COHERENT manpages

This page displays the COHERENT manpage for .kshrc [Set personal environment for Korn shell].

List of available manpages

.kshrc -- System Administration

Set personal environment for Korn shell

Whenever you invoke the Korn shell ksh, it executes the script named in the
environmental  variable   ENV.  By  custom,   this  is  usually   the  file

To ensure that .kshrc is executed whenever you log in, insert the line

    export ENV=${HOME}/.kshrc

into your .profile.

.kshrc should include  all items that you wish to  have known to all of the
shells that  you invoke -- both  the login shell and  all subshells.  These
should include aliases,  environmental variables, and the set commands that
you use  to fine-tune the  operation of the  shell.  If you  wish to define
items in your  login shell but hide them from  subshells, simply place them
in your .profile instead of your .kshrc.  For example, the command

    set -o emacs

turns on  MicroEMACS-style command-line editing  for all of  your subshells
when you  insert it into your  .kshrc, but turns it on  only for your login
shell if you insert it only into your .profile.

The following gives a sample .kshrc:

# Set the main prompt (PS1) to be the machine (i.e., site) name, the
# tty name (i.e., session name) and the current directory.  The
# second-level prompt (PS2) used for multi-line commands is much simpler.
SITE=`cat /etc/uucpname`
TTY=`tty | sed s/^.....//`
PS2='MORE> '

# Turn on hashing, tracking, and filename completion (-h), EMACS-like
# command-line editing, and ignore end-of-file (<ctrl-D>) as a way to
# log out.
set -h -o emacs ignoreeof

# Add the word "logout" as an alias for "exit".
alias logout='exit'

# Add EMACS command line editing command "delete-word-backword" bound
# to the key sequence <Esc><Backspace>. Note that there are four
# characters inside the apostrophes; the shell interprets a ^
# followed by a character as meaning <Ctrl> character.
bind '^[^H'=delete-word-backward

#  Select MicroEMACS as the default editor to use with "fc" commands

See Also

Administering COHERENT,