  with  the  same name  as
directory must  not already exist.  directory will be  empty except for the
entries `.',  the directory's  link to  itself, and `..',  its link  to its
parent directory.

Option -r creates directories recursively.  For example, the command

    mkdir -r /foo/bar/baz

creates directory foo in /; then creates directory bar in the newly created
directory  foo; and  finally  creates directory  baz in  the newly  created
directory bar.

Option -p behaves  exactly the same as -r. COHERENT  includes it for use by
scripts imported from other operating systems.

See Also



mkdir fails  and prints an error  message if you do  not have permission to
write into directory in which you  are attempting to create a new directory
or if the  directory in which you attempted to  create a new directory does
not exist.