COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for libmp [Library for multiple-precision mathematics].

List of available manpages

libmp -- Library

Library for multiple-precision mathematics

The  COHERENT library  libmp contains  routines that  allow you  to perform
multiple-precision arithmetic.  These functions manipulate a data structure
called  a mint,  or ``multiple-precision integer,''  which the  header file
mprec.h defines as follows:

typedef struct {
    unsigned len;
    char *val;
} mint;

You should  not depend on  the details of  this structure, because  on some
machines  a different  representation  may be  more  efficient.  Using  the
listed functions is always safe.

The following gives the multiple-precision routines:

gcd()..........Set variable to greatest common divisor
ispos()........Return if variable is positive or negative
itom().........Create a multiple-precision integer
madd().........Add multiple-precision integers
mcmp().........Compare multiple-precision integers
mcopy()........Copy a multiple-precision integer
mdiv().........Divide multiple-precision integers
min()..........Read multiple-precision integer from stdin
minit()........Condition global or auto multiple-precision integer
mintfr().......Free a multiple-precision integer
mitom()........Reinitialize a multiple-precision integer
mneg().........Negate multiple-precision integer
mout().........Write multiple-precision integer to stdout
msqrt()........Compute square root of multiple-precision integer
msub().........Subtract multiple-precision integers
mtoi().........Convert multiple-precision integer to integer
mtos().........Convert multiple-precision integer to string
mult().........Multiply multiple-precision integers
mvfree().......Free multiple-precision integer
pow()..........Raise multiple-precision integer to power
rpow().........Raise multiple-precision integer to power
sdiv().........Divide multiple-precision integers
smult()........Multiply multiple-precision integers
spow().........Raise multiple-precision integer to power
xgcd().........Extended greatest-common-divisor function
zerop()........Indicate if multi-precision integer is zero

itom() creates  a new mint, initializes  it to the signed  integer value n,
and returns a pointer to it.   Storage used by a mint created with itom may
be reclaimed using mintfr().

A mint that already exists may be reinitialized by mitom(), which sets a to
the value n. If the mint was declared as a global or automatic variable, it
must be  conditioned before  first use  by minit(), which  prevents garbage
values in  the mint  structure from causing  chaos.  A mint  conditioned by
minit() has no  value; however, it may be used  to receive the result of an
operation.   For mints  automatic to  a function,  mvfree() should  be used
before the function is exited to  free the storage used by the val field of
the mint structure.  Otherwise, this storage will never be reclaimed.

madd(), msub(),  and mult() set c  to the sum, difference,  or product of a
and b. mdiv  divides a by b and writes  the quotient and remainder in q and
r. b  must not be  zero.  The results  of the operation are  defined by the
following conditions:

1. a=q*b+r

2. The sign of r equals the sign of q

3. The absolute value of r < the absolute value of b.

smult() is  like mult(), except  the second argument  is an integer  in the
range 0 <= n <= 127.   sdiv() is like mdiv(), except the second argument is
an integer in the range 1 <= n <= 128, and the remainder argument points to
an int instead of a mint().

pow() sets c to a raised  to the b power reduced modulo m. rpow() sets c to
a raised to the b power.   spow() is like rpow(), except the exponent is an
integer.  In no case may the exponent be negative.

mcopy() sets b equal to a. mneg() sets b equal to negative a.

msqrt() sets b to the integral  portion of the positive square root of a; r
is  set to  the remainder.   a  must not  be negative.   The result  of the
operation is defined by the condition

    a = b * b + r

gcd()  sets c  to the  greatest common  divisor of  a and  b. xgcd()  is an
extended gcd routine that sets g to the greatest common divisor of a and b,
and sets r and s so the relation

    g = a * r + b * s

holds.  For xgcd(), r, s and g must all be distinct.

mints  may be  compared with  mcmp(), which returns  a signed  integer less
than, equal to,  or greater than zero according to  whether a is less than,
equal to,  or greater than  b. ispos() returns  true (nonzero) if  a is not
negative, false (zero) if a is  negative.  zerop returns true if a is zero,
false otherwise.

mtoi()  returns an integer  equal to  the value  of a. a  should be  in the
allowable range for a signed integer.

The external  integers ibase and obase govern the  I/O and ASCII conversion
routines.  Allowable  bases run from  two to 16.  Permissible  digits are 0
through 9 and A through F  (lower-case letters are not allowed).  min reads
a mint  in base  ibase from the  standard input and  sets a to  that value.
Leading blanks  and an optional leading minus sign  are allowed; the number
is  terminated by  the  first non-legal  digit.   mout() outputs  a on  the
standard  output in  base  obase. mtos()  performs the  same conversion  as
mout(), but  the result is  placed in a  character string instead  of being
output;  a pointer  to  the string  is  returned.  The  string is  actually
allocated by malloc(), and may be freed by free().

mzero() and mone() point to mints  with values zero and one.  mminint() and
mmaxint() point  to mints  containing the  minimum and maximum  values that
will fit in a signed integer.   These constants should never be used as the
result of an operation.

All  the necessary  declarations for  these constants  and for  the library
functions  are contained  in  the header  file  mprec.h. They  need not  be

To link libmp  modules into an executable object, use  the argument -lmp at
the end of the cc command.


The following example converts a string into a multi-precision integer.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mprec.h>
#include <ctype.h>

 * "ibase" is an int which contains the input base used by "stom".
 * It should be between 2 and 16.
int ibase = 10;

 * stom() reads in a number in base ibase from string 'a' and returns
 * pointer to multiple-precision integer.
mint *stom(s)
register char *s;
    char cval;
    mint c = {1, &cval};
    register int ch;
    char mifl = 0;  /* leading minus flag */
    static mint number;

    mcopy(mzero, &number);  /* set number to zero */
    if ((ch = *s) == '-') { /* skip leading '-' */
        mifl = 1;
        ch = *++s;

    /* scan thru string 's', building result in "number" */
    while (isascii(ch) && isdigit(ch)) {
        cval = (isdigit(ch) ? ch - '0': ch - 'A');
        smult(&number, ibase, &number);
        madd(&number, &c, &number);
        ch = *++s;

    if (mifl)   /* adjust sign of a "number" */
        mneg(&number, &number);

/* simple test for "stom" */
    char    buffer[80];

    printf("Input string ? ");
    mout(stom(buffer)); /* Print in stdout multiple-precision int */



See Also



On any error, such as division  by zero, running out of space or taking the
square root of a negative number,  an appropriate message is printed on the
standard error stream and the program exits with a nonzero status.