COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for libm [COHERENT mathematics library].

List of available manpages

libm -- Library

COHERENT mathematics library

The  COHERENT  mathematics  library  libm  contains  the  following  useful
mathematics functions:

acos().........Calculate inverse cosine
asin().........Calculate inverse sine
atan().........Calculate inverse tangent
atan2()........Calculate inverse tangent of quotient
cabs().........Calculate complex absolute value
ceil().........Set numeric ceiling
cos()..........Calculate cosine
cosh().........Calculate hyperbolic cosine
exp()..........Calculate exponent
fabs().........Calculate absolute value function
floor()........Calculate floor function
fmod().........Calculate modulus for floating-point number
hypot()........Calculate hypotenuse
j0()...........Calculate Bessel function, order 0
j1()...........Calculate Bessel function, order 1
jn()...........Calculate Bessel function, order n
log()..........Calculate natural logarithm
log10()........Calculate common logarithm
pow()..........Calculate power
sin()..........Calculate sine
sinh().........Calculate hyperbolic sine
sqrt().........Calculate square root
tan()..........Calculate tangent
tanh().........Calculate hyperbolic tangent

See Also


Hart, J.F.,  et al.:  Computer Approximations.  New York, John  Wiley &
Sons, 1968.

Press, W.H.,  Flannery, B.P., Teukolsky, S.A.,  Vetterling, W.T.: Numerical
Recipes  in  C.   New  York,  Cambridge  University  Press,  1988.   Highly


When  programs that  contain mathematics  routines  are compiled,  you must
explicitly  name  the mathematics  library  on the  cc  command line.   For
example, to  compile the example presented under the  entry for acos(), use
the following cc command line:

               cc -f acos.c -lm

The -f option links in the  floating point routines for printf(), while the
-lm option  links in the  mathematics libraries.  Note that  the -lm option
must come last on the cc  command line, or the library will not be searched

The related library  libmp performs multi-precision arithmetic.  With these
routines,  you can  perform arithmetic  on extremely  large numbers,  to an
extremely fine precision.  For details, see the Lexicon entry for libmp.